The Fast Diet and older people.

This topic contains 89 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Lgbran 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi Slimbo, it would be good to keep this going as there’s been useful advice and comments for those who are a bit older and want to stick around as healthily as possible for as long as they can.
    I’m trying not to resort to the ‘uwinding’ glass of wine when I get in from each day at the exhibition. Its exhasting as I’m chatting to people and painting at the same time and have to be here all day…. But so far ok just a couple of lapses and feel more in control again today. I’m missing my daily walk or my running but hopefully will pick it all up when we finish the exhibition next Tue.

    Lost 1.7 pounds due to yesterday’s Fast. 🙂

    Cyberjack – Sorry about the late reply. Yesterday was a non tech day. I burned a few calories getting the allotment ready for the new season! Konjac noodles, they are also known in this country as slim pasta, barebaked noodles, etc. People either like them or hate them and as Serendipity said they are quite bland. I find that combined with strong flavours they help get over those miserable days when nothing but a stodgy plate will do. You can get them from Amazon, although there is a very good offer at the moment at Holland and Barrett (buy a 200gr pack for £2.59 and get the second pack for a penny.). Whatever the scales show, tomorrow is another day…

    Serendipity – Congrats on your six pounds. How do you find the aqua sessions? I really love mine, the water helps me tremendously in doing some movements which would be impossible for me on dry land.

    Sherjoy – Best of luck with your sugar issues. When I started the Fast 800, I recall how I thought I might be able to cope with 5:2. Never envisaged how manageable it was going to be, so much so that the following week I went on it full time. For me, the key was to plan carefully and balance the contents of the meals. Low calories thick vegetable soups became routine lunch. But also I ensured to be able to have 1 square of Lindt 70% chocolate as dessert with my coffee every evening, and 1 ‘pretend stodgy’ meal a week. These treats, all accounted for, have enabled me to be fairly good. Mind you reading other people’s entries also helped a lot, the knowledge that someone else is experiencing the same things as us is very therapeutic: gone is the feeling of isolation.

    It’s a good Good Friday for me. I’ve just reached a loss of one stone and my BMI
    is 25.3
    I’ve been following the 5:2 for 14 weeks almost exactly so my loss is one pound a week which seems to fit in with the average.
    Happy Easter everyone and thank you for your encouragement.

    Great news Slimbo – Congratulations!
    Happy Easter everybody.

    Well done Slimbo, that’s wonderful. I’m at a really low weight too but tonight after another exhausting exhibition day have had glass or two if wine, eaten flapjacks (s!) and chocolate. So I’ve taken myself ‘away from the occasion of the offence’… upstairs… as I think is a Catholic thing, like avoiding the street where your favourite pub is.
    @frogzy I bought ‘BareNaked’ noodles but wasn’t keen as they were slightly slimy? However, will be back on track tomorrow as I really like this leaner me. I’m missing running, just knackered talking to people this week. It was the ‘Holiday Seaside Special’ today from St Panc down to Whitstable and the beach was rammed. Selling lots of work which is great.

    How does one gain the high percentage of protein daily 60g at least? I don’t seem to eat the recommended high proportion. Am I misunderstanding what I read? ( page 92)

    Cyberjack, protein is one of my concerns too. I’ve just read the page and it also says as we get older we need more.
    I have started eating more walnuts and brazils but when you’re semi vegetarian as I am it gets more difficult. I’ve been aware lately that my diet is still not very good.
    50 – 60g is mentioned. I think I need to re vamp my shopping basket and put in more quorn etc. I eat chicken and fish but no red meat.
    When I saw the word, ‘flapjack’ in your previous post I wanted one immediately! They’re my favourite, especially the gooey ones.

    I have a great recipe…lots of calories, only one a week I reckon
    Prep large oven tray with non stick baking paper
    Melt together in large pan, stirring on low heat
    8oz marg or butter
    2 tbsp golden syruo
    9oz soft dark brown sugar
    Off heat
    Add 1teasp vanilla essence
    Stir 1lb rolled oats
    Press into tin flatten, Bake 20 mins but watch as they’ll burn if you look away
    Cut into rectangles whilst still warm or they’ll shatter all over the kitchen. Freeze in batches. Cut into 32 = 132 calories 😳

    Hello All. I’m about to turn 62, and I originally hail from Montreal, Canada. I followed the 5:2 diet for about 6 – 8 months back in 2015 and was really successful; I lost 45 lbs, which brought me down to my target weight. I have been fairly successful at keeping the weight off, but since returning to Montreal 2 years ago, I haven’t been back to the gym, and the past 6 months I haven’t been taking my walks regularly – the weather has been truly abominable this winter, and supposed spring. Needless to say my weight has started creeping up again, and I now have 8 lbs. to lose. I tried to start back on 5:2 two weeks ago, but I am constantly sabotaging myself. Last time I was on the program, I followed and contributed regularly to the forums. You all sound like a great group, and I am hoping with your help, I will be able to regain my will power and keep on track.

    Yep time to regroup. I was a Weightwatcher for 40 years did all their plans, always lost weight but usually regained about 8lbs. It’s great to try a new plan. Buy the book take a pencil and write notes and stick in post-its. The 800 is really good nutritionally. I love it. Its a bit like Weightwatchers Quick Start but far more scientifically controlled and of course, updated with research. I’m a convert ( so am very zealous) and the lightest and fittest ice been for years.

    Oh yes I’d definitely agree with Cyberjack’s advice to read the book. I’ve read mine twice and it’s full of underlinings. I found the positive results very inspiring. Today I have done my strictest fast day yet. I didn’t eat my 400 calorie meal till 4pm. Have never waited that long before. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I followed it with raspberries and yogurt. This has stopped me from feeling hungry this evening. Last week I did 3 fast days to give me a push to my first goal. Wouldn’t do that too often but it worked.
    Cyberjack thanks so much for the flapjack recipe. I’ll make it for a special treat when I hit the next goal.

    Thank you cyberjack and Slimbo. I have ordered a copy of the new book. My first fast day is tomorrow, wish me luck!

    Oh well done DJ. Yes good luck. Let us know how you get on.

    Well, not a total success. I ate between my 10 – 6 window, with a total of 501 calories. I couldn’t stand the hunger at night though, couldn’t get to sleep so had a snack of apple sauce and 2 slices of low fat swiss cheese, which put me to sleep. Total calories were 665. Not a complete loss, but wondering if I am going to be able to maintain the 10 – 6 window.
    Today’s another day, I think I will be able to eat a little below my TDEE.

    I found the same thing when I first tried this 6 years ago. I gave up very quickly but so wish I hadn’t. I’ve had 6 years at about 2 stone overweight when if I’d persevered——
    You could make it easier to start with and maybe do 800 to begin with until you get used to the eating window. I’ve found the later you eat the better. You won’t be so hungry at bedtime.

    I just couldn’t manage 500 a day but the Fast800 has worked. I am now struggling with non fast days. I either eat far too much or scrape up to just about 1,000. I am 70, 5’2″ in height and weigh 8st 4lbs. I’m light framed. I worked my bmr as 1,739.1 I think I would put on weight eating that much but maybe I eat more than I realise. I run twice a week, walk as much as I can, do some weights (not much) and do yoga every week. I’m delighted to be the weight I like but am so anxious to relax. I’m doing 5:2 now and trying to keep to proteins as I never used to eat enough of them.

    Just recalculated, I was totally wrong my BMR basic, doing nothing is 1,094. Oops. Must keep active then….the calculator then says “To maintain your current weight you’ll need 1,943 calories per day” as long as I stay active.

    Cyberjack, I do know what you mean about relaxing. I hate having to think about food all the time but I’m so thrilled to have lost a stone since January that I’m persevering. I worked out this morning just how my weight has dropped. I’m calculating per calendar month and it looks like this:-
    January 3lbs, February 4lbs, March 3lbs, April 3 lbs. In early January I had hard to read scales so I gave myself a pound then. The extra pound in February was because I ate more salad I think. Ideally I’d like it to be 4lbs a month so there’s a lesson for me there. I don’t mind it being so slow as I feel it’s more sustainable and I have eaten badly at times.
    I suspect I’d find 800 fast days easier and I may do that once I lose my next half stone.
    DJ You will find your own level as I am doing. Just keep experimenting a bit and don’t worry if you go over on fast days. Tomorrow is another day.

    Hi All

    Sadly, I also blew it on my NFD day and was well over TDEE. I looked over everything I ate, and the foods were healthy, but some of the items I ate can be easily replaced with lower cal options. Today is FD # 2, I will see how I do. One thing about both previous days was that I did a brisk walk for 2.5 hours which incorporated climbing 400 stairs and running 100 stairs, so not a complete loss for either day. Onwards and downwards!

    I had an over-the-top eating evening after a stressful day but didn’t eat until 1:00pm today and early this morning went to the gym, did treadmill and weights then an hour of a Hatha yoga class so I’m hoping not to be piling on the adipose. Its because I had a whisky and dry ginger when I got in last night to ‘relax’ 🥃🙄…

    Well at least you’re both exercising. I think I’m being a bit careless this week and not eating enough on my NF days.
    I can feel myself relaxing too much because my weight hasn’t gone up this week and I’d feared it might.
    I must follow your exercise examples and get the bike out ! I’ve given myself a new goal. Half a stone off by August 1st. I’ve been a bit disappointed that my monthly losses are 3lbs instead of 4 each month apart from February. So, maybe an occasional week with 3 fast days to get where I want to be.

    Well struggled again with my fast day, total calories 691. I also didn’t do my normal mountain walk, the weather was just too horrible, instead ran errands, and walked to and from my younger son’s place for a total of 45 minutes. Today is a NFD, so I am determined to stick within TDEE!

    Thanks everyone, this is a very helpful post. Been convincing my 67 y/o mother to try the diet and she never wanted to listen, until I showed her this. Good luck to everyone!

    The Fast800 is far ‘friendlier’ I’ve found than 500. I’m thd lightest I’ve been fir years and now seem to be staying at this weight. Maintenance is difficult though.

    Hello again everyone. Mukica I’m sure your mother will find this a lot easier than she thinks. Sharing experiences helps too.
    It’s my fast day before weigh today. I caved in at about 2 and had a big salad. I lasted till 4 last Saturday but knew I couldn’t do that today. I didn’t lose weight last week but I definitely lost at least an inch around my middle. My navel seems nearer to my waist. Is that really possible? Anyway it’s lovely to think that some of my fat is shifting. They say don’t get hung up on weight but measure as well. It’s certainly perked me up and I’m still a stone lighter!

    Thank you Slimbo, I’ll visit this thread more often and update her! (She doesn’t like technology much LOL)

    I am 67, and have been doing the 5:2 since March 18. I had lost 12 lbs, but had a friend come visit for the week, and strayed. I got back on the fast today, having gained 1.6 lbs from that week. I have been on and off WW since the 70s, but this new version just didn’t work for me. I love this 5:2! It has really curbed my appetite, especially for sweets and starches. It is great to hear that others close to my age are also finding success with this way of life!

    I accidentally unsubscribed to this thread, think I’ve re-subscribed now. I am still finding non fast days difficult although still the lightest I’ve been for years. If I drink even one glass of alcohol all my planning goes haywire.

    I am 67 and have been doing 5:2 since 3/18. I’ve lost between 13 & 15lbs. I say between because the last 2 weeks I keep losing, then gaining back the same 2 lbs. I am not eating any differently, so I am not sure what the issue is. I find the fast days pretty easy to get through, although I have to split the 500 calories into lunch and early dinner, to avoid sugar drops. I have at least 16 hrs between dinner on normal days until lunch on fasting days. I do aquasize 3 days a week for an hour each, and work with kids another day. I still have about 25 lbs. I would like to lose, but I am doing it in more realistic goals, like 10 lbs. I am very pleased with the weight I have lost, and how easy this plan is to follow, but this yo-yo for the past 2 weeks is really frustrating me! Any thoughts?

    For some reason I haven’t been receiving emails recently to notify me of follow up replies.
    Luckystar1952, I now have the same problem in that I seem to have reached a plateau. I’m fortunate to lose a pound a month these days which is really disappointing as I only have about 6lbs to lose. I’d hoped to do this by the end of July. I thought I’d given myself plenty of leeway but I don’t think I’ll make it now. I’m maintaining which is good because I’d be devastated to lose the progress I’ve made.
    I think the experts would probably say we’re not drinking enough water and in my case having very little exercise.

    Ps. I’ve just added the bit of progress I did make of one pound a month and I see that my BMI is now 25 which is very pleasing. I just hope that pound doesn’t go back on by the end of May. I find the fast days of 500 calories very trying but feel I wouldn’t lose anything if I did 800 with it being so slow at the moment.

    Hi, I am in my 60’s, retired, and starting The Fast 800 on Monday. Although the book won’t be published here in the States until December, I know what to do, and I’m In!

    I have the revised 5:2 book by Jacqueline Whitehart, which basically explains all the 5:2 changes. But I’m looking forward to receiving Dr. Mosley’s new book as a Christmas gift.

    I’m going back to read all the posts now. Thanks for starting this thread!

    Welcome Caffeine Queen. As you’ve probably read, I’ve lost a
    Stone since January on this diet. Haven’t been this light for years. Aiming to lose another 7lbs in the next 8 weeks but have reached a plateau for now. I’ve been trying to walk more this week and I really think it’s helped. I’m not one for fitbits but I’ve downloaded a free app, pedometer which works if I carry my phone everywhere. I’ve fitted in extra walks and am taking my phone on dog walks. I’m sure it won’t be as accurate as a Fitbit but it gives me a laugh if nothing else !

    Hi everyone else, how are you all getting on ?

    What are the changes in the Jacqueline Whitehart book? I saw a review that said the only real difference was fasting on non consecutive days. Thanks.

    I’ve been away for a week and really didn’t follow the plan beforehand either as I was busy and not planning awfully well. We had wine and more food than usual and quite a few chocolate bars. I did however follow TRE as much as I could and broke my fast each day with protein. I only put on a couple of pounds so am back on it today. Welcome new people. It works.

    Luckystar, there are several changes in Dr. Mosley’s updated version.

    This is how Jacqueline Whitehart captured it, and I think she did a pretty good job. I should add that since I wrote the post, I’ve had the good luck to look through Dr. Mosley’s UK version, and she is spot on:

    1. Two fasting days a week, non consecutive ( but Dr. Mosley says they can be back to back – do what works for you.). Fasting days are now 800 calories instead of the old 500. For me personally, that makes all the difference in being able to stick to this.

    2. Time restricted fasting along with 5:2. Jacqueline recommends 14 hour overnight fasts, Dr. Mosley gives you other choices in his book.

    3. Low carb Mediterranean eating all the time. Jacqueline just advises to minimize junk. I personally do low carb for my blood sugar.

    4. Eat 3 healthy meals a day, no snacks. Dr. M talks about minimizing eating episodes in his book, and I agree with him. Here in America, we eat nonstop.

    Well, hope this helped a little.

    Just joined today and feeling DETERMINED !
    Did the fasting diet when Michael’s programme was first aired and it was very good. Nothing spectacular but a steady weight loss and a better overall feeling of health.
    I love my food – not that I eat an awful lot but perhaps a bit too much.
    And I enjoy wine – I think that maybe the main problem (half a bottle of red a day).
    That and the 4 ginger biscuits I have every morning – they certainly have to go.

    I woke up his morning and caught sight of myself in the mirror and realised I have really gone to seed.
    Just a big fat man gut.
    Everywhere else looks about right.
    So here I am again on the diet.
    Sent off for new bathroom scales and went and bought a ton of fruit for breakfasts.
    Going to do alternate days fasting (Tuesday and Thursday I think)

    Has anyone found a really useful App for tracking the diet and weight and calculating calories etc. ?
    Had a look on the AppStore and they all look a bit NAFF.

    Hello Pixcels. Good luck in your new venture. I don’t use an app to count calories but I’ve only had modest success.
    At the moment I’m struggling to maintain keeping off the stone I’ve lost since January. I can feel myself slipping back into bad habits. I’m trying to stick to time restricted eating which has helped. Especially not eating after 7.

    Hi Slimbo and thanks for your wishes.
    I reckon I’m 10kgs overweight and it all sits around my middle. Slim everywhere else. I’m not a gym bunny but I walk quite a bit, and enjoy it.
    I guess I should build in an exercise regime to go with the fasting but I am a lazy old b#*#*#r and find exercises for the sake of them very boring.
    But if I’m ever going to get back into a swimming shorts and take my grandson to the pool I’m going to have to do something drastic.

    I rarely have dinner before seven 😬

    Pixcels, yes I’m the same re exercise. Walk the dogs and walk to the shops and that’s about it. I’ve just downloaded the Pedometer app to my phone. It’s probably not very accurate but lets me see roughly how I’m doing. I agree that it is the fat round the middle that’s worrying and that is why I’m hoping to keep going as some of it has gone in the last few months.

    Thanks, CaffeineQueen! I will have to check it out. I have been trying the 16:8 plan for the last week (instead of the 5:2 that I had been doing), to see if it helps push me past the plateau. It seems to be helping. But I really prefer the 5:2, so will probably go back again.

    Hi Pixcels. I also like red wine, and always allow enough calories for a glass, so I don’t feel deprived. On the 2 fast days, I don’t have a glass. I use iTrackBites app to track my calories, and I love it. It also gives you options for types of plans, some that coincide with WW. Good luck! If I can stick to this, anyone can!

    Hello ,
    Started loging my food intake again on my fitness pal and early days for me on the OMAD diet, once meal a day. Doing ok , one at a time. Mid 50s , male, always been active and since I stopped running at 40 my weight has fluctuated., want to loose 20 kgs and resorting to the fasting lifestyle. This forum is great. So much information , support and glad I found it,

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