The Dreaded Tum…..tum tee tum

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Tummy going up and down like a yo yo … during fast day, deflates, on non-fast day re-inflates….beginning to resemble a slighly punctured pilates ball.
    Any thoughts or hints. This is one of my targets for taking on the Fast Diet. I never put distended tum down to bloat, just to blob? Anyone else experiencing the same??

    It happened to me for a couple of weeks. I started eating a bit less on a non fast day and it stopped. Mind you, peas, beans etc do cause gas, so maybe reduce these veggies and see what happens?

    Bloating can be a allergic to something symptom

    I’m 53, 6’1″ tall, and done the fast diet for about 10 weeks. Come down in weight from 88 kg to 83 kg. But my belly button girth has reduced only marginally (it is now 38″). Any ideas on why I haven’t lost belly fat and what I can do to lose some? BTW, I don’t drink fizzy drinks and smoothies, etc. on any days, my alcohol intake over the week is negligible and my food intake on feast days is “normal”. Help, please!

    Have you checked the hips, thighs, upper arms, chest/bust?
    You may well have been losing inches there.

    Yes, I have lost weight from those places, just not around my middle 🙁

    I do a brisk 45 mins walk aabout 3-4 days a week on average.

    Try something different then. How about swimming? Or dancing?

    reduce bloat

    Rice is the only starch that doesn’t cause gas, so have a ½-cup serving of brown rice (which has more fiber) if you want carbs with dinners.

    Most starches, including potatoes, corn, pasta, and wheat, produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine.

    If you’ve ever felt gassy, crampy, or bloated after dairy, you may be one of 30 to 50 million Americans with lactose intolerance. This occurs in people whose bodies lacks the ability to break down and digest the sugar in milk, resulting in digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Try lower-lactose foods (such as hard cheese or yogurt) or lactose-free dairy products (such as rice milk and almond milk), or take a lactase enzyme to help break down lactose. Dr. Wolf recommends soy milk as a dairy alternative but warns that some people experience gas and bloating from soybeans as well.

    eat fruits that are kinder on your belly. Berries, grapes, and citrus contain a near-equal ratio of the sugars fructose and glucose, making them easier to digest than fruits with more fructose, such as honeydew, apples, and pears.

    You can also eat canned fruits in natural juice or small portions of dried fruit, such as raisins and dried plums.

    Avoid low-calorie or low-carb products containing sugar alcohols, which go by the names xylitol or maltitol and cause gas, bloating, and worst—diarrhea. And don’t reach for a stick of gum when you’re trying to quell that sugar craving. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth by using a little maple syrup on your morning oatmeal or yogurt snack.

    Steer clear of alcohol for the next few days to maximize your body’s belly-flattening capabilities. Alcohol causes dehydration and may slow your body’s ability to eliminate that excess weekend waste, so if you had a little too much to drink this weekend, start chugging the H20.

    It’s best to eliminate that occasional glass of wine, beer, or hard alcohol all are high-acid beverages that can irritate your GI tract and cause swelling.

    mild physical activity clears gas and alleviates bloating. That’s because increasing your heart rate and breathing stimulates the natural contractions of the intestinal muscles, helping to prevent constipation and gas buildup by expediting digestion. Take a short walk after meals or pedal lightly on a bike at the gym to help relieve bloat.

    f you want extra belly-flattening aids, consider one of these products to soothe your belly problems:

    *Get gas relief with an over-the-counter product such as Gas-X.

    *Try peppermint capsules to kill bacteria that cause bloat and aid digestion.

    *Stay regular by increasing fiber with flaxseed or a fiber supplement such as Benefiber.

    *Take a daily probiotic capsule. Dr. Wolf likes Align, Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support, and Pearls IC Intensive Care Probiotics.

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