To eat or not eat wheat

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HeatherFast 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • To eat or not eat wheat?
    To eat or not eat whole oats?
    To eat or not eat Brown Rice?
    To eat or not eat whole wheat pasta?

    LCHF dieters shy away from all of the above with various claims of wheat belly , the harmful effects of wheat.

    Yoni Freedhoff MD, has done a review of the book wheat belly, with added links to other commentaries on the subject.

    This Link is most interesting :
    in the short run all diets work, however the long term benefits are not there

    “review of the book wheat belly, with added links to other commentaries on the subject.

    What are you actually allowed to eat on Dr. Davis’ Wheat Belly diet?
    Raw nuts
    Uncured Meats
    Non sugary condiments
    Ground flaxseed
    Pickled vegetables
    Raw seeds
    Herbs and spices

    “in the short run all diets work, however the long term benefits are not there

    I needed a summary on this, thanks.

    hi eddy,

    i added ur links 2

    it’s nice 2 have posters give us info

    so where we can make r own informed decision

    will read carefully



    “so where we can make r own informed decision”

    I made my informed decision: I ordered a guacamole sandwich on wheat bread.

    Felt informed and full afterwards.

    if you eat a fatty meal it slows down the digestion, it slows down the intestine
    so give the carb with the fat it reduces the rise in glucose and insulin

    the Mediterranean diet which emphases nuts and extra virgin olive oil is a high fat diet even tho it has bread.

    Fiber Protects
    Natural unrefined carbohydrates like broccoli and whole grains these package the carb with lots of fiber , the fiber reduces the insulin
    the fiber acts as a natural antedote.

    when you take out the fiber thru processing remove the fiber turn it into flour, cake , donut , bread you lose the protection

    starts at 1:07 on the video

    Insulin and obesity

    All carbohydrates are not the same, the glycemic index food.

    Unrefined grains are bound up with fiber
    toxicity of food lies in the refining, it removes fiber and fat.

    Fiber reduces diabetes. Process and refine the carb you get less fiber and higher glycemic index.

    starts at 46:16 on the video

    Yesterday I innocently started watching an online video featuring American cardiologist Dr William Davis. I stumbled on it as I’m interested in low-carb eating.

    He reveals what’s been done to wheat over the past 30 – 40 years and why it’s contributing to rising obesity, food allergies, diabetes, blood pressure, dementia, balance problems, addictions, IBS, reflux, arthritis, crohn’s disease, asthma and possibly autism, migraines and more.

    He explains that the protein gliaden is the problem in the wheat grain, not so much gluten. Gliaden is apparently an opiate that causes appetite stimulation. And explains why wheat is now included in commercial foods that previously never had wheat, eg soup. He also reveals the dangers of gluten-free products.

    I had no idea about this secret manipulation of our food, let alone the extent of it. (It may explain why some even struggle on the fabulous 5:2 strategy.) Today I did a search on the forums to see if it had been covered, but couldn’t see it, so will post this in a couple of threads where wheat’s been the subject.

    Urge you to watch. It runs 55 minutes and pre-dates his book. The message is SO revealing.


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