The Second Annual Silly Season Challenge

This topic contains 391 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 7 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 392 total)

  • Oh, you 2, Westwings and penguin, discussing the best places to eat and drink, lol. I’m waking up after a FD to your discussion. Thanks for the description of Butty Bach penguin, as I thought it might be a play on Butter Beer from Harry P & co, which I’ve tasted, and is thoroughly full of calories! Being regularly ale-ish it doesn’t tempt me at all. Perhaps I should take note of the list as Mr M and I are hoping to plan a UK trip soon. Mr M has done the Anglesey walk and I think Abergavenny was on his trip also.

    Birthday child wants Grannie to get up!
    Back later, paintings to admire

    It does seem ironic talking about restaurants etc on a “diet” website, but 5:2 and IF were about health first and weight loss was the secondary effect.

    I must admit the “butty” thing has me confused – I though a butty was a sandwich – usually containing something fried??

    And no, I don’t think it’s odd to be discussing nice food. If we weren’t food lovers we probably wouldn’t be here in the first place. I agree that one the beauties of 5:2 is that it’s a way to keep the delights of good food in our life without the expanding waistline. Westwings and Penguin, your region sounds like it’s full of food temptations.

    FD went well yesterday. I’ve made it to lunch time today and still not eaten, but am planning to make a hummus and salad wrap shortly.

    I’m in awe of those who do B2B FDs. I tried it once and haven’t been back for a second attempt. One of the things that get’s me through FDs easily is the thought that eating is never further away than tomorrow. I can’t placate myself that way with B2B fasts.

    Westwings and Penguin – should I apologise for the cricket, or is it better not to mention it.

    Nice way of mentioning the cricket LJ! Diverdog and CalifD probably don’t care.

    I think the B2B thing is probably psychological. A bit like when you start running, you think, “I could never run 5 miles”. But if you can run 1 mile, you can do 2 … and so on. I’m with you LJ, I think to myself this is only for a day. But, FDs are so easy for me and by the next morning, I’m rarely hungry. So, in reality, I probably could go longer, I just don’t want to and see no need to. But I wouldn’t rule it out as a potential tool if I had an extreme blowout. Probably not the water fast version though. Diverdog, as for your 5 day fasts ….. can’t even contemplate.

    No decision yet on where we’re going tonight. I decided to have breakfast as normal as the other couple tend to eat quite a bit later than we do. Hoping for a salad option but, if it’s Thai or Indian, I shall follow Merry’s lead and just have the curry, no rice.

    TAL, cricket is boooring… but so is baseball! As for the 5 day fast I was mimicking Valter Longo’s “fasting mimicking diet”. Zero protein 50% fat / 50% non starchy carbs <600 calories. Actually not too hard to do. Still a pretty good volume of food. I made guacamole and ate it with raw veggies.

    I believe there are large health benefits in doing longer fasts. As my body adjusts to burning fat there have been very few physical issues or cravings. It’s all about conditioning the mind to know that food is coming eventually and that other things can give pleasure in place of food.

    As usual no issues with day one. I had a great workout this afternoon and we shall see how day two goes.

    Thin, I hope the menu choices work out for you tonight. I regularly order meals that come with rice and send back a plate with nothing on it but the untouched mound of white rice.
    I have an extremely negative opinion of rice. Unlike many grains it’s virtually devoid of fibre (0.7%) and it has a higher percentage of starchy carbs than any other grain – with the exception of sago/tapioca which has slightly more. If I’m going to eat grains, it’s not difficult to find options that offer better fibre, protein and other nutrients than rice.
    I also resent using calories on food that has virtually no flavour – why? Probably the only time it’s an advantage is if accompanied by a hair raising vindaloo! It’s the only time some bland padding is helpful.
    I will also concede that it’s a useful grain for celiacs, who have few suitable grains available to them.

    Diverdog, yes cricket can be boring, especially the 5 day test matches, although it’s somehow more interesting when we’re winning.
    I had seen the details of Valter Longo’s FMD. I did consider doing this but knew it wasn’t for me. What is odd is that I lost most of my weight on a strict VLCD with almost complete meal replacements apart from a few veg. I did this in a series of 3 month blocks eating 600-800 calories each day. Even though I know I did this, these days I can’t even contemplate a week of that sort of restriction. I just seem to be mentally unable to deal with the idea of it now. I think it has something to do with the story I told myself at the time, that if I stuck with it I would never have to diet again. Luckily the way I approach 5:2 doesn’t feel like a diet, just natural variation in day to day food intake. Even when I talk to others about how I maintain my weight I don’t say “fasting”, I just say: “A couple of days a week I just eat dinner. That’s enough to compensate for the days when I eat a bit too much.”

    I was meant to start baking the christmas shortbread today, but I know I’m not strong enough to face trays of cooked biscuits today so I’ve delayed it until tomorrow or Thursday (it’s going to take 2 days). I have to bake 250 pieces of shortbread by Sunday so I had planned to spread the task over several days. I might try to do the bulk of it on Thursday and Sunday as they’re FDs, so I know I have to leave the baked treats alone. I also have to convince myself that there might not be enough for the 10 boxes of shortbread I need to make up if I start scoffing it myself.

    I’ve managed to avoid the afternoon munchies which feels like a bit of a miracle. I might tempt fate and make a pot of tea.

    Good luck with the shortbread. I hope you have a sampling strategy planned.

    Yep, all is well and we’re going to the Italian which, you may remember, is the place with the four salad menu options that haven’t been changed in umpteen years. I welcome them tonight. I’d have trouble sending food back on the plate – less trouble resisting taking it in the first place. I can’t believe how much rice I thought represented a serving before 5:2. Indian used to be my favourite food both for eating out and cooking at home. But just the curries with no rice leave me trying to get the weight back down for at least a week and it’s not worth the anxiety. I’m happy now, the salads are huge and it will take me forever to chomp my way through a plateful. Dressing on the side as they’re usually swimming in it.

    Diverdog, I also like to think that there are increased health benefits to longer fasting regimes. I’d keep it in mind should I be unlucky enough to develop cancer or some other nasty thing that might benefit. My OH shares your sentiments about cricket. When we first arrived in Oz, a friend took him to a one day match to explain it. He said he sat there for several hours and absolutely nothing happened. He went to the toilet and heard a roar from the crowd; someone had scored a six. When he returned to the seat, nothing happened for the remainder of the day and he is none the wiser about the rules.

    Shivering away here in the west at 25C. I had my ugg boots back out of the cupboard yesterday. Ah well, the sun’s shining so it could be worse.

    Thin – if it’s cold in Perth you can probably blame your brother, I’m sure he was praying rain at the Gabba yesterday. Is he still getting up in the middle of the night to watch?
    I’m not surprised your hubby doesn’t like the game, I don’t know any Americans who like it or understand it. But then I’ve never bothered to watch a baseball or grid iron match either, so I have no idea of the merits of the favourite American sports.
    My cricket watching is patchy. The only day everyone in my family sat down to watch cricket was the boxing day test – usually just day 1. And I’m sure that was because we needed an excuse to lie around while we tried to finish digesting the overindulgence from christmas day.

    Hi everyone
    Had no internet for a week so no posting. FD yesterday. Finally down 400gm – I’m happy. Next FD will be Friday. Only 6 days till Christmas – where has the year gone. Would love to slow down each day or add more hours. Or maybe another day in the week!
    I watch cricket rarely, OH watches every bit for days & loves it – NRL as well!
    Enjoy the rest of your week & make time for rest & relaxation. Bye for now

    Day19. By the time I finish this post I will be 44 hours into my fast. In the last 24 hours I have not lost weight. I blame Westwings for making me think about food – thoughts must have a calorific value. In our defence, it should be said that most of the places we discussed believe in quality rather than quantity.

    I have played about 6 games of cricket in my life. I played Rugby for 38 years. I played it badly in the sense that I didn’t really care that much who won as long as we had fun. There are some things in life about which I can get very competitive but ball games are not among them. My attitude to sport is that it is something you do, not something you watch others doing . Even so it is impossible for me not to know the test result because the TV news is full of people lamenting this national disaster. I am underwhelmed.

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been doing B2B fasts for ages.
    When I first did 5:2 I was unaware of this website. I had a lot of weight to lose and I did really well, losing 42lbs in 6 months ie 7lbs per month doing 2 FDs per week. I then went on a 2 month trip to Australia, gained a few pounds while I was there and made the mistake of not starting again as soon as I got home. Several months later I had re-gained 18lbs. I had just over 3 months until my next holiday and decided I needed to get going before I re-gained eveything and at the same time discovered about this website.
    I joined Jojo’s lose 2lbs per week thread and that is exactly what I did for 14 weeks until I went on holiday again. I did it by fasting 3 or 4 days per week which meant getting to grips with B2B fasting.

    I came home from my holiday having only gained a couple of pounds but soon lost it as I got straight back to fasting.

    In some ways I find it easier to fast as I eat one calorie restricted meal and that is it. Having the freedom to eat brunch and dinner is often my undoing.

    It’s been a very long journey and I’ve had periods of time where my weight has gone in the wrong direction but I have no intention of giving up. My intention is to reach goal by mext Easter.

    I thought cricket was boring until someone explained it to me. I’m not an avid fan but at least if I watch it I understand what is happening.
    The England team are much better than the Ashes result but they can’t expect to win if they don’t get their act together and produce their best cricket when it really matters.
    Maybe the womens team should give them a few tips…….

    When I was in Cambodia last year the waiters in every restaurant thought their was something wrong with me as I never ate the rice.

    Hi everyone! I have a lot of catching up to do. I’ve been really busy with work this last week or so, stressful busy, not the good kind. Hope tomorrow everything is calmed down.

    Today was a FD and it went well, just under 500 calories. I was up to 60.1 this morning. My FTD plan (fast til dinner) didn’t really work that well on Saturday as I was starving by 3 pm. I guess it was too soon after a FD. Or maybe it’s all the temptations with the holidays. I did manage, with OFM to get the trees finished and most of the other stuff as well. Just a few red bows to straighten out and put on the banisters and it will be done.

    3 big eating days in a row, Saturday dinner out with OH and DS which is always nice. Sunday going over to our neice and OH home in Santa Rosa (the ones who lost their home to the recent fire). Sunday we’re having another niece and her OH here for dinner. I need to buy just enough dessert type things for the meal and not end up with leftovers. OH is thin and likes sweets but doesn’t eat them up fast enough. A single slice of cake after dinner and then doesn’t touch any more til at least noon the next day. I mean, who does that?? Who could leave half a cake on the counter all that time without having a ‘little tiny piece’ at least every time they walked past it. I don’t think he even realizes it has a little voice that calls out! 😁

    I’ve never watched a Cricket game. Baseball is too slow for me. I love the sound of grid iron football in the background while I’m cooking or busy with other things. It’s a nice sound of fall. I’ve watched some soccer games and enjoy that. Basketball is fun to watch because it moves so fast.

    Hope all of you are having a great day. And welcome Westwings!

    Hi all,

    FD here and probably only my second successful one, but I’ll take it!

    The cricket is on every moment that my husband is home lately. Tis the season! I overheard him telling the kids to just sit and watch cricket or go outside. Surprisingly they watched haha! It was one of those days when they just drive us bonkers! Thankfully, though, none of us are into tennis. I couldn’t handle that being on telly all day through summer.

    @califdreamer rogue cake is a killer! There’s almost always a cake or pack of open biscuits on the table right behind my desk at work. It haunts me! Luckily, I’ve moved offices for next year.

    Hi Merryme,
    With regards to the word butty, yes in England it refers to a sandwich. However, in this part of the world we are a few miles from the border with Wales, indeed I work in South Wales, and in Welsh butty means friend. All my Welsh work colleagues say something along the lines of “All right butt?” as a way of saying hello. To everyone in the US and the southern hemisphere that must sound hilarious!

    Hi LJoyce,
    Don’t worry about the cricket. I’m more interested in the upcoming Six Nations rugby and next years soccer world cup. We went to watch Wales v South Africa in Cardiff on the 2nd. Far too much beer was consumed.

    Hello Califdreamer,
    Thanks for the welcome! We visited Monteray Bay last year to watch the whales and then drove up to San Francisco for a few nights. We had lots of fun and adventures and generally had an epic time. Foodie highlight was the clam chowder in a sourdough bread cob roll at Bourdins. Beautiful part of the world. We’re rather partial to the Californian Pinot Noirs.

    Good morning Penguin,
    Yes, we have been to The Walnut Tree but only once. Like you say, you have to book a long time in advance. The Lough Pool is on our radar but we have yet to go.
    We can recommend the 1861 Restaurant at Cross Ash near Abergavenny.

    To everyone else,
    I had no idea that the 5:2 way of life had encompassed the globe. When I posted on here yesterday I did not expect to be communicating with people from the USA and elsewhere, within 24 hours. I’m totally blown away by all this.

    I really don’t understand why the medical profession and governments are not advocating this lifestyle. The science behind fasting is evidence based and is proven to provide considerable health benefits.

    To everyone fasting today, good luck and avoid the temptation of the Quality Streets (small chocolates) and the mince pies.

    Westwings, I’m with you on the world cup. Soccer is the only version of football that I understand and enjoy watching. I’m definitely the odd one out in my family – they all follow Aussie rules teams with a passion that drives me nuts. I’m always keen to see Australia qualify for the soccer world cup – I even found myself shouting at the television in their last couple of qualifying matches – a rarity for me. I think the reason that I like watching soccer is because I used to be a hockey player and they are surprisingly similar games. The layout of the field, the positions, the rules and the low scoring games are quite similar, so it makes sense to me. I’m afraid I can’t say the same about rugby, although if you live near Wales, I suspect a love of rugby is obligatory.
    You are right about butty, I would be stunned if someone said “All right butt?” to me – mostly because I don’t have the kind of arse people normally comment on.

    Cali – I don’t understand how people don’t hear that seductive voice that all cakes have either – I can always hear them loud and clear. The only tricks I have for dealing with leftover desserts or baked goodies is to send leftovers away with my guests or freeze them immediately (the leftovers, not the guests).

    Amazon – your story reminds me of the importance of routine to me too. Break the routine and eating patterns can get out of control quickly – like on holiday. I try to do 2 FDs regardless of whatever else is going on as I know that my weight will balloon if I let my fasting pattern slip.

    It was a NFD today and I’m quite pleased that I managed to do it with restraint. It never ceases to amaze me that not eating through the day on a FD is easy, but restricting myself to eating a modest amount on a NFD is somehow much more challenging. It’s always frustrated me that I can do all or nothing – it’s the middle ground I always have trouble with.

    I’m just home from a great morning at the gym.

    I did some shopping on the way home and bought 4 big packs of chocolate but they were all for the food bank. Such a shame that so many are struggling even in London. It also reminded me that I have no business over-eating when their are people living in my area who don’t have enough money to feed their families.

    The food bank have requested some treats for this weeks boxes which is why I bought chocolate. Apparently rthey’ve got a good stock of staples and they want to be able to give everyone something that will make Christmas nicer for their recipients.


    the food industry across the world is very powerful and they are very resistant to change. The amount of foods and drinks aimed at children that are basically sugar makes me very angry.
    The other problem is that the unhealthiest food is invariably very cheap and often requires little or no preparation. It also often contains all manner of additives to make the food look better and keep longer.

    I agree that governments everywhere should be sitting up and taking note but before that happens the medical profession will have to do so and that requires eating their words and changing the advice they’ve been giving out for far too long.

    OK, I’m putting the soapbox away now 😉

    I really enjoyed the gym this morning and am pleased I made the effort. I wasn’t going to as I’m fighting off a virus but it has made me feel much better 🙂


    I am really bad at wanting everything now and the hardest thing is convincing myself that slice of cake or piece of cheese will still be there tomorrow and I don’t need to eat it today. I’ve come a long way since I started this WOL but Im not there yet.

    Amazon – I use the excuse that if I eat it now, it won’t be there to keep tempting me – I know there’s fault in that logic, but I’m usually oblivious to it at the time.

    I’m happy to see that most of you are doing well. This certainly is a challenging time of year. I’ll be dining out for 5 of the next 6 days. I’m just going to try to eat and drink in moderation.

    I’m entering uncharted territory with day 2 of my B2B water fast. So far no issues, I’m not hungry and I have plenty of energy. I’m taking a rest day from the gym.

    I measured my BF% last night and it was the lowest I’ve seen as an adult. Skinny jeans fit well even after they just come out of the wash.

    I think January will have a shift in strategy to attempt to build some muscle. Harder heavier weight workouts and more protein and calories on NFD’s when I lift

    Hit another new low going from 165.2 to 164.2 lbs. Blood ketones indicate good fat burning after the first water fast day. It will be interesting to see how an additional 24 hours of revved up fat burning works.

    Happy Birthday Diverdog! Well, it’s not quite where you are yet. I hope you have a wonderful day when it arrives in your part of the world.

    LJ, I’m the same, my personality type means that I follow rules very well so making sure a FD is carried out properly is no problem. As you know, I’ve never blown one. Once declared, I’m far too stubborn to let anything get in the way. But the NFDs are a different story. This is because, other than counting calories, there is no accurate way to monitor intake. I’m not wiling to count calories on NFDs because then it’s just any old diet. The good news is that fasting has helped to shape my food behaviour in terms of portion control and food desires so, over time, I’ve made a lot of positive changes.

    I agree with the temptation business. Once it’s eaten, you can stop thinking about it. I don’t bake and I don’t buy ‘treats’ or ‘snacks’. It’s only a problem when someone gives us something.

    I’ve woken to my heaviest weight since reaching goal weight 28 months ago. Yesterday I ate breakfast as usual and then nothing all day except 2 x coffees. I chose grilled prawns on a salad bed at the restaurant, stayed and chatted for a couple of hours and was quite hungry on the way home so felt confident I’d done well. Ho hum. Today, I’ll walk into the city which is 12km round trip in the hope of shaking that off. FD today.

    Westwings, Amazon, I know a lot of doctors. They don’t receive training in food & nutrition in medical school. It’s essentially futile to visit a GP with a weight issue unless they have a special interest in it. Advice offered to patients is often nonsense. The head of the AMA actively discouraged a recommendation that GPs receive an additional 8 hours in nutrition training over 2 years calling it ‘excessive’. As for food manufacturers, don’t get me started.

    Diverdog, I’m glad someone’s weight is going down. Well done achieving that in December.
    I doubt mine is, but I’m not weighting until the end of the month (I have an unhealthy relationship with scales and don’t weight often). I can tell how I’m going by measuring my waist and how my tightest clothes fit. I suspect I’m up by 1-2 kg from the beginning of December.

    Thin – does this mean a FD today? I think you made good choices yesterday, I would have been happy with those.

    I’m off to do the grocery shopping for the christmas period today and to finish the christmas shopping. It’s cool (though a bit damp), so not a bad day for rushing around. Another FD for me and I’ll probably eat lunch while I’m out – hence the tight jeans as they control how much I can eat.

    Yes, it’s a FD anyway but would have been a ‘trigger’ weight FD if not. If you’re up 1-2kg, that’s a huge improvement on this time last year.

    Hi Arelkade, CalifD. Nice to hear from you both.

    Hi all fighting the Silly Season deluge,

    OK, Westwings, may I call you Ww, and BusyMummaM I’m dubbing you BusyM. Hope you don’t mind -Aussie tradition to shorten names🙂

    Thanks for the butty explanation Ww. Welsh is another planet, language wise, along with Basque. Fortunately, when we visit I’ll be immune to the perils/joys of ales and beers. We will be visiting some local pubs though.

    Rogue Cake – yesterday I was bitten by the leftover Birthday Rogue Cake. I am not supposed to eat wheat, allthough my mouth likes it. Littlie’s birthdaycakes are an exception, but going back for leftovers is not. There is some RBC left in the fridge, but I’ve designated today as another FD to combat yesterdays indulgence. Usually I do 16:8 on my nonFDs not eating till after 12pm, so skipping breakfast and Morning tea, but yesterday I had breakfast of gluten free toast and a little vegemite. Eating those starchy carbs early in the day probably set me up for the rogue Cake attack later on.

    OH went for a walk early evening, which obviously included supermarket, andcame home with peanuts, so a few Rogue peanuts attacked me after my 8hr eating window. Also prodding the day early FD.

    More family are descending here tomorrow, my usual FD, so I will need to be careful that the Rogue pantry and Fridg Battalion doesnut grow into other unmentionable food. Unfortunately, if I read it, I’m more likely to eat it. Oh, to be as strong as you Thin. However, I am good atat never giving up.

    Note to newbies. Whether you’re strong (hares) or a nevet give upper (tortoises) you will reach your goal.

    Onwards and downwards.
    If you fall off the horse get back on it

    PS – sigh…I always think of something later….

    Was there discussion of 5:2 and high blood pressure on this thread? Anyway…I have ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, commonly and badly named and known ask Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.( that’s cellular fatigue not the common garden variety of fatigue). I put on 30ish kgs after getting it. I got high blood pressure. After years, when I was well enough to think about it and buy food, prepare food, it took my 6yrs to take off 10kgs by changing my food. High BP remained. I got the remaining 21kgs off using 5:2.

    When I started 5:2 my GP (General Practitioner) said I’d need to scale back my BP meds as the weight went down. Going down to half along the way was easily done, but no longer needing it happened only a few months later, and happened rather drammatically when I, forgettfully, set up a perfect storm of things – getting dehydrated – sitting down/standing up several times in quick succession, overtired, going to the loo. I passed out in the bathroom, ambulance, emergency room etc.

    If you are on BP meds and normalising your weight, please check in with your Dr and be aware of not doing it the wrong way, like I did, dehydrating etc

    Who else is doing a FD today?

    And yay! For international discussions and encouragement😀. Cool, hey!

    Hello Merry, I’m with you today! Yes, we did discuss BP meds on this thread and I related a story of passing out in the park from being over-medicated, unmonitored and having a witnessed grand mal seizure as a very inconvenient consequence. Question everything.

    Merry, I don’t consider myself strong at all. Right now, I feel I’m in a right mess and the most vulnerable I’ve ever been since starting this WOL. As far as sticking to FDs goes, something about my personality lends itself very well to this way of life. Once declared out loud, I can’t give in. However, a friend who does 5:2 says that if someone calls and asks her out to dinner or for drinks as a last minute thing, she will regularly abandon a FD and go. She then tries to fit in a FD on another day. I would just say, sorry it’s a FD, can we do this tomorrow? No way am I going all the way to 6pm only to give up! This is where I find having regular FDs is very useful. It not only helps me stick to them as a definite routine but, when others become familiar with your FD regime, they also learn to fit in with it. All my neighbours know my ‘days’ are Wednesday and Sunday. That’s not to say I can’t change them if I want to – but I rarely do.

    When I’m really tempted by something I know I can’t have, the freezer is a great ally. If it’s stashed away in the freezer, I know it’s mine for later. Half the time I forget about it or just don’t want it once it’s available to me.

    Correction, when I said I was on another FD earlier, I meant NFD.
    I ate a very modest lunch out and then proceeded to chomp my way through 2 slices of NAS wholemeal fruit loaf when I got home with the shopping 🙁
    On the plus side I have sore feet, which is a reassuring sign that I’ve achieved some exercise after spending most of the last 3 hours walking around the town shopping, banking, etc. I doubt I used enough calories to justify that bread though.

    Merry, I also had to have my BP monitored while losing weight. Every time I felt a bit faint it was a warning that my GP needed to lower my meds. I found the decreases of medication were small and slow to happen in the beginning, but near the end of my weight loss every 3-4kg seemed to make a difference. I had been on very high doses of 2 BP meds, now I take nothing and as long as I keep my weight below about 82kg I have normal BP. Thankfully I didn’t have to deal with anything as dramatic as passing out – I’d just find myself swaying and feeling light headed when standing up for a few minutes. Always a good sign it was time to get it checked again.

    I’m only doing my normal 2 FDs this week but I probably needed 3 to deal with all of the excess. I have figured out that I can comfortably fit 3 FDs into christmas week (Sun, Wens & Fri). I’m hoping that will be enough to keep my weight under 80kg by 1st Jan.

    Day 20. I am now 68 hours into this fast and another pound down. Since I hit target one the weight does not come off as easily, but it does come off.

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve got hypertension and when I embarked on 5:2 my GP was talking about increasing my medication. My BP is now much lower. I recently bought a BP machine and began by checking it every day for a month and I now do it a couple of times per week. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to decreas my medication at some point but am doubtful that I’ll ever be able to stop taking it altogether.

    I’m fasting again today after a well controlled NFD yesterday.

    I was taking 2 BP meds when I started 5:2 and decreased them as I lost weight, finally getting off of them. After being off, a couple months ago I was having lots of lightheadedness, to the point of having to lie down with my feet up to avoid passing out. Feeling that way lasted a couple weeks. I guess there were residual meds in my body for a while.

    I have a home monitor which I haven’t checked in days, but when I was feeling dizzy I checked several times per day. Everything finally evened out on the dizziness and then went up a bit so I started taking 1 med again at a low dose which seems to be working. I’m pretty sure the recent increase is work related stress. I really need to check it more often.

    Hi Merry,
    Ww is fine with me.

    Good morning fellow international fivetwoers!

    I’ve read with interest the comments people have made about not ordering rice with their Thai and Indian food. I compromise because I think rice makes the dish so we order just one rice dish between us and share it.

    It’s an FD for my better half and me today. She’s at work and I’m on my second rest day of four.

    I have some chores to run and dogs to walk and then I’ll be conducting a little experiment on myself. Depending how it goes I’ll report back and explain it tomorrow.

    Have a successful fast day if your having one.

    Yay! Made it through my FD, phew. Very hot today -36C and with humidity had a “feels like” score of 40C. Will be the same tomorrow if not higher. Tried to have a quiet day before the OFMs) other family members) which mostly worked. Nearly caved at 3-4 ish but remebered Thin’s FD resolve, had a drink if ice water and went far away from the kitchen.

    We discussed Christmas food, which in our family lasts for 2 days only – Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Concensus is for a lighter meal smaller in quantity than previously – cold presliced ham and lesser amount of turkey, prawns, 2 salads with the salads big enough to last 3 days, mangoes and strawberries; the budding 6 yr old chef is on the lookout for new interesting salad recipes.

    Interesting reading everyone’s experiences with BP meds. A little tip for FDs: if you start to feel a little light headed, take a little amount of salt. Fasting means we aren’t getting salt out of food that our body needs. Also have extra wster because we aren’t getting the fluid that would normally be in our food.

    The nuts are attempting to go rogue andattack me again so I’m going to clean my teeth and go to bed in about 5 mins

    I didn’t have any experience of light headedness before I passed out that day in the park. One minute I was taking a photo of some planes practicing for the upcoming Red Bull event, the next minute I was waking up in the back of an ambulance having no clue what day it was or how I got there. No medical personnel ever put together the fact that I had first passed out, or that I had done so as a result of BP over-medication. I worked it out for myself. I, too, have a home BP monitor but rarely use it now as my BP is so stable and low. OH likes to use it several times a day.

    I forgot to mention how I laughed last night LJ at your post about your arse.

    Good job Merry. What happens around 3-4pm that makes you want to cave in? I still have a few hours to go but got a good 12km walk in, after which my weight dropped 600gm so I was feeling slightly better about myself by the afternoon.

    Take it easy CalifD, I hope you’re on holiday now and have a good long break from that stressful job?

    Thin – glad it gave you a chuckle. I find as the night wears on I seem to get a bit braver about what I’m prepared to say – too tired to worry about any repercussions.

    Lost another 1.2 lbs down to a new low of 163.0 lbs at 5’10”. Going B2B with a water fast made a big difference in fat burning. After day one 35 hr fast my blood ketones were at 1.1mmol, into a nice fat burning zone. Adding another 24 hours increased ketones by 500% to 6.1 mmol! Taking the torch to that grease! It wasn’t very hard to do. I was never really hungry and felt good except for getting a little cranky last night. I wasn’t hungry as I broke my fast this AM but the food tasted so good. I’m recharging my glycogen for weightlifting today.

    Well done diver, Thin, lol ljoyce, and how’s the experiment going Ww? BusyM how are you going? Hi to everyone else.

    What happens around 3-4pm on a FD? Mmm… I think it’s tiredness, a hunger trigger for me, and I probably should be having a rest or asleep. I think maybe, that this year has been so unrelenting on a daily basis, I have almost forgotten I should be resting/sleeping for a bit in the afternoon. 3 pm is a time I could usually fast to OK except on the very worst of days. Yesterday was not a stressed day but I keep forgetting to rest enough, and I can feel my body is not happy about it. With OFMs arriving today the littlies are all excited and no doubt they’ll be with them most of the time today and OH and I can both rest more. OH is still in recovery from an operation a while back, and also needs to be resting more. We are in the heat and humidity also which we find more energy sapping as we (dare I say it) get a bit older.

    Happy FD for the Thursday fasters today

    Merry, could you reserve a few extra calories for that time of day to give you a bit of a boost? Enjoy the family time. Look after yourselves.

    Good news diverdog. Hope you’ve had a lovely birthday – four eggs to start the day?

    10 days left of this challenge…

    Good morning silly season challengers, it’s a much needed FD for me today.

    Merry, mid to late afternoon is usually when my appetite kicks in strongly too. It’s also a time when my energy seems to dip – making me more vulnerable to eating anything without proper consideration. Distractions that involve activity aren’t attractive as I feel too tired to contemplate going for a walk. However, I always have a plan for food at that time of day (NFDs and FDs), just in case I need it.
    On my FDs my usual choices are:
    – half a punnet of strawberries
    – one piece of any other seasonal fruit
    – a mug of hot cocoa made with almond milk or skim milk & a little stevia
    – some raw veg with hummus, or ricotta cheese, or a little nut butter
    – a mug of hot soup
    – a smoothie made with berries, kefir, almond milk and lots of ice
    Strawberries or the veg & dip are my favourite options when I’m battling both appetite and those voices encouraging me to eat. I think it’s because I can snack on them slowly over a period of time, they aren’t gone quickly and that seems to help.
    Although I don’t normally like eating dinner really early, on a FD I will eat as early as 5pm if it’s a day when I’m struggling. Because it’s my only substantial meal, dinner deals properly with that incessant hunger. Although I have the advantage of being retired and usually at home at 5pm, and I know this isn’t an option for everyone.

    LJoyce, I’m fasting Thursday too but it’s still Wednesday here. Hope yours is going well. I think a lot of people have an afternoon slump at around 3 – 4 pm. I don’t always feel hungry at that time, mostly just tired. All the workday crises are usually resolved by that time and hopefully lunch is mostly digested and I’m thinking about what to prepare for dinner. On FD, looking forward to eating dinner. I sometimes eat around 5:00 too, if I’m hungry.

    59.1 this morning and yeaterday was a NFD. But it was a busy day and I didn’t eat much until night. Getting close! But still only 200 grams below Dec. 1st.

    merryme, one thing you could try is to eat more healthy fat and less carbs. Since I’ve adjusted that way I never get an afternoon letdown even when I’m water fasting. Fat tempers blood sugar spikes and digests very slowly.

    TAL, yes break-fast was a four egg omelet with onions sauteed in Irish butter, half an avocado and a fruit & veggie drink. It was all very yummy

    CalifD, you’ve done well. I’m about where I started at the beginning of the month wrt weight. So, I’m not really doing that well. At least I haven’t gained anything and all the social activities are behind us except for Xmas Day itself. I still hope to join you below 60kg, CalifD by 1 January.

    A slap on the back for all of us for incorporating fasting into our lives regardless of what’s happening out there – I note on the SH thread that it’s only the players and stayers contributing in the run-up to Christmas. Just a core of determined people. January will see the return of all the lamenters and I’d rather be where I am than coming up from behind trying to get excess kgs off. So, there’s plenty to smile about.

    Hi Everyone!

    I’m fasting today (difficult to tell by time stamp if you, Then and merry are also fasting?). Usually I fast on a Friday though there is a customer Christmas party on that day this week. I was able to pull off a fast at the staff holiday party, though can’t get out of the customer version, since I’m working that day and expected to eat the sit down meal at hired venue, along with all the customers! I’m actually looking forward to the experience.

    Good on you for that 12 km walk Thin! …And even better to be 600 grams lighter after finishing!

    Wow! Penguin, 68 hours into a fast!?! …I think I recollect mention of B2B fasts being practiced on a previous page, though 68 hours sounds even longer than what I understand a B2B to be!

    Great reading of all the BP improvements from practicing this WOL! …Even with the mishaps that happened along the way!

    I’m enjoying feeling svelte as I head into the holiday season!

    Apologies! I realize I’m fasting with LJ and Calif today! All the best to both of you and anyone else joining in on this Thursday FD! …Mind could be going better. I slept so little last night, tossing and turning in the heat and humidity of this region in summer. Today I’ve had to be very zen about the hunger dragon that broke away from the dungeon! I’m patting myself on the back for waiting until after 2 pm to eat my first food for the day, even though I’ve been hungrier and more tired than usual. Thankfully I’m not working today!

    Thin, plenty for the “players and stayers” to smile about indeed. A big ‘ol smirky grin when I put on those skinny jeans and they fit perfectly! 😁

    Minka, hi! Good to see you! We were posting at the same time.

    I just returned from a trip out to Kenton Valley to the cherry farm. I’ve managed to get some 2kg cherry boxes as gifts. I had intended to just get a 1kg container of seconds for myself but they were so nice I bought a 1kg box of the best grade cherries as well – I know these will keep for 2 weeks so I figure as long as I don’t buy a lot of other fruit I’ll get through them. The second don’t keep as well so I’ll eat those first. I’ve already stared on the container of seconds – that was my afternoon snack. The flavour is just amazing.

    Thin – I must have a faulty memory, as the prices I mentioned to you earlier about the cherries were for clearly for 2kg not 1kg. Today the seconds were still $6 a kilo and they had the boxed export grade cherries in 28mm diameter for $14 a kilo or 30+mm for $16. Sometimes they also sell a 26mm diameter cherry, but at the moment they are putting all of the smaller ones into the seconds. I bought some 2kg boxes of their 30+mm cherries as christmas presents. This works out at $32 per gift which I’m happy with. I particularly like it as a present for a family, rather than an individual. Much better than the poor quality gift baskets that are usually on offer in the shops.

    Day 21. In the northern hemisphere the shortest day and longest night, a combination still celebrated in our far north with bonfires, over-eating and drinking. This far south, 31 December has become the mid-winter celebration. The first of our Christmas visitors are with us – two grandchildren and a dog. Whilst I was collecting them OH went into Grandma mode and produced a chocolate cake, which followed the cheesy cauliflower pasta that I made. Nearly 14 hours later I can still feel that fast breaker and it hasn’t done my weight any good. The dog is good for me -everyone else is just beginning to stir but he and I have already had our morning walk round the fields.

    Yesterday I read a post Cinque had placed on the Related Science thread – unusual common sense about mixing intermittent fasting with Christmas. It will have to be applied.

    Sounds a lot more Christmassy there than here Penguin. How nice to have grandchildren visiting. What kind of dog is it? Yes, I forgot to say, 68 hours is some marathon fasting effort.

    LJ, I thought those cherry prices sounded a bit high – the tradition being that visitors taking the trouble to make a trip to the source would be rewarded with slightly better prices and quality. As mentioned on the other thread, I’m enjoying some of your SA cherries right now.

    Minka, you’re another shining weight loss star for December. Go the Californians! Enjoy that company meal, since you have to attend, you might as well have fun. Are you off to Victoria for the holidays? I think you must be as you mentioned that fancy cake place. I fasted yesterday and I’m still deciding whether to stick to Sunday’s fast or bring it forward to Saturday. I guess I’d have more company here, were it to be Saturday? Or would there be anyone still fasting by then?

    Hi everyone,

    My FD didn’t go well yesterday for various reasons and it turned into a NFD but I didn’t over eat. I’m fighting off a cold virus and was hungry from the moment I opened my eyes and by lunchtime I knew it wasn’t going to work out.

    I’m going out this evening and aim not to eat before then. I also plan to fast either tomorrow or Saturday. I’m a couple of pounds less than when I started and there is still time to lose more if I can stay in control of NFDs apart from CD when all bets are off!

    Thin. Best guess is Cockerpoo. He came from the dog pound as a stray. He is a little curly haired thing who gets his hair cut more often than I do. The family named him Fletcher, as in Norman Stanley Fletcher, because he was behind bars when they first saw him. (Unless you got the TV series Porridge that will mean nothing). Most of my dogs have been rescue strays but they have been bigger – Dobies, Labs or a mix thereof. Fletcher can’t make his mind up what he is – he is certainly a lap dog in the house but outside he thinks he is a big lad. Very bright – it took me about two minutes to teach him not to bother the sheep.

    A really long fast stops feeling like a fast. I just don’t eat. The problem is that at normal meal times I get this vague feeling that there is something I should be doing about now.

    Penguin, we did get Ronnie Barker’s Porridge series here, although it might have been before Thin emigrated to Oz. I seem to remember it was on in the 70s – similar vintage to the Two Ronnies, which was very popular here.

    Hopefully Fletcher is small enough to actually be a lapdog. My brother in law had a german shepherd that was also convinced he was a lapdog – a painful experience for the rest of us.

    Good morning everyone,

    I’m feeling very humble and proud by the amount of people around the world who read these entries and by the people who are taking fasting on to a whole new level. B2B and long water fasts cannot be easy and you all have my utmost respect.

    The experiment.
    I am a golfer. Not a very good one but it is a fascinating game in many respects. The experiment was to see if I could play 18 holes on a fast day and what the impact would be on my body and mind.

    Before I started the 5:2 lifestyle I would hit ‘the wall’ round about the 13th or 14th. I should point out that I walk the course and I use a push trolley.
    When I hit the wall I would eat one of those oat and honey or peanut and chocolate breakfast bars or a banana.

    So yesterday I rocked up at the local club (South Herefordshire Golf Club) with nothing to eat or drink apart from 2 litres of water. I had drunk 3 black coffees and water and I had previously walked the dogs two miles.

    As I played I would drink water whenever I felt hungry.

    My smart phone app reckons I covered 11.76 kms and burned 2108 calories. I felt full of energy the whole time and felt happy and content in myself.

    When I got home I still had enough energy to light a fire and cook supper which was roasted veggies on a bed of cous cous. It was the only thing I ate all day.

    The only negative was ignoring the primacy (always doing what you’ve always done) and going into the clubhouse bar for a victory beer.
    They’ve got Butty Bach in bottles!

    This morning I’m down to 91.5 kgs which is the lightest I have been for a decade. I broke my fast with 30gms of porridge and six sliced grapes.

    Lunch will be a low calorie concoction using a tin of chopped tomatoes, baby spinach leaves and two poached eggs. This will be shared between two of us. I ramp up the tomatoes with a bite of chilli, smoked paprika and a dash or two of balsamic which really makes the tomato flavour ‘pop’!

    We are meeting family for dinner at a pub restaurant this evening so we want to go into it with a large calorie deficit.

    Well done to everyone who also had an FD yesterday. Good luck to those doing one today.
    Next one for me is Saturday.

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