
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • It’s just a week since I discovered this Site. I wanted to try the 5.2 diet after reading about George Osborne’s use of it .
    What a difference a week makes! I’m not talking about weight loss ( yet! 😆 ) I’m talking about the site itself; the huge wealth of information, help and advice here and most of all the warmth and encouragement of all of you who use it.
    A HUGE thank-you for that.
    What I would also like to say, but not sure how to explain it, is how much difference this has made to me psychologically.
    I genuinely have a more positive approach, mentally as well as physically. Because of this I find myself looking at everything in a different way. Partly, it helps to be stroppy because I am so determined to follow this through. It changes ones approach to everything.
    It’s truly amazing to read of all your achievements. It’s also encouraging to read that I’m not the only one who falls flat!
    I just want to say thank-you so sincerely to everyone involved with this.

    Hi Wicken, I’ll second your thoughts. Having the support is nice and helpful, but I really appreciate the personal aspect. I haven’t had a chance to reply yet, but I was really touched by the link to the poem you posted for me. Smiley

    I have no doubts that you will do very well on 5:2, you have the right mindset to do it.

    Hi wicken and Kvetina,

    First of all, don’t worry, I’m not stalking you. This isn’t one of my regular threads (I don’t have many) but when I’ve spent the day – well most of it anyway – on the day job I quite often go to Recent Posts, rather than any specific thread, and I’ve found you both here.

    I’m so glad you both feel at home on the forum. Is it really only a week, wicken? And you only joined up a couple of weeks ago, Kvetina. I for one have enjoyed ‘talking’ to you. Logging on for a chat is a bit like what in our family is known as popping round for a cup of tea and a moan’. Or sometimes a laugh. 🙂

    It’s great fun posting but one of the beauties of being part of this cyber-community is that we can be funny, cheeky, naughty, informative but also very serious and very supportive when it comes to things that demand a serious approach, and willing to share experiences if we feel it will be helpful to a fellow poster.

    As you may have gathered from conversations on other threads, I’ve just completed a two-year part-time MA in History of Art, while also working as a freelance translator. I was bowled over by the support and encouragement I got, not only from around the UK and Europe but also from Australia and the USA, including some good advice from no-nonsense Aussie ladies – of which I’m sure you are one, Kvetina – who would ask me what I was doing posting when I should be getting on with my dissertation. Quite right too! They also drew on their own experience of things academic so that I knew it wasn’t just me having the usual problems, e.g. separating the wheat from the chaff in my efforts to turn in a decent bit of academic writing. Not to mention concentrating on the job in hand.

    As you will have seen, although we’re all basically here because we want to lose weight and be healthy, weight isn’t always top of the agenda.

    Have a good weekend both of you,

    Hermaj xx

    Hermaj, My lovely lady, you may stalk me anytime you like 😆

    I sometimes feel I get lost in big groups, so I really enjoyed the conversations I had with you and Wicken.

    Hi Kvetina,

    A bit of telepathy going on here, I think 🙂 Only yesterday I found myself thinking ‘I wonder how Kvetina is getting on’.

    It’s good to hear from you. I just googled Fentanyl – no wonder it’s giving you a rough time. The list of side effects seems to go on for ever. Would it be worth have a good old whinge at the medics to see if there is another alternative that won’t leave you feeling rotten? I suspect you may have tried that already.

    As another poster just said you are SO brave. And I bet when you are not feeling too bad you are also a lot of fun.

    Do keep in touch. 🙂

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