Tired straight after fast days

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Tired straight after fast days

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Suzanne Umm Ayoub 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi, I am 3 weeks in on the 5:2 eating plan. I find straight after fasting I am extremely tired….I havent found the fasting so hard (I do a Sunday and a Tuesday) but I can’t seem to beat the fatigue I feel. Has anyone got any tips? I do eat protein like nuts and eggs straight after a 24 hour fast

    Hi lisa338, sorry to hear about your fatigue. You didn’t write if you eat at all on your fast days or if you’re just drinking liquids. Maybe some protein on your fast days would help? Maybe it would help if your fasting days were spread further apart, f.i. Sunday and Wednesday? Some posters here wrote about magnesium supplement helping out with headaches and fatigue, I’ll see if I can find the thread for you. Fasting is a strain on our systems and it takes a while for the body to adjust. All the best to you and keep us posted!

    Yes I do eat about 500 calories on my fast days. I am switching from all day to a 2pm to 2pm fast to see if that makes a difference…

    Hi Lisa

    I am very tired the day after my fasting day also.

    I eat dates when i break my fast, which is a fruit rich in magnesium, hope it will help after few weeks.

    But i think it is normal to be tired, because fasting is a stress to the body, like exercice. I am right?

    Did you find a solution?

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