"The Biggest Loser" = Fat Porn

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"The Biggest Loser" = Fat Porn

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  detoxmanic 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I stumbled across Kai Hibbard’s story in Internet. For those of you who haven’t heard the story, Kai Hibbard was the winner of “The Biggest Loser” in the USA for Season 3. She was also the first person to come out and report to the public what goes on behind the scenes, exposing the show as the equivalent of being a Concentration Camp for public humilation and degradation of the obese.

    They did all the things behind the scenes that your doctor told you NEVER to do: such as restrict water intake while fasting, and force candidates to exercise despite their risk of heart attack and personal injury.

    Apparently the show is run with a sort of competition spirit between the two trainers, who only care about results – NOT whether or not candidates suffer devasting and permanent risks to their health.

    Doctors are bullied under threat of dismal by the producers into attesting that a candidate is still healthy enough to compete. Only when the doctor cannot hide an obvious fact, such as ripped knee ligaments, must it be accepted. Knowing no sense of human decency, however, injured candidates are portrayed as “lazy”, because they’re shown lying about on lounge chairs instead of exercising like they “should”. There is no mention of their ripped ligaments and permanent disability. There is no mention of the death threats these candidates receive from the public for their inability to appreciate this “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”.

    According to what Kai Hibbard reported, it seems it will be only a question of time before one of the candidates dies on this show from a heart attack or a stroke from severe dehydration. It makes one wonder what fantastic lie the producers will come up with to cache the fact that their dieting concept is dangerous if not fatal.

    What they do physically is no comparison to what they do to candidates mentally. Bullying and intimidations are the choosen methods to drive candidates into a severe mental state, simply because they don’t look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.

    The “winner” of the show is in reality the “loser”, since the producers continue to stalk and badger winners per telephone and email. They want to make sure that the public believes their concept for weight loss is “perfect”. “Winners” are not allowed to gain weight, have selfies posted showing them buying sweets at the market, participate in public interviews without their permission, or do much of anything which might allow anyone to think their concept for health & weight loss is a far cry from “perfect”. When they became show candidates the surrendered their personal freedom.

    Kai Hibbard was badgered into reporting her weight and physical activity every day after she “won” the show until she went public. Now she’s facing litigation suits for coming out and telling the truth. Other winners are being threatened, if they so much as eat ice cream in public ever again, much less endorse what Kai Hibbard is saying.

    Kai Hibbard wrote about how this sort of pressure made her feel so mentally anguished, she felt guilty about drinking a cup of coffee with milk. Finally she broke out of this constriction jacket and went public, telling people what really goes on behind the scenes of “The Biggest Loser”.

    It touched me so much, that I wrote her a personal letter, and said, “Hey, I think it’s fantastic and courageous what you’re doing. Keep up the good work. That has nothing to do with good health!”

    I went on to tell her all about 5:2. How it’s designed to accommodate the personal lives of ordinary people; how it’s designed to focus more on health and longevity; and how weight loss in more or less a pleasing by-product. And that 5:2 isn’t a club; isn’t a resort; and it isn’t a highly-contrived, mass-marketing concept that requires your membership and special nutritional ingredients or special sporting equipment.

    I told her how I like 5:2 because it’s reduced my blood pressure, helped cure my depression, and how this year I’m noticing how it reduces my severe hay fever problems (oh, and how it helps me lose weight, too).

    I told her about all of you – people who write in this forum and how pleased you are in discovering your newer and healthier lives.

    I told her about Michael Mosley; how he isn’t one of these classic muscle-bound fitness gurus in a spandex boiler suit, stressing vegetable choppers and pure vegan diets. I told her that he’s shown on camera eating bangers & mash, that he admits to having enjoyed eating donuts, and how I’ve never seen him surrounded with 6 young perfect bodies in a fitness studio while he leads them in a synchronised aerobic workout. 🙂 I sent her the links for film snippets on YouTube and the links to the books & DVDs on Amazon, as well as the link to the forum here – a place full of thousands of your success stories (probably millions, because not everyone writes here).

    I suggested that she might like to try 5:2 for herself (or rather 6:1 for maintenance), if she wants to maintain her great figure and her health – and that she should – by all means – tell the producers from “The Biggest Loser” can go b*gger off.

    Their “health” concept is fraudulant and bankrupt. We’re in the 21st century. “The Biggest Loser” is only a regurgitation of the failed health concepts of the 20th century, just like Nazi Concentration Camps promised that “Arbeit macht frei” (work makes you free).

    I stressed how 5:2 takes away all that classic diet & figure stress that started in the 1970’s and hasn’t progressed since then, because it’s based on old research. “The Biggest Loser” is a fashion concept, whereas 5:2 is a health concept.

    She wrote back and said that she’d look into it. She finds the idea of never having to count calories again very appealing. And she said she likes the idea that 5:2 puts more emphasis on your health rather than your figure.

    In return she asked me to tell everyone I know to stop endorsing “The Biggest Loser” – regardless of what country you live in. The sooner this concept loses its ratings and public interest – the sooner people will endorse healthy lifestyle changes like 5:2.

    5:2 is Sensible Living. “The Biggest Loser” is Fashion Fat Porn.

    Interesting read – thanks for sharing.

    I have often worried at the extreme exercise that contestants are pushed to do on these shows but naively assumed that as the doctors said it is okay that it was, well okay and perfectly safe! This is very dangerous and irresponsible behaviour by these programmes. I am sure they have disclaimers saying to check with your GP/doc before starting exercise regime but even I, as a fairly sensible and well educated person with no health problems, watch them exercising and think I should be pushing myself to greater physical extremes than I do to lose weight. Plus I think if they can do it then I as someone weighing a lot less and potentially healthier then I don’t need to check with my GP.

    So how many people are watching this show and taking great risks with their health by undertaking exercise that could be dangerous to their health or even fatal.

    And don’t get me started on the water and restricting that!

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