Thank you

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sylvestra 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Just wanted to say thanks. I started 5:2 10 weeks ago – mainly for the health benefits but with half a stone to shed if possible. It is so easy to do and I have lost 8lbs. It is now my plan for life – just need to find the balance for maintaining my weight but still fasting. I am telling everyone I know about it – 3 converts already.

    The last day of the Year…and 25 pounds (two sizes) lighter. My last labs were “perfect” and I feel better than I have in years. Not quite back into those black leather trousers yet…they button and zip now…but breathing and sitting is still an issue. Soon!

    I have a waist again!!!

    Thank You Michael and Mimi…last diet I will ever need!!!!

    Well done Carla! I was hoping to hear about those trousers………you are them….fantastic.Who needs to sit or breathe??????

    Congratulations on having a waist.

    Hi Ferreira,congrats on reaching your target. In terms of a maintenance plan try a 10-1 it should help. Also check out the FAQ link on top right of home page it may have some suggestions.
    Good luck

    Sitting and breathing is definitely overrated.

    And hey Ferreira! Yeah just cut back on your fast days slowly, so try 6:1 for example. Then 10:1 like Couscous said, or maybe even just one fast day ever two weeks! It’s all trying and seeing what works.

    Dear Michael,

    Your diet is the most amazing program I have ever been on. After ten weeks, I have lost 19 pounds. More importantly, I feel terrific! I have had sinus problems and chronic bronchitis all my life. Now, my sinuses are clear and I can breathe freely. I am seventy years old and I have not felt this vibrant in decades. My seventy three year old husband has lost 20.8 pounds and I am certain that his cholesterol level has dropped. His cardiac specialist will be astounded. My sister, who told me about your diet, was able to reduce her pre-diabetic glucose level from 100 to 86 in five weeks. Our youngest daughter with IBS has been symptom free since her second week on your diet.

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to discover this revolutionary program. I call it the Fountain of Youth Diet. Ponce de Leon searched the world over for the secret to restore his youth. Little did he know that the answer was inside his body all the time. Needless to say, I am recommending your program to everyone. Words cannot express how grateful we are. We all plan to continue this diet for the rest of our lives. You have brought health and hope to millions of people worldwide who could only look forward to a bleak future before your remarkable discovery.

    Lovely post Bitteraweet21!

    And well done on your loss too 🙂

    What a great post @bittersweet21. And what superb results for all your family.

    I think you are absolutely right with your ‘Fountain of Youth’ comment. Having tried every diet under the sun, and spending a lot of money in the process on classes, books and ‘slimming foods’, it was an awakening for me to find the real answer was here and so easy to do.

    Keep on keeping on!


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