The 4–2–1 plan

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  kbooks 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I had used low carb plans (Atkins) before with great success but I always gained it back plus more when I inevitably went back to bad eating habits, low carb was always easy for me becasue there are some many foods I like to eat on the plan.

    Once I found out about the benefits of intermittent fasting, I have started on the 4–2–1 plan, I fast 2 non-consecutive days a week, eat a low carb but not calorie restricted diet 4 days a week to keep the fat burning benefits of ketosis going and then I give myself 1 day a week to indulge and eat whatever I want, usually a Saturday pasta dinner and wonderful dessert. I also walk 4 to 6 miles a day.

    Since I started on July 1st, I have gone from 325 pounds (23.2 stone) to 295 (21 stone), I know those numbers sound huge, but I am very tall at 6′ 6″. My ultimate goal is to get down under 220 lbs (15.7 stone), which is weight I have not seen in over 20 years, but I know it will come this time.




    i like that 4/2/1

    just explaining this 2 someone

    actually i have 4 nonfastdays based on my tdee
    2 fastdays 500 cals
    1 feastday sunday whatever i want 😀 (but still count cals)
    still lost 25 lbs 😀
    i have concluded life was 2 short &
    2 have @ least 1 free of diet day

    same thing about atkins most successful gained all back

    the ketosis part w/ high cals have not done 2 scared

    so after my experiment concerning type2diab


    might as well smash all the best w/ the most important the fastday lifestyle 😀
    so i guess i’m a FDL

    have u seen his other videos especially on exercise & the brain?

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ & feastday!!!♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

    or as u said 4/2/1!!!♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

    Sounds good Wiz. 5:2 should mitigate the health issues with Atkins.

    I like the sound of this. I’ve been doing 5:2 for a month but weight loss stopped after 2 weeks and I wondered if I am eating too much on non fast days , so was considering trying 4:3. However 4:2:1 sounds much easier. I will give it a go this week. Wish me luck, and thanks for the info.

    Please do come back with an update, my weight loss is continuing. And becoming a cheerleader for Intermitten Fasting is keeping it freah for me, it is becoming habit to fast 2 days a week and not think about it.



    post what u r eating on this 4/2/1 if u may

    so that all of us can try

    glad 2 hear about ur weight loss


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    The problem with Low carb diets is that they are like the vegan diet, neither for me are sustainable.

    Low carbs treat carbohydrates as the great evil while vegans see the problem is with the eating of animal products.

    Neither camp is correct in my opinon.

    I am starting the ketogenic diet and have fasted on the 5-2 plan and lost 40 lbs. My question is regarding the 4-2-1 is what effect the one “cheat” day has on ketosis. Wouldn’t eating a lot of carbs stop it in its tracks and you’re back to square one?



    First off, I don’t go crazy and carb load on my cheat day. But I always follow up the cheat day with a fast day, and I walk 5 -6 miles a day which will consume most of the glucose in you system. I use keto sticks, and go right back into ketosis


    Charles, do you go right back into ketosis after your fast day? I use the ketonix (which is great by the way. I was just wondering if it took longer than one day.

    Do you mean after my cheat day? An Atkins (low carb) style diet will put you into ketosis, to which the fasting days will add to. The area of concern is your body’s response to a increase in carbs on your cheat day each week, keeping to an exercise regimen will return you to ketosis quickly.


    I have been on the ketogenic diet for two months now (with no cheat days).
    Yes, my question is after cheat day, does the fast day put you back into ketosis?
    thank you


    There can be no ‘yes/no’ answer to your question because of the variables.

    One is your body – different people process carbs differently. If your body is ‘fast’, you have a better chance.

    Two is how many carbs you eat on your cheat day. If you eat a lot of them, it is doubtful the fast day will do it, even if your body is ‘fast’.

    Exercise will help, but how much depends on your body and the amount of exercise.

    If you want to get an idea, get some keto strips and try it out.

    Good Luck!

    Well said

    I have followed a plan of complete fasting on Mon, Wed & Fri. Thar means no food or drink other than water & Green Tea on the fast days. This means on fast days I go at least 32 to 36 hours with no calorie intake at all. Now on the other 4 days I impose no restrictions on what I eat and this helps make the 3 complete fasting days more acceptable.

    I started doing this about 6 weeks ago after following the 5 and 2 plan since August 2013. I had noticed that fasting was having an impact on an annoying problem I was experiencing of frequent urination, especially annoying at night. I decided to add the 3rd fasting day to see if it would help and got amazing results that provide me with all the encouragement needed to sustain fasting 3 days every week.

    What also helps sustain the life style change (for me) of fasting 3 days a week is I impose no restrictions on the other 4 days. The results for me have been fantastic. I often found a need to pee every 20 minutes or so, which made watching a movie even at home a challenge. Every time I went out somewhere I always worried about the problems I might run into. This problem was compounded at night with night sweats most nights I would be up 5 times to pee sometimes as much as 8 times with pajama top changes each time.

    Now with my 3 day fasting I still sometimes have a bit of frequent need to pee on Friday evenings (haven’t quite analyzed this pattern yet but it seems reasonably consistent) but my night time problem has completely been removed. I now do not need to get up to pee at night at all and have not had a night sweat requiring pajama top changes since starting this 3 day fasting routine.

    I am not sure I need the complete fast to get these results but found, after a brief trail, that for me complete fasting is no harder than restricting the calorie intake to 600 calories. So I have decided to stay with it at least for foreseeable future.

    I am 6 ft tall, weigh 165 pounds and am 71 years old. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago as being a type II Diabetic, I am also hypertensive (which has been helped by the fasting as well). Since starting the 5 & 2 my blood work has produced very positive and much improved results. Cholesterol levels are now normal.

    Hope that offers encouragement.

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