The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting

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The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  HeatherFast 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • “Fasting as medicine has its roots in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended fasting to treat disease. As early as the 1920s, doctors recommended fasting as a treatment for epilepsy. Then, in 1934, Mary F. Crowell and Clive M. McCay conducted a study showing that a diet that restricts calories while still providing adequate nutrition actually increased the lifespan of rats.”

    “It has most recently been revived by a group of researchers……..

    2 c whole article

    Hello USA, thank you for a timely reminder of a reference point for fasting. Can I make a point about fasting that many, including yourself I think may have naturally overlooked. It is a reference that will, I think surprise many who research fasting. In the 2nd world war, two of my uncles and my father fought against the Nazi regime. One Uncle was Killed, my father wounded and another Uncle, a Commando was a prisoner of war for 4 years. He died aged 84 yrs of age. While a prisoner he survived on near starvation rations and lost a great deal of weight and suffered during his P O W period. He remained slim and basically healthy for the rest of his life. The Nazis researched in detail just how many calories an individual needed to survive and implemented the knowledge to great effect. There was of course a financial implication to this as well as a recognition that those on such a starvation diet were easier to supervise in such conditions. Such research was for a particular reason and the benefits that fasting, even forced were overlooked naturally by the Germans at that time.
    As a footnote, my wife (44 yrs married) was born in Germany. My Mum in Law, who I loved very much was German and half my relatives are German. So, no hard feelings on my part. USA, I read your posts with interest and am pleased your health is improving, (I hope). I am doing fine myself but am stuck with my weight, my fault but am still a stone (14 Ilbs) lighter than a year ago and still do my Monday and Wednesday Fasts.
    Best wishes to you and all the superb posters on this site.


    i never thought of that
    i do know that they kept meticulous notes 2 all their horrors

    & never thought of starving/fasting did
    ur uncle continue eating very little?

    their r 2 kinds of people in any regime/country/race/heritage/ political party/group

    u go out of ur way 2 work
    luv ur family & enjoy life & make the world & the people around u feel joy /pride in themselves/laughter & respect them for themselves as a human being


    u go out of ur way 2 hurt/kill/maim/torture/abuse either mentally/physically others by actions/verbally abusive/excuses/cowardliness/ego tripping/ psychological/physical bulliers. these people sleep very well @ night
    they do not have a conscious. even when u point it out

    congrats on ur loss of a stone (14 Ilbs)

    take care


    Thanks USA and Couscous for such interesting information.

    The other day someone ‘warned me’ about fasting – saying I should be resting or sleeping, not working or driving a car on such days. I had to let it go because it was pointless trying to change such entrenched views. So having this background information for another time, but only when someone might actually want to know more, will be helpful.

    I think we are so fortunate that Michael pursued this and shared it. I can’t imagine ever stopping this way of eating.

    PS I am so pleased because I’m at last receiving follow ups via email. I wasn’t able to until a few days ago (in spite of asking).

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