The 'I Quit Sugar' approach…

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The 'I Quit Sugar' approach…

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Buckshot 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Good morning fast dieters,

    One would be interested in the opinion of Dr. Mike Mosley relative to an approach to the dietary lifestyle change extolled by Ms. Sarah Wilson, Antipodean journalist, TV presenter, health coach, blogger, former editor of Cosmopolitan and, one might venture, an all round good egg; Aussie style and sunny side up no doubt.

    Upon first reading, admittedly an extract from the reportedly runaway success, I Quit Sugar, dietary advice book, it seems that some of the advice given in the extract appears to run counter to much of the advice available at large at the moment in many dietary lifestyle change forums. It’s a tad confusing.

    It, the I Quit Sugar approach, seems to be unsupported by reputable medical opinion. Of course one would need to read the entire book in order to determine if any medical advice, research or informed opinion is made available to the reader. But an early review from a medical standpoint might prove helpful. Perhaps Ms. Spencer might also vouchsafe Ms. Wilson’s credentials; the glossies/journo connection sort of thing. Ms. Spencer seems ably qualified being a self-confessed and published foodie, and a jolly sensible person too.

    Any and all reasoned comment and/or opinion would be similarly helpful.

    Thank you.

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