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  • Anyone else feel like their teeth have a strange coating on a fast day, is this just lack of fluid

    Hi Mrs-G, my husband and I get really bad breath on our fast days and I think this may be that we are not drinking enough – sometimes I will go and brush my teeth to make my mouth feel better. I have to remind myself constantly to drink on fast days but I never feel like water I only want tea and I don’t think this is helping my teeth or my bad breath.

    The bad breath is likely a side effect of ketosis, your body using fat instead of sugar for fuel. This can give you bad breath. I don’t really have the coating problem though, but I drink about 3L of water a day – maybe that helps.
    It doesn’t really bother me (the breath), I’ve come to enjoy the feeling as a “yay my body’s burning fat!” thing 😉

    Makes me feel better that it’s not just me, but I’m definitely going to drink more water I think see if that helps x

    Nika- after how many hours of fasting does that set in? I thought you had to fast much longer than 24 hours to get into ketosis? On my fast days, I only eat at dinenr timer and that makes around 24 hours after my last meal. On the other hand though I drink a lot of water and tea.

    Heya Stef! It depends on how much glucose is still in your body. I don’t eat carbs most of the time, so I am in a continuing state of ketosis.
    Glucose is stored in the liver (as glycogen I believe) and when that’s empty you go into ketosis. If you fast regularly, the stores in your liver will usually be lower than people who eat carbs all day long. Now I don’t know how many hours it takes or whatever, but that’s what I think about it ^^

    I’ve come to like the taste in my mouth for some reason. Sometimes I just roll my tongue around whenever I don’t taste it anymore..

    Nika, and that is not dangerous if you are constantly in the state of ketosis? Just wondering…

    Heya Stef!
    Well it just means my body is burning fat for fuel instead of glucose. I’m making sure I get my daily dose of vitamins and minerals, both by eating veggies and taking a tablet which also includes calcium because I don’t drink / eat dairy at the moment.
    As far as I’m concerned being in a continuing state of ketosis is not bad for you, you just have to make sure that when you’re cutting out carbs you’re not cutting out the stuff that your body really does need – like vitamins and minerals, like said 🙂 I’m no doctor though, this is just what I’ve found and experienced so far. I feel fine, by the way 😉

    Hi, Im a dental hygienist, and Zink (tablets, tooth paste) or chewing parsley could help the bad breath. My native language is not english, so I’m sorry I can’t be more spesific about the causes.

    Re bad breath.. aniseed is good for this too.. just chew a few and it clears the breath.. might also work with fennel seeds at a guess.

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