My name is Michael Chambers. I’m 64 on crutches, waiting to get my hip replaced next year (2014). I saved Dr. Mosley’s program on my DVR (digital video recorder) last April 2013, but didn’t watch it until I had been to a family reunion in June 2013 and was disgusted with how over weight I looked in the pictures that were distributed from that event. I was also inspired to lose weight before the surgery next year (hip replacement – the Doctors always want you to lose weight). I finally watched his program in late July 2013 and got started fasting even before I eventually got one of those fancy bathroom scales that tell you your body statistics.
I impressed my Doctor with my last visit (October 25, 2013) because I had weighed 275 pounds last April 2013 and I weighed 246 on this visit. I knew I had lost that much because my records are showing me that I’m losing about 10 pounds a month. To be able to lose weight like this with the lack of normal movement because I’m on crutches is indeed a miracle. It’s amazing.
I weigh myself on Sunday mornings (October 27, 2013) and weighed in at 240.8. My BMI is in the mid thirties so I have a long way to go, but I’m making progress and people can see it. I’m doing 2 meals a day with no eating in between meals. I’ve also found it fairly easy to do just 1 meal a day occasionally. I feel better and my blood test numbers improved recently in comparison to last April 2013. I’ve always had good cholesterol numbers, but they even improved. Oh, and I forgot to tell you how shocked (in a good way) I was when my blood pressure dropped. I’ve been hypertensive for years. My cardiologist tells me my heart doesn’t have to pump as hard.
Thank you Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer
9:38 am
31 Oct 13