Support through Facebook Group

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  toms mantis 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi all fasters. I would just like to share with you that the Danish 5:2 Facebook Support Group now has 2000 members! Debate, support, advise, links and recipe-sharing, makes this a very fun and dynamic place to be. When I joined a couple of months ago, we were about 800 members, so the number of dieters are rapidly growing in Denmark 🙂
    The media is all over IF, still the topics are mainly a ‘for or against’ discurs, but we try to get the message across none the less…
    Intermittent Fasting – whether 5:2, 16:8 or Alternate Day Fasting is the new black here – I believe and hope that all these new fasters will find that fasting is a regime they can continue throughout.
    Have a great day – whether fasting ore feasting.

    Hello annebashida. Great that your gaining support on Facebook. It means a lot to have other 5:2ers offer support. Good luck with it.

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