Swollen glands and fasting

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Swollen glands and fasting

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Beavergong 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • So, I have swollen glands/sore throat/headache. I obviously have a cold of some description. Is it a good idea to still fast or am I better getting well again before my next fast day?

    Here’s my take on it. I’ve been 5:2ing for 5 months. On Monday I woke up with swollen glands and just knew I was getting something. I took it easy Monday no exercise etc and woke up Tuesday feeling better so I fasted with the intention if I wasn’t well or the bug came back I’d stop and pick it up another day. As it turned out I was fine although I didn’t do my normal swim. My take on it and I think the Fast Diet Book says it best not Fast if you’re sick wait till you’re better.

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