The day after

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Iwillbe12st 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I did my second fast day yesterday and felt hungry all day. I didn’t eat very well the day before and started yesterday with a hot cross bun (the consequence of having food that ‘needs using up’). I had a bowl of cereal before I went out this morning and then spent the morning feeling rather nauseous and with an uncomfortable pain high up under my ribs. It feels very much like yesterday’s hunger pains/stabbing pain. I thought perhaps I was hungry. I had a cheese toastie at lunchtime (it wouldn’t have been my first choice, but cafe only served toasties and cakes). The nausea eventually subsided but the pain/discomfort stayed with me all day. Although I didn’t feel ‘windy’ I wonder if it could be trapped wind? Is this pain and nausea usual, and will it improve over time? I have an intestinal problem so I want to be cautious and know what’s ‘normal’. I’ve eaten a healthy dinner now (Quorn roast, jacket potato & mixed vegetables) and still the pain is there.

    Hi Legion,

    I am sorry you are feeling unwell, it takes time for the body to adjust to fasting, it can be quite a shock to the system!!
    But I would speak to your doctor just to be on the safe side? you mention having an intestinal problem, so I would be cautious as you say and seek professional advice.

    Good luck!

    @legion sorry to hear you are not feeling well. just a question – did you drink enough fluids on your fast days? Not drinking enough can often lead to feelings of nausea and just ‘not feeling right’.
    yesterday’s hot cross bun was not perhaps the best choice (I know – things need used up ….but the birds would have loved it :D) It was sugar and refined carbs which don’t keep you satiated.

    As Angie says – it takes time for the body to adjust to fasting and the best trick is to plan what you’re going to have in advance so you are not tempted to just grab what’s nearest.

    Best you speak to your doctor soon though as your intestinal problem may not take kindly to fasting. Maybe not fast again until you’ve done this.

    I hope you feel better soon


    Hope you are feeling better… agree with above comments..

    Just to add both the hot cross bun and the jacket potatoe wont help with the feeling hungry thing as they are both really “carby” with not a lot else and encourages your body to expect “quick” energy fixes. .. at least that is what I’ve found .. I ditched potatoes, pasta and rice for this reason (except as treats when out) and have re-educated my metabolism to work with fat, fibre and protein.. obviously all foods have some carbs in them but the starchy stuff I just steer clear of on routine basis.

    You’ll note i haven’t included oats or bread in the “steer clear of foods”.. bread .. I make my own sour dough rye.. and as a treat at weekends it is fab with marmalade or scrambled eggs.. I also really rate porridge so the oats have stayed in.. obviously what I’ve really cut back on is is wheat.

    I’ve found the 5:2 a really good tool to help re-educate my body away from the emmpty carb foods.. that have little else to reccommend them other than quick energy fixes.

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