Too Ambitious?????

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kilda 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi folks,

    Just started the 5:2 again this week, (had previously attempted it half heartedly in the past – with some positive results I have to say) I’m wondering if I’m being too ambitious with my plans, but if not what my expected results can be.

    I’m 30 years old 6ft and weigh 14st 10lbs or around 93kg. My plan is to fast Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. I’m planning to work out at the gym 4 times a week. On fast days I’m going to do a light workout, probably a jog for 30 minutes (I did this on Tuesday gone and felt great). My other two work outs I plan to burn 800-900 calories. On my non fasting days I will probably average an intake of 2000-2300 calories.

    I’ve a little milestone of six weeks where I want to lose around 10lbs. I guess my question is, is this achievable and can i sustain it.

    I of course understand everyone is different, but some general feedback would be great. Is my plan any good or am i doing too much and expecting too much.

    Thanks in advance for replies.

    The plan sounds fine. I don’t know your personal BMR-TDEE numbers but if the calories quoted are in that range then that sounds fine. Noone can tell you how much you’ll lose in 6 weeks though. You might lose 10lb easily but not have it show on your body at all (that happened to me at the start) or you might lose loads of inches and absolutely no weight. Best thing is to just take all your measurements and keep an eye on them but don’t EXPECT anything in particular. Then whichever way you go you’ll be happy.

    Good luck with it

    I believe that i doable. I have lost a kilo pr week, on average.

    Be sure to weigh your food and calculate your intake, and you should be
    well on your way 🙂

    Thanks guys that’s great stuff. I know what you mean about expectations. I’m focussing on trying to be happy just getting through the first 6 weeks whatever the results 🙂

    Yeah that is totally doable, but its good to focus on your measurements and how your clothes feel. Setting yourself a high goal weight wise might only lead to dissapointment, even when you have done really well and lost inches from your bod! Muscle is heavier than fat as well something to keep in mind when your working out a lot. go for it though!

    Absolutely spot on Monkeyslim – over my first six weeks I’m not weighing myself at all so just going to go all on visuals and how clothes feel and look. at 6 weeks if i know i look better then if I haven’s hit my target weight loss then it”s not so much of a disappointment.

    Thank you

    lee roberts set yourself up for regular pats on the back for your achievements-dont focus totally on targets and goals- i use a weekly weigh in as my milestone/acchievement.
    others use waiste measurements. there was one post on here which included a quote from simonecluv which said too much excercise is not good for you.- bear that in mind.
    training/going into the gymn 4 times a week is as likely to build up muscle-heavier than fat-than burn calories/reduce weight- so focus on excercise that burns calories/that is aerobic/cardio rather than muscle building. and make sure it is a routine you could sustain over more than 6 months and not be distracted from due to other pressures

    More good advice cheers davidrob. I do tend to do more cardio based workouts anyway but again I’m going to try to concentrate how I look as well as weight of course. I don’t know about you lot but just chatting to like minded people helps me stay focussed so thanks everyone (I know it’s just my first week :))

    I wouldn’t say that you should avoid exercise that builds muscle – it just depends what your goals are. Adding muscle will increase both your bmr and your tdee, so it can help you to lose fat. the key thing to me is that if you are adding muscle, you need to focus more on your measurements and how you look as your way to track progress, rather than the number on the scale, since adding muscle can keep that number from going down even if you have lost some fat.

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