Tired in the evenings

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tony15gck 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I do the 5:2 diet since June. It works well with me. I have lost about 5 kgs. I don’t feel much hunger on my fasting days, just cravings sometimes.

    But I notice, that I am really tired in the evenings, also on non-fasting days. (I drink enough, mostly water.) I am not sure, if this has to do with the diet. Do you have any recomendations for being not so tired?

    Hi sabs, congratulations on doing so well so far.

    I too somedays experience tiredness in the evening and in my case, it is a result of being up and about the entire day. Whenever possible after I get home in the evening, I will relax and put my feet up for abit. If at all possible, catch a power nap (difficult with my 2 year old wanting to play with you). I also think it is a body signal saying “hey, you are tired, time to eat”. I fell into that trap a few times, it perks me up after eating a snack but I quickly go down hill after.

    Hope this helps.

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