The Runs the day after Fasting?

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The Runs the day after Fasting?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Yesterday was my first Fast day, and I enjoyed both the sense of lightness, and the sense of being in control.
    I ate a small banana for breakfast.
    I ate a small apple and a few grapes about 3pm.
    I ate beans on toast about 6pm.

    I slept well, and felt fine. “Bathroom” was fine.

    I ate some instant oats for breakfast. All serene.
    I ate about 8 grapes around 11, because my mouth felt dry, and I’d had a lot of fluid already. About 3 mugs of herb tea anyway.
    I ate a small ham and cheese sandwich about 12 – and by 12:15 I was Dashing for the loo in a most determined manner, and spent quite a while there with gut (lower) spasms, both productive and non-productive.
    Apologies for the detail.

    Has anyone else experienced it?
    Is it normal after every fast day – because that could be a bit inhibiting, work-wise. It’s fortunate today’s my day off.

    Thank you.

    Nothing to do with fasting. Do you usually not eat much fibre? It could be that. Beans are well known for getting things moving. If that is the explanation, don’t stop eating beans just eat more fibre in your usual diet and you will adjust. Fibre is exceptionally good for us and most people don’t eat enough.

    watch the catalyst show in you tube called gut reaction. and look up gut flora on wikipedia to find out more.

    If you find in future fasts the way you ate today doesn’t seem so easy, consider some different food choices. Generally i recommend avoiding the high carb foods on fast days as they are not as sustaining as low carb foods such protein foods and vegetables for the most part – beans should be fine though the sugary tomato sauce they tend to come in. This applies to other days of the week too. Increase protein and reduce white carbs like bread pasta and rice if you tend to eat a lot of these foods. Increase vegetables. Look up the concept of Low GI if this all seems new to you.

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