This is indelicate but…

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This is indelicate but…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vero 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I hope someone can tell me what’s going on.

    I drink a LOT of water everyday. Normally my pee has no color at all. Until I take vitamins and then it turns quite a vivid yellow.

    Most recently, since I’m spending a lot of time *not* eating, I have begun taking my vitamins — a multi-vitamin, enzymes and a probiotic tablet — with a slug of oil. I am hoping that I will absorb all of them including the oil soluble ones.

    If my pee is once again colorless despite the fact that I’ve been diligent about my vitamins, does that mean the oil is effective in getting them metabolized rather than letting them run right through me?

    If it’s not effective to take them with oil I’d just as soon stop because it’s a bit revolting to have raw oil in my mouth. But if it is effective I’ll continue doing it.

    Hope someone is knowledgeable about this. And thanks in advance!

    Hi LA:

    As long as you take your vitamins around the time of your meal (even a very small meal) you will be fine and there is no need to eat oil. The yellow color is from your B vitamins, which are water soluble. That means they run right through you if they are not needed. If they are, then the yellow color will be less, assuming you are drinking enough water which you seem to be.

    Good Luck!

    There is no health benefit in over-hydrating. On the contrary it can damage the kidneys. The water-drinking craze was a marketing ploy for mineral waters, I know, I was in it. Thirst is the best indicator of how much to drink, and tap water is fine. Many tablet vitamins just go straight through the system and down the drain. Save money and don’t buy them. The most important thing about this diet is to leave long time gaps between eating.

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