This is my dieting plan

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Lindyw 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Just to share with you I have been working on a strict diet of chicken, soup and juices and I am using these tablets to increase my metabolism.The soup is really simple it is boiled vegetables and chicken strips, the chicken is boiled in water and I am drinking a lot of grape fruit juice. I am targeting a loss of 30 pounds in 2 months.

    Oeh, using tablets and pills isn’t always a happy subject with people here, a lot of people try to reduce the number of pills and stuff they take 😉 If it’s working for you, happy days though 🙂

    Restricting your food intake that severely… I dunno, 5:2 sounds better to me. Just chicken, soup and juices – you’d go crazy in 2 months I think?

    Annakevin22, there are numerous diets out there that seem to work very well. Where they distinguish themselves from the 5:2 way off life is that usually you cannot keep them up for a long time. In most cases people put on the weight they have lost in no time and quite often more.

    The 5:2 way of life is not really a diet but a different way of living with the side effect that you will lose weight if you do it correctly.

    Good luck with your diet and let us know how you get on with it.

    The pills are helping they are this one, the diet has helped me lose 5 pounds in 10 days and in this I am not counting water fat.

    people are saying I will gain this all back again, is that true

    almost guaranteed you’ll gain it back, unless you switch it over to something more sustainable…. like 5:2

    Hi all, this is just another Troll trying to get posters to buy some useless tablets. Far to many seem to be invading this forum lately.
    Good luck out there.

    I suspect a troll….otherwise why give a link to a site that sells pills.

    Sorry – but no-one would honestly lose weight this way. It’s completely unhealthy and totally unsustainable.

    Trying too lose that much weight in 8weeks makes me think some of it will be muscle loss (which can be dangerous) and not just fat loss and that she will probably stop such an unsocial and unsustainable regime then gain more than she lost.

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