The dreaded desk job

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Amy C. 11 years ago.

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  • I am sure many of you are aware of the latest science on health as it relates to sedentary lifestyles/desk jobs.

    For those over the age of 50, it can be especially problematic.

    I think one of the reasons I started packing on pounds was due to lack of calorie counting and a desk job. Even those who have a desk job who hit the gym daily are at risk. I was one of those people who felt that working out at the gym was compensation enough. Not the case.

    What are your strategies to increase movement at the office?
    I need advice from all of you!

    Ideas that I have thought of:
    -Sitting on a ball chair (I do this)
    -a foot cycler
    -stretching at your desk
    -setting a timer. getting up every 30 minutes and walking around
    -avoid sending text messages or e-mails; instead get up and walk to your co-worker or supervisor’s desk

    I work in a very small office and wellness is not necessarily encouraged. We can walk during lunch but for stress relief, I enjoy going to lunch and utilizing my full lunch period for down time. This will be an option on some days. Living in MN, walking outside during many months of the year is challenging. We have had a very long, cold winter.

    I also love to read which has me sitting a lot. Reading while on treadmill would be helpful, if I had a treadmill at home. :/

    I started standing as much as possible at work. I have a desk that raises to the appropriate height and then a studio chair for those times when I need to sit.

    This article was distributed to everyone at my work this past Monday and is very timely for your question. I started doing some of these right away.,0,6393883,full.story#axzz2uLgawB2t

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