The bigger they are…………

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The bigger they are…………

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  AngeYorks 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I was given the book by my wife 8 days ago, read it in 24 hours and thought, “mmmmmmm, that sounds like it might work”. Fasted the next day and now one week and two fasts in I lost 3KG, this might sound a lot but I started at 110KG (17st 5lb)so a long way to go yet. Any “big guys” out there lost a lot in the first few weeks? Trying to hit 99Kg by end of June which would be 11KG in the first 5 weeks.

    I was about the same start weight as you (but I’m a girl not a guy!) and I’ve lost a stone in a month (9 fast days), BMI down 3 points and fat down over 3%. I’m down a dress size (actually maybe 2). I lost 5lbs the first week and probably 3lbs the second.. steady similar loss since. I have kept my non fast days very healthy though, and when I’ve had a meal out, I’ve had an extra very low cal day to follow (maybe 1000 cals at most).

    I’m actually whooping and punching the air when I step on scales now.. unheard of for me!

    I had seen the programme when first broadcast and had mentally filed it in the “action later” corner of my mind. Found the audio book and listened to it in the car – I drive a lot – and thought it is worth a go.

    I am 52 and 20 stone 9 pounds, I have always been the “big guy” in the group and have just got used to it but I am aware that I cannot ignore the risks of my weight anymore.

    Historically I have tried everything – weight watchers and got down to 18 stone but got bored with it. Prior to that did Fat Man Slim; anyone remember that? I had some success there too

    So I have set myself an initial target of 16 stone and a stretch target of 13 stone (I was last there in 1986!)

    I did my first fast on Monday (10th June) and intend to do my next tomorrow, so wish me luck!

    Like you BigFella I’ve had a good first week. Started on Monday and have been using myfitnesspal to keep track each day. I’ve lost 11lb since Monday – granted I started at 21.2 stone so have a lot to lose and I know the rate of loss will slow down. I like the flexibility – we had a meal out last night but I chose I light choice on the menu – and haven’t found the fast days too difficult. We’re off on holiday for two weeks tomorrow in our campervan so it may be more difficult to plan fast days but I’m going to try!

    Ange – your whooping and punching is well deserved!
    Big Fella and Andy – brilliant effort. Be prepared for weight loss to slow down as you progress. Your general aim should be a slow and steady loss. You may even plateau some weeks. I think the mind set really matters – being positive about a general downward trajectory. That way the methods remains sustainable, a calm commitment rather than a short-term fix.
    As far as going on holiday is concerned, if you want to keep fasting (and the flexibility of the Fast Diet means you can choose), I would prepare as much as poss in advance. Later today i’ll be posting on some ideas for eating out and takeaways. If you’re going in the camper van (I have one too! A Bongo) – then prepare well. Take nuts, eggs, lentils, plenty of raw veggies, porridge. Stop off for strawberries (in season despite the dismal weather)! Good luck – and send us a postcard…

    Hi chaps, I started off at 105kg and I’m now under 90kg. I didn’t go into this with a clear weight to achieve, I just wanted to shift from ‘obese’ to ‘normal’ to be around for my wife and kids as long as possible. I really don’t regard this eating pattern as a diet now, it’s not a Fast Diet to me, it’s a Fast Pattern. I did have some dramatic drops in the early days and I’m still on a downward trajectory but some weeks I’ll lose nothing or even gain a pound or two but I know if I stick to the plan it will be gone again in a week or two. I’m not going to say that I always enjoy my fast days, sometimes it can be a real struggle and I’m downing chai with artificial sweetener and sugar free gum like it’s going out of fashion- other weeks it can be the easiest thing in the world to follow.

    However, if I DON’T fast for a week I feel very bloated and sluggish,my skin looks like crap and my digestive system almost grinds to a halt. I don’t think I’m ever going to get to a 6:1 pattern as I love food too much and if I find that I go a few Cals over my 600 allowance I don’t stress it. I think the reason I’m thriving on this pattern (and so many other people do) is the simplicity and flexibility. The whole diet can be written on half a PostIt note, I don’t have to faff around with punishing restrictions and I’m not downing nutritionally void shakes and cardboard cereal bars to prevent fainting fits.

    My blood pressure is 100/60 and my resting pulse is now 60bpm. (Don’t have before figures for my BP but my resting pulse used to be over 70.) I have no doubt that this eating pattern is going to give me years longer with my family and much better health over those years.

    Good luck with your journey.

    Some great stories and more encouragement to keep on going so thanks and congratulations to all of you, so how is my journey going? Back again after what is now 10 weeks on what SteveA rightly calls the Fast Pattern (diets don’t work!!, change does) and Mimi was quite right the weight loss did slow down but it also has kept coming off, some weeks more than others. Saw a 15 on the scales for the first time in about 10 years this morning which prompted me to post again, so down to 15st 13lb having lost 19lb in 10 weeks.

    Took a week off when we went on holiday camping but felt a bit guilty so did not over indulge as much I would normally have done. Also finding that on non fast days I am getting better, still have some “bad” days but generally very good. I was interested in StevA’s comment about his resting pulse, I am reasonably fit for a BigFella and swim regularly but even so my resting pulse has now gone from about 66 down to below 60 which surprised me, is this a by product of the “Pattern”?

    Finally I too find some of the fast days harder than others and the bit I am finding most difficult is what to drink between meals, I was OK on black coffee for several weeks but now I am starting to go right off it and it is the one thing about fast days I do not look forward too. I actually quite like the empty feeling as it is quite cathartic but I need the caffiene. Any ideas?

    BTW – new target for me now, I turn 50 next February and the aim is to hit what my weight at 20 which was 14st 2lb. Fingers crossed 🙂

    OOh BigFella, I think we are Fast Twins! I am now down to the 15s too.. 15st 5lbs to be exact. I shall also be 50 soon (October) and I want to be down into the 14s by then. I haven’t seen that number since before I became ill with m.e. 14 years ago. I’m pretty tall for a girl, about 5ft 9, and weighed a shapely 13st 8 or so when I was fit and training 5 times a week, so anything near that would be good.

    I have just bought my 50th birthday dress – Mimi its a Betsy & Adam Navy bodycon dress with lace sleeves (very Holly Willybooby) which I will wear with navy opaque tights and navy suede shoes.. and its short.. yes short!! I can’t wait to show off the new me to my friends on my birthday. If I ever find our how to post a photo on here, I shall do a before and after! 18st 3 at my birthday last year…

    AngeYorks, sounds like we are on a parallel journey all right and you are making great progress, it is certainly an incentive when you see long forgotten numbers on the scales. Not got a dress picked out for my 50th, not sure one would suit me 🙂
    I will check back periodically and see how you are getting on. Good luck.

    AngeYorks – I’m joining you on the ladies side. I have been doing 5:2 for 5 weeks now and have lost 5kg/11lbs so far – whooop!! Getting closer to 100kgs day by day – target 1.

    My 2 surprises – how easy I am finding not eating and how, even after only 5 weeks, after having a larger than usual (but still smaller than pre-diet sized) meal last night I feel quite grotty this morning. Have been up since 3am bloated and acidy :-(. I did not exceed my daily calories tho.

    Thank heavens for a fast day today.

    Anyone else experienced the same?

    Sending positive vibes to all reading these posts for a good day ahead 🙂

    Thanks Bigfella.. good luck to you too. I can always lend you my dress ;).

    Hey BeccahT.. well done you. I know what you mean about the 100kgs mark.. That was definitely a defining moment for me too. I have also experienced that nasty “too much” meal feeling since starting this. I was a chocolate addict before all this, and have almost given it up completely now. I was a bit fed up the other day and was in M&S and bought two of their small bars of fancy chocolate, and ate them with a coffee that evening. Big mistake.. up half the night like a kid on e numbers… just can’t do sugar anymore.. (which is a good thing I guess!). I also find that I don’t want a 3 course meal (or even 2 sometimes) when I am out. Hell, I used to finish other people’s pudding off as well as my own.

    I have to admit to be struggling this week, but thats because my m.e. is lousy. One thing I love about this whole thing is I know I can just pick another day when I don’t feel quite so bad.. instead of that awful “Oh I’ve fallen off the wagon so this diet it over, I may as well eat cake” moment on ever other thing I’ve tried in my life.

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