Supper to go

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Supper to go

    OK, so some of us just can’t be buzzed to cook on a Fast Day (me too, despite having written the Recipe Book!) I’ve just discovered the perfect Fast Day takeaway supper at my local independent grocery store. The place has a Middle Eastern flavour – lots of dates and pittas and fat fruit piled high. They do a great little Mezze boxes (see photo) with plenty of tabouleh, butter bean salad, a little falafel, a spoon of couscous, hummus, cherry tomatoes, tons of herbs. It’s a taste sensation, full of good things, low in calories (I’d guess around 350), high in fibre. Basically, a Fast Day winner, and all for £1.99! Bingo.


    I just joined this forum and this was the first item I came to. Really? – Just guess it’s 350? What if it’s 450? Bang goes the 2 day….

    Hi Weeder, I think Mimi’s just used this for illustrative purposes to show what kind of quality, filling and nutritious meals you can find around for not many calories. None of us would know which ‘independant grocery’ shop she’d gone to anyway, so we wouldn’t be eating the exact same meal ourselves.

    It’s just to give you an idea of what to look out for and point out that you can find ‘conveniance foods’ that would fit in with a fastday lifestyle. Or you could recreate this kind of meal yourself from deli type items from your supermarket (which would have all the Kcals listed on the back for you) if this is the kind of thing you’d enjoy on a fastday.

    Plus, some people aren’t that rigid about actually counting calories on non-fast or fastdays. If you’re really interested in weight loss then it might be important to you to stick to 500/600 kcal on a fastday but not everyone needs to, if they’ve reached maintenance or if they are currently WAY, WAY overweight, then being exact about that calorie count may not be THAT important.

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