Tips for Festive Fasting :)

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Tips for Festive Fasting :)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all 🙂

    I expect some of you have given up on checking my 5:2 blog as it’s been so long since I’ve written anything – life’s been pretty hectic planning a house move, lots of work and preps for the festive season. Speaking of which, that’s what my new blog post (at long last!!) is all about – tips for fasting over the festive period.

    I know that a lot of folks aren’t sure quite how to handle 5:2 over Christmas, especially those who are relatively new to this way of eating. Well, I’ve compiled some tips based on my experience last festive season (from which I came out half a pound lighter, and having enjoyed the season every bit as much as usual) and put them together to hopefully help some of you out.

    Remember this way of eating is ultimately flexible and will fit around your lifestyle and social commitments – so there are some thoughts on modified fasting, alternative methods as well as more general tips & support.

    Whatever you decide to do – fasting or not – have a fantastic holiday season everyone!

    Hey moogie

    What a fab idea; I haven’t got the chance to look at your tips at the moment but I’m sure I will find time over the festivities; probably when I am feeling stuffed to the gills with all sorts of goodies!

    Have a gay old time!

    And remember-it’s not what you eat between Christmas and new year that counts,but what you eat between new year and Christmas!

    “what you eat between new year and Christmas!”

    Clever saying and better thinking.


    Hi all

    Moogie – I was thinking about your ‘tips for the festive season’ which I still haven’t read – I think that might be freudian.

    I was also thinking; what days am I going to fast this week? I might sound like a goody two shoes crawly little thing (!) but I’ve got a quite a bit more weight to lose so I cannot just let myself go like some others can afford to do.

    And it’s actually quite awkward this Xmas week because I normally fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays; so I’ve decided I will fast tomorrow! because it will keep me from having a nicer Xmas Eve meal and some wine!

    And if I can do it; I intend to fast on Friday aswell.
    I’m actually really pleased about this because it will stop the ‘OH well we may aswell have some wine every night in between Xmas and New Years Day’ attitude that we quickly, without any encouragement at all, adopt!

    I’m not expecting to lose any weight; I would just like to compensate for the extra goodies I will be having!

    Have a fab Xmas everyone!
    And if you are throwing yourself off the wagon – make sure it’s well worth it!

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