Second time lucky?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  yazsdev 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi there,

    This is the 2nd time trying the 5:2, the first time i did it, i managed to loose 14 pounds but since stopping two years ago, have gained half of that weight again. Since stopping, I’ve been telling myself that it didn’t work and that it was too hard but having looked at my tracked progress versus what my weight/ measurements are now, i can see that i have been lying to myself, fasting DOES work! I haven’t gained all of the weight again and so getting this perspective has given me new hope that i can achieve my goal of loosing 40 pounds.

    I’m starting this thread with the hope that there will be some lovely people out there who can provide a little bit of support and encouragement to me in my journey, I hope that i can provide the same to anyone who joins the conversation. 🙂

    I signed up to a half marathon at the start of this year with the hope that the training would help me ‘loose this weight once and for all’ but i have a bad injury which means that i’m definitely not going to be ready for the race 🙁 . I have also only seen 2lbs weight loss in the past 12 weeks which feels frustrating and disappointing despite all the things i have been trying.

    Although this weight loss is nothing to be sniffed at, it’s hard not to pay attention to things on the internet etc that say if you just do A, B and C you will loose about 1lb a week.. in reality it’s much harder than this and i feel like i have failed if the scales or the tape measure doesn’t show me what i want to see.

    In truth, 5:2 is the only thing which has shown me that loosing weight is possible and not some far off dream or thing that belongs to the ‘Biggest Loosers’ of the world or the people with more determination, a bigger bank balance or a personal trainer.

    I’ve read through my previous posts in these forums and it’s obvious to me that i have previously been very hard on myself and quick to jump on the old ‘i’m going to sabotage this, stuff my face with chocolate and give up’ band wagon because it’s been hard at points or i’ve hit plateaus. I’m tired of looking at people doing the ‘lean in 15’ diet or similar and thinking, ‘why can everyone else seem to be able to do it and not me?’so i’m taking a stand, for myself and against those nasty little, unhelpful and unkind voices in my head.

    To help myself along the way, i’m going to set myself mini goals to keep myself focused rather than thinking about the big number i have to loose, keep a fast diary so i can track what changes i’m experiencing and review my progress as I go along, rather than just thinking that i have to do this forever with no real evidence of my achievements.

    My fasting days on Mondays and Wednesday, with some flexibility and i’m really hoping i can make this work.

    I would love to hear what you are doing, hear your stories and tips on staying on track.

    Thanks! 🙂

    I’ve been on the diet for 6 weeks now and lost 9lbs but I can’t say I’ve found it easy and still have 36lbs to go. I’m just focusing on 6 week periods, weighing on Friday mornings and measuring my waist every 3 weeks.

    Not sure if you’ve found the same thing but the fast days are the easy bit in many ways. If I treat myself on the non-fast days I binge. I think changing mindset and habits is the biggest challenge – but I so want to get back into my nice jeans before they go out of fashion!

    Good luck with your weight loss journey, sounds like you’ve got a great plan and I will definitely cheer your success if let us know how you get on 😄

    Hi Dell O the Dale,

    Thanks for your reply! Yes i have found exactly that, the fasting days there is little temptation because i only eat one meal in the evening and just have cup of miso soup in the afternoon. I’m ravenous by the time i get home but i can manage that. I’ve tried spreading my calories but the hunger is too bad and i am really grumpy which isn’t nice for my bf or colleagues!

    The days i am not fasting are the reason i plateaued last time and treating myself often ends up being mindless eating and drinking. That’s the only thing i’m feeling nervous about- learning how to be more controlled or aware of what i’m eating when i’m not fasting. The last time, i just ended up undoing all the hard work i had done that week so you can imagine why i gave up.Changing my habits were just ‘too difficult’ and i guess i also felt as though because i was ‘depriving’ myself for two days a week, a stubborn part of me didn’t want to give up things on my days off. I’ll have to tackle that mindset this time round. As they say, no mud, no lotus!

    Anyway, enough of a ramble! Sounds like you are doing really well 🙂 congrats on your weight loss so far. I may follow the pattern of doing a few week blocks and only taking measurements after 3 weeks. Sounds like a good amount of time to see change.

    I’ll keep you updated and i’d love to know how you get on too! 🙂

    Went over my TDEE on a couple of days over Easter so will be fasting today and Thursday with an 800 calorie day on Wednesday… That’s the plan anyway!
    Hope all’s going well for you.
    Dell 😀

    Hi Dell o the Dale!

    Yes all going well 🙂 Had my first fast day yesterday and managed it without too much pain. I tested going for a run and felt absolutely fine! I only ran about 1 mile and it was more to test my hip but i told myself last time that i couldn’t exercise on fast days because it would be ‘too much’- glad i’ve put that myth to bed. Not sure i’ll run regularly on fast days but i might do some walking or something gentle to keep moving.

    I’ve noticed i feel sharper and my energy levels feel up today which is nice, my skin also looks a bit better today too, hope that continues! I read somewhere on another post that it’s worth having a big breakfast on non fast days so you don’t get hungry throughout the day so i did exactly that which has helped a lot. I had a nutribullet and a bowl of porridge with 1/2 a banana.

    Sounds like you have it all under control, totally to be expected over easter, far too much temptation around! I ate ALL the chocolate over the weekend coupled with roast dinners and indulgent pub meals, was glad to have a break on Monday!

    Good luck with your fast today, let me know how you get on


    Hi N4

    Glad to hear the training is going well and your hip feels OK. Congrats on a successful day.

    Fast day completed with just a meal in the evening. Was busy all day so it went well! Am trying an 800 cal low carb day today re Blood Sugar Diet, am interested in seeing whether it helps with the cravings – amazing what you can’t eat when trying to hit around 50g carbs a day (via MFP) nothing left I’m apt to binge on. Will have a nutribullet for brekkie. Sounds good 😄

    Also trying to get into mindfulness (!) Michael Mosely recommended an app like Headspace by Andy Puddicombe. Supposed to help with cravings. Not sure why I’m so resistant to it, have downloaded it but just haven’t made time. Yet…

    Hope today’s fast goes well for you!


    Hi Dell,

    How did your 800 cal day go? Not heard much about the Blood Sugar Diet, sounds interesting. 50g carbs a day sounds challenging, did you manage it?

    Interesting that you’re getting into mindfulness, how had your meditations gone so far? I try to meditate once a day, even if it’s for 5 mins and i find it tremendously helpful. I’ve been developing my practise over the past year and it’s helped me more than any therapy session i’ve ever has! Each day (if i make it onto the cushion) i try to set a realistic intention for the day which includes saying something like ‘may i have patience and kindness for myself today while i’m fasting’. It sets the tone of the day and means that i’m not crashing into it without checking in with myself and getting ‘centred’ if you will.

    I’ve tried another really good app- Buddify, (not a buddhist app though) its got a series of short meditations you can try for any activity you might be doing- sitting, eating, feeling angry, going to sleep etc. Deffo worth a try if you’re starting out as the meditations are all quite short, between 3 and 10 mins. Let me know how you get on, i’d be happy to share the obstacles and work arounds i’ve found if it’s something you’d like to get into.

    Fast day no. two yesterday went really well very little struggle although i notice the hardest part of the day for me is between 3 and 6pm after this i’m not too bad, mostly i’m fed up of drinking liquids and have drunk every kind of herbal tea i can get my hands on so having to get a bit creative where i can- having fizzy water with some sugar free squash for instance. I didn’t eat till 8.45 last night and felt fine. I really enjoyed a big plate of kale with a small jacket potato and spicy marinaded quorn fillets, yum! 🙂

    Feeling lighter today and having a big breakfast after the fast seems to helping level me out, not snacking or thinking about food anywhere as much on non-fast days.

    I’m counting my calories with the app Fat Secret which seems to have a good database of foods from British supermarkets restaurants and chains which is helpful. Are you using any apps to help you try and keep count?

    Hope you have a good day! 😀


    Hi N4

    All went well yesterday, I have a friend who has type 2 diabetes and has been trying to do it. I’m not sure I could do 7 days a week but it makes an interesting way to bridge fast days, eat less sugar and help keep the week’s calorie budget in check. I’ve been using My Fitness Pal to keep a log, sometimes to my shame..

    I’m a total newbie to mindfulness and would love to know any tips? I’m really hoping it will help… Will check out Buddhify, thanks 👍🏻
    I’m on another fast day today to see off Easter’s excess and hopefully get a bit of weight off before I jump on the scales in the morning. Should be OK but you never know.

    Congratulations on a great fast day yesterday, brilliant news re the breakfast too 😆
    Hope the rest of the day goes really well.


    Hi Dell,

    How was your weekend? Completed my first fast day for this week yesterday without a hitch and feeling good today. Not sure what the scales are going to say this week though as i stupidly weighed myself on Sunday and i’d put on 1.3 pounds of the weight i had lost. I didn’t have a crazy weekend but I certainly wasn’t super calorie conscious. It’s a bit frustrating but i guess i need to remember if the general trend is that the numbers are going down, that’s the most important thing.

    Hope your week is going well so far 🙂


    Hi N4

    If there was a confessional for dieters I’d be sitting in it…

    My teen is at home this week for school hols and having assumed I could indulge a bit at the weekend ( Friday bad) I just haven’t managed to get past mid day without succumbing to my temptations at all this week. Excuses, excuses.

    Will try again today as it’s my weigh in tomorrow and I’m hoping I haven’t gained everything I lost last week 🙁 I guess there’s a lifetime of bad habits to overcome and it takes time to change.

    Well done on managing your weekend, if you’ve been fasting this week I’m sure the scales will do the right thing 👍🏻
    Onwards and downwards!


    Hi Dell,

    Don’t worry too much about this week, if the general trend is that the numbers are going down, that’s the main thing, don’t give up!

    It’s really tricky to not give in to temptation when you have nice things happening and being sociable usually involves delicious food and alcohol in my family. I think we can be forgiven for not being able to be as saintly as we would like and I try not to think of it as being ‘bad’ if i can, it just adds more weight and disappointment, instead i try to just think ‘oh well, i’m human’ and try to make a commitment to be more mindful the next time and leave it there if i can.

    I have been fasting this week but i had to move my second fast today to today as i woke up with a migraine yesterday and after it passed i needed to eat. I went out for a thai meal the night before though and overdid it a bit so fasted till 12 (wasn’t hungry anyway which was a bonus) but i’m finding today harder as i’ve had two non-fast days in between.

    I’ll weigh and see where i am tomorrow…

    How’s the meditation going?


    Hi N4

    Struggling to get back on the wagon after the Easter holidays, feeling a bit down and have lost my impetus. Going to fast tomorrow and hope that once I’m back in the habit and eating better my mood will lift. I’ve not done my mindfulness habit either…

    Wish me luck!

    Hi Dell,

    Sorry for the slow reply, been at a school this week as I’m about to start a PGCE in September so not had a chance to catch up on emails.

    Keep going!! Sending you positive vibes and remember the general trend. I’ve had a nothing week, didn’t loose anything last week but there were several reasons for this. Just trying to keep focused and keep on going. It’s tough but and the bit where there is most change is when we do something different like not giving in to our sabetouer selves. We can do it, I got your back!!! 🙂

    N4 x

    @n4m11s – I wanted to say good luck, we actually used to know each other very well and always loved the way you appeared and who you were, but nevertheless I hope you achieve what you need to feel as comfortable with yourself as I was with you.


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