Super October 2022 Challenge

This topic contains 337 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 44 posts - 301 through 344 (of 344 total)

  • Day 27 Ohio, US — MFD

    A good day for fasting. It’s been pretty quiet otherwise.

    @stitchincarol I can understand why pumpkin cut-out cookies would be a Halloween tradition with you, but why enchiladas?

    @northgeorgia Hope you got something to eat at the work supper, and very good news about Mr. 212!

    @daffodil2010 Sounds like it will be good celebrations this weekend! Have fun!

    @brightonbelle If you’re not able to get a second FD in this week, it might be worth while taking this as a “dry-run” for maintenance?

    @jaifaim It always seems to me that after Halloween, the year goes like galloping horses to year’s end.

    Pocket List – Thursday – Day 27πŸ₯¦πŸ₯‘πŸ„ join me today!
    @stitchincarol — wfd

    Day 28 – Friday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ

    Yesterday’s FUN DAY (FD) was easy, peasy… no problems. I really do look forward to it as just love the crisp veg filling my plate… and yesterday had chicken meat as a side. All very yumm! πŸ˜‹πŸ₯°

    The scales are behaving and fairly constant which is great as we are definitely moving into very hot weather now and consequently into summery clothes with nowhere to hide any overindulgences…. When I look back to this time last year when I was 12 kg heavier.. I just cringe… it’s such a joy now to dig into my wardrobe to find things to wear that now fit but didn’t fit this time last year … yay! I’m so glad I took the plunge in January/February, joined this group and RESOLVED to lose that weight! Happy days!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ It does work, and if you are trying to lose, then I promise, it will work for you too! We are all here to help and encourage each other on the task ahead!

    @gardenlily.. those apples sound divine… my personal favourite is the Granny Smith green apple…. have one most afternoons. Did you know apples are a stimulant? So if you’re tired in the afternoons, then munch on an apple for revival!.🍏🍏🍏🍏

    Next Tuesday is the first of the new month, November, which means Monday is our last day of THIS month, the Super October 2022 Challenge! So we all need to gallop down the last furlong for a fantastic finish for the month! πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡ Let’s do it together!

    So, it’s Friday afternoon here and I’d better refocus back to work now.

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Ask yourself, β€œIs what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?” 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏

    Day 28 – Ireland – CD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈβœ…

    Hi all. I hope everyone is well with just a few days to go… and those who aren’t posting are just busy πŸ‘‹

    Not as good a week for me on the scales front and I’m not sure really what caused the numbers to go up a good bit over last weekend… there’s no doubt I could have made better choices but I suppose I did have dinner out x2 but… hmmmm… I’m keeping an eye on my food and trying to diary everything as I realise I can’t quite put my finger on recurring weird reactions…

    I am trying to use My Fitness Pal and be consistent with that too. πŸ‘
    I do get frustrated though but must just keep focus…

    @daffodil2010 you sound like you lovely plans so do enjoy πŸ‘
    @gardenlily isn’t it wonderful how long apples last… I’d love them 🍏 🍎

    Hammering rain here so have not got out yet but will attempt to do so now.

    Be well and wishinh you all a lovely weekend. Mine will be busy as it’s a bank holiday but I am not travelling.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Day 28 – South Africa – NFD 🚫🍷

    @linda.b – 12 kgs gone – & stayed gone – in a year?! That really is so inspiring! πŸ‘πŸ†

    @gardenlily – no problem πŸ‘

    A rather sobering article on the surge in liver cancer cases in the past decade. ‘People aged 55-64 are more likely to drink at higher risk levels.’ Yes, we are.😬 14 units per week?! So, what about the other 6 days…? πŸ˜…

    And on that cheerful note, I’m off back to the docs this morning to hopefully get taken off these BP pills 🀞

    Happy Fri-yay everyone 🍹

    Day 28 – Friday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ 2nd post

    @funshipfreddie …no, no… hasn’t been a year yet. Only started my 5:2 Intermittent Fasting in Jan/Feb 2022 and then reached my goal on 17 June 2022….but have happily kept if off since 17 June 2022. In my post I was remembering this time last year when I was overweight and quite unhappy about it…… but it still took me until Jan/Feb this year to actually RESOLVE to do something about it!
    Hope your doctor is highly impressed with your BP and also that you’ve gone AF ….. we are all impressed with you!πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””
    The good news about your news item is that the liver can start to repair itself when you go AF…. that’s the bright side, hey? Providing there isn’t massive damage to the liver! 😡πŸ€ͺ😳

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. I did “OK” yesterday, but could have done better. The “I better eat something in this fridge before it spoils” crept in. I brought a BBQ sandwich home from the event, but as we arrived back late, I only tasted a hunk of the shredded BBQ chicken, drank 1/3 cup of sweet tea, and sampled three forkfuls of macaroni and cheese. My mom had made homemade Salisbury steak, and chicken salad… I had the steak, some salad on a wrap, and made a sandwich. Nah, didn’t need all that! But I’ve been avoiding that kind of practice most of the week. If I can keep to the “you’ve already eaten mindset” (and it was HARD to do that at lunch yesterday, but I did it), I think I’ll see better results.

    @stitchincarol OK, countdown to Thanksgiving. Let’s get the pounds down LOL!

    Day 28 – UK Cam – NFD
    Weigh-in this morning = 141lb down 1lb on last week and considering the birthday feasting this week, not bad. I shall squeeze another FD in this month on Monday and with a bit of luck might just get to my October target of 140 by the start of November. Then it’s all set to get down another 5lb by Christmas – never mind about crossing fingers, think I’d better zip my mouth! FD yesterday went very well and the apple, cut into slices, kept me going during the afternoon.
    Quiet day today – end of month accounts, articles to write for local newspaper and just remembered I have 2 trays of stunning yellow violas to plant out so hoping the rain holds off until evening. Need to get more exercise today – too much sitting at the computer!
    Have a great weekend everyone – eat well and eat sensibly!

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Umm…I think I need to change my goal weight. I started out my WF yesterday at 150.8 (which, in itself, was astonishing since I ate normally on Wednesday) and went to bed last night at 150.2…and woke up to 148.2. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled at the weight, but think this must be a WHOOSH, and that doesn’t feel fair to the contest. Sunday and Monday will do great damage to this low weight, I’m sure…what to do???? Should I change it from 149.2 to, say, 148.0? or even lower? @northgeorgia, what say you? But truly, I’m asking everyone, because you all will be more unbiased than I am!

    My eating plan for today is Wednesday’s leftover Brussels Sprouts and a glass of milk for lunch; for supper, salmon, sauteed spinach, and baby potatoes with butter, dill and garlic…and a glass of milk. (Found the salmon filet on great sale yesterday, and will freeze the rest.)

    @matpi Enchiladas for Halloween because they’re orange, LOL! And green jello (the ONLY day of the year I make jello of any kind) with pear halves in them and a maraschino cherry in the indent: something DH grew up with and loves. Been making that for Halloween every year since we married in 1989. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜œπŸ€£β€οΈ

    @linda.b You are our newest poster girl for serious success, and it’s a joy to read of your joy!!

    @jaifaim Oh, that’s frustrating when you weight gain doesn’t seem truly connected to your eating patterns; I hope you put your finger on the cause soon!

    @funshipfreddie Wow, that is indeed a sobering article on liver cancer. I hope you do indeed get to come off your BP med!

    @northgeorgia I’ve been realizing that the biggest difference between how I eat now and how I ate in my 30s and 40s when I was significantly thinner–beyond drinking milk–can be connected to being a mom with kids in the house. I was DETERMINED to raise thin kids with excellent eating habits (and truly succeeded in that), and so had to lead by example. I bought chips two or three times a year, period. I mostly baked rather than buying sugar treats, and only baked once or twice a week. We had at least one veggie with every supper. I rarely let candy into the house. So part of my mindset re-set these days has been to treat all those things the same as when the kids were at home as basically forbidden–almost shameful–foods, and certainly foods to eat very little of. Can you adapt that mindset to anyone in your life? (And I certainly don’t mean to sound as if I have this all figured out; this morning’s startling number aside, I still have a VERY long way to go, LOL!)

    @gardenlily Well done on dropping another pound!

    My clothes hamper is full, so laundry is certainly on the to-do list today, and the front porch is full of leaves and cobwebs, so some serious sweeping, cleaning, and killing of spiders who dare to make a home of my front porch is on the list, LOL.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 28 USA/HI. NFD 18:6

    Day 29 – Saturday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ

    @funshipfreddie Hope the doc gave you a big star⭐ and your BP was down. Fingers crossed for you!🀞🀞🀞

    @gardenlily…. you are rockin’ it!βœ¨πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸŽˆ

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: If it’s not there, you can’t eat it ✨✨✨✨

    Day 29 – South Africa – NFD 🚫🍷

    @linda.b – that’s even more impressive then; 12 kgs gone in only 4 or 5 months?! And you’ve kept it off, which as we all know is the really tough part πŸ₯‡

    @stitchincarol, @linda.b – my doctor was very impressed, not just at how much my BP had come down, but because I’d actually bothered to check it twice a day too. I think ‘delighted’ was the word he used. He wants me to continue taking the pill for now though. He said it’s the lowest dose, & as I haven’t experienced any side-effects it can’t do any harm. Unless my BP goes below 90/60 & I feel light-headed πŸ€ͺ Our bodies really are remarkable with their ability to correct all the damage we inflict on them. If only we listened to them more closely, especially when we were younger πŸ€”

    An article from today’s UK Mail re Dr Mosley’s new book:-‘Just One Thing: How Simple Changes Can Transform Your Life’

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌀️ 🌈

    Day 29 – Ireland – NFD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈβœ…

    Hello everyone and happy weekend.
    I was out with friends last night and fancied a few drinks so went with Guinness 0.0.. it’s such a great option when you feel like you don’t want to drink water or sodas while out with others… Shame it’s the same cost as alcohol but hey ho..
    Friends went on to a late dinner and I: came home and had something healthy and yum. 🀩 Feeling like I made all the right choices – lovely early night and no excesses.
    Best of both my worlds.

    Off on a little road trip today meeting friends down south for lunch so looking forward to that.

    Cycling tomorrow and walking on Monday and catch ups with French friends so looking forward to the long weekend ahead. Calorie composition will be key I think. Having looked back on last weekend, I overdid it on the old carbs… while not really overeating hugely….but think that is what knocked me back. This week I’ve eaten well and two FDs but it’s not reflecting in the scales just yet… I live in hope πŸ‘ and will not undo any good by giving in…. Long game….

    Well done @funshipfreddie πŸ‘ Great to
    Impress the doctors!!! And hard work paying off!

    That is very impressive @linda.b πŸ’ͺ

    Not enough time to write more so will hop in the car and check in tomorrow.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Day 29 UK NFD

    At least I’m walking a lot , so going to concentrate on that positive as I’ve a lot of negatives going on , must try and get sorted for November

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Okay, as to feeling quite guilty yesterday for weighing in so low? I took care of that nicely last night by giving in to the temptation to have wine, and then to the temptation to open the Halloween candy and have just three pieces. Right. <<snort>> The scale went from 148.2 to 153.0. Easy off, easy on, easy off, easy on…

    And that’s all I have time to write, because we were given tickets to the game today (@songbirdme I’ll wave at you from my seat!!) so I’m racing to get all of today’s tasks done this morning instead of comfortably spread out through the day.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. The plateau goes on πŸ™‚

    @stitchincarol Oh, I don’t know. Things are crazy, aren’t they? Let’s see if your whoosh has come in, and if so, we can readjust LOL! My plateau goes on. 216 lbs as it has been most every Saturday of this month, but the good news is the weigh-in trend overall averaged 2 lbs. lighter this week over last. I have a long way to tumble, especially if it creeps back up to 217ish/218ish as I’ve been prone to don on Sundays, but we shall see.

    I actually tried avoiding milk more often, because I always need sugar with it: hot cocoa, cereal, ice cream, fruity porridge, hmmm… And I have banned chips, cereal, candy (except for this weird Halloween period, but I haven’t eaten any (yet), soft drinks, and ice cream from the house to help out. Of course, in my mindset, once I’m outside the house, “I’m free! I’m free!” And I think the outside sources were minimal at first, and now they are overpowering. So in my case, I just need to go back to homecooking and the basics. I have started having some sort of vegetable in the evenings, and with cooler weather, I think it might actually make it easier to opt for soups to get the liquids I should have been doing a better job of all year.

    Anyway, let’s play it by ear for a while and see πŸ™‚

    Day 29 – UK Cam – NFD
    Quick check in – busy day with playdate with GD – very complicated and involved role play so feeling a bit drained. Not much exercise so will look forward to walking the dog this evening, albeit in the dark. Catch up with everyone tomorrow.

    Day 30 – Sunday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ

    @funshipfreddie . Dr Mosley’s simple tricks….. can’t bring myself to do the cold shower trick but do the stand on one leg while brushing my teeth trick! … ha ha … just as well no-one watching πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£…. one leg stand for brushing, other leg stand while using the waterpik 😁😁😁

    @stitchincarol.. hope your DS birthday and dinner party is going well and those mussels are just perfect… 🎈🎈🎈✨ and thank you for the kind words πŸ™. πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒHalloween is fast approaching for you all and I can’t wait to hear all about how it goes for you in rural Nebraska πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

    @brightonbelle & @gardenlily … walking is just great, isn’t it??… not just good for the physical benefits but also boosts the endorphins, the feel-good chemicals, to face the day and great at night for good sleep.πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆ
    @jaifaim.. the same goes for cycling πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ.. hope the wind is at your back for today!🌬🌬🌬

    @northgeorgia…. good to see you have taken a proactive stepβœ…βœ… in banning junk food and empty calories from your houseβœ…βœ……. that’s a winner just there… we’re ringing the bell for you! πŸ””πŸ””πŸ”” Obviously if it isn’t there, you can’t eat it πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ ….. now all you have to do is replace the garbage food with fresh veg and healthy meats without all the colossal calorie sauces, marinades and dressings…. and you are on your way to the new you! πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚ Good for you! Can’t wait to hear about your joy when the scale slides down!
    Everyone, just imagine for a minute.. this time next month …. both @stitchincarol and @northgeorgia are ringing the bells πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””….. my gosh, the race is on!

    @maui… You have your 4 point plan and always good to see you checking in, especially as we approach the end of this month’s challenge and hoping you are on track with your October goals!βœ¨πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸŽˆ

    @matpi … hello there….. how’s your month going? Are you where you want to be? You’ve been so very consistent during the month, so I’m sure you are just where you want to be as we approach the end of October. πŸŽˆπŸŽ‡βœ¨πŸŽˆ

    @michelinme …. my gosh, you’ve certainly put in some effort this month too and hope you are overall happy with October too…πŸŽˆπŸŽ†βœ¨πŸŽˆ

    @i hate lettuce .. can’t wait to hear more of your cruise…. just sounds so idyllic.. I’m sure you and Mrs I-H-L are having a wonderful time!πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

    @mariaelena… you’re also another dedicated maintainer WOLer…. always an inspiration for me with the same approach of regular FDs. Thank you! πŸ’πŸ’

    @songbirdme … you’ve really had an unexpected month with your Nurse RatchetπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό duties with DH but have kept up your plan anyway… hope everything is ok in IllinoisπŸ’πŸ’

    @metatauta.. also always checking in…. embracing FDs too… great work! … hope you have a great result for the end of October too!πŸŽˆπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡βœ¨πŸŽˆπŸŽˆ

    @daffodil2010… you are another dedicated walker and exerciser..πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ such an inspiration for me! …. Hope your DH’s tooth abscess is improving…. πŸŽˆβœ¨πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†

    @goal10kg… the exercise queen! Such a great example to us all! You are just doing so well… I’m sure you will be pleased with your October results!πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””πŸŽˆπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡

    It’s been another great month. So many of us makes it hard to remember everyone to congratulate, so sorry if I missed a few but, no matter, I wish you all the best as we come to the end of October and looking forward to another ride with you in November!! We are all winners just because we are here πŸ₯‡πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

    cheerie dearies

    Thought for the LOCAs: Night sweats are hot flushes that occur while you are asleep because catching fire in the daytime is simply not deemed to be sufficient enough…. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    Thought for everyone: If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but NEVER change the goal

    Day 29 USA/HI NFD 18:6
    Walked this morning. Staying positive.

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈβœ…

    Lovely day yesterday and ate well, had a big long leisurely walk and an extra hour in bed – all great πŸ‘

    Cycling today and planning another relatively good day.

    Great article @funshipfreddie and I try a lot of these from time to time but… trying now to make them more habitual… singing and dancing while cleaning the house is the best but if I’m waiting anywhere I do the one legged stand… it dues look bizarre but shur who really is looking at me…(it has only taken me 50+ years to work that out… 😳)
    The other thing I do most days now is a cold shower or swim … most swimming in Ireland is cold water swimming to be fair… the one thing I was worried about when I read it though was where he mentioned people jumping into the water for the first time in winter… πŸ₯Ά That is just so dangerous as cold water shock is a real thing and it’s so Important to go in slowly and regulate your breathing so that the body/heart can cope with the shock.

    Have a great day all – nearly there!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Day 30 – South Africa – FD 🚫🍷

    @linda.b – that was my thought exactly – anything but the cold shower?!! 😱

    I’ll try to get the November Challenge set up later, or first thing tomorrow. There will be much copying/pasting going on. Cos I don’t have an original thought in my head πŸ€ͺ And you know I can’t do all that chatty stuff, right…?

    Last FD for October, for me anyway.

    Pocket List – Day 30 πŸ“

    Day 30 – 2nd Post

    @stitchincarol – I think you mentioned drinking milk recently? And so I thought you might find this interesting. It popped up in my news feed yesterday…

    Day 30 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yes, it has been quite a different month. @linda.b is right. I am happy to report that DH is really improved in just a week. No more walker, he can navigate the basement stairs (down to his big-screen TV he loves in the family room), and his appetite is returning. We actually went to Costco yesterday, and with the help of holding a cart, he navigated quite well. Strength improvement is coming.

    @stitchincarol – YES! I saw you wave! You were in red, right? It looked to us like those folk in orange and blue were relegated to a corner in the end zone. Am I right? At any rate, we were glad to see our ILLINI players show some good stuff to you Cornhuskers. πŸ™‚

    It’s wonderful to read what everyone is doing, successes and challenges. Maybe next month I will take more time to respond better.

    @at – thank you so much for taking October so well for us and keeping these challenges alive. @funshipfreddie – I look forward to November with you and our little band!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30 – UK Cam – NFD
    Can’t believe that it’s just about the end of October – where did it go? Busy weekend here, play date with GD yesterday wiped me out and should have gone to bed early but sat up knitting and watching daft SciFi film – ended up having to unpick half a sleeve as I got the cable pattern out of sync – gggrrrr Today been dodging showers, walking the dog in leaf-strewn woods, endeavouring to cover empty raised beds with membrane in what appeared to be Force10 gale (TV weather said light breeze – huh?) and trying out a new recipe for carrots (picked up a super slowcooker cookbook from charity shop) – braised in ginger & honey – will report back later! There are some lovely ideas for veggie meals which I shall try out over the next few weeks – with only being 2 of us here, I can prepare meals for 4-6 and freeze the left-overs.
    Monday will be the last FD this month for me – determined to make it count! Meanwhile, off to poke at the carrots and get some ‘me’ time in the sewing room, wrestling with ‘giving birth to a bag’ (turning it out thru’ the lining) and top stitching – denim is a bit of a nightmare for sewing.

    Pocket List for Sunday
    @funshipfreddie – go for it!

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217.0 lbs. LOL! Sooo close to 216. I may try to implement more OMAD days in the week, and re-evaluate what I’m choosing for meals on 2 or 3 meal days. Yesterday, vegetables kept me at bay, but the festivals and temptations were too great, and I kept popping things into my mouth all day (including, sadly, the first bits of Halloween candy, albeit just three pieces all day long, from what I recall).

    Doing my WFD today and again on Thursday, I think. I’m ready for November. Who’s hosting? FunshipFreddie? Yay!!

    Pocket List – Day 30 πŸ“

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Today’s the dinner party/wine tasting and one couple feels fine but are both testing positive for covid, so they’re not coming after all, and one of the women is not coming because she’s already left for Minnesota because her mom died yesterday. 😒 It will not be quite as festive and fun without those three!

    I weighed in at 152.4 this morning, so I’m down a bit. So much for that lovely 148.2 on Friday morning, right? Hopefully my WFDs on Tuesday/Thursday will help take care of the damage I’ve already inflicted and that I’m about to inflict today and tomorrow.

    Talk to you tomorrow!

    Day 28 – USA – CD
    Day 29 – CD
    Day 30 – FD

    Sorry, guys, if you’ve been following the spreadsheet, you’ll see I am flip-flopping around on it, making changes the next morning to the previous days’ intent! Hoping to end the month with a significant drop from when I started.

    Day 30 – USA (Second post)

    @songbirdme, so happy to hear your DH is recovering well! @northgeorgia, way to go on those WFs and OMAD days! I’ve done the latter, but a WF? Not for me. @funshipfreddie, thank you for offering to host November! @maui , @linda.b and @jaifaim, walking is so invigorating, I agree. Went for a hike in one of our beautiful State parks yesterday and also brought a book and sat down by the beautiful creek and rock formations. The trees were spectacularly yellow, orange, red, and green, but quickly losing their leaves. @gardenlily, envy your GD playdate…I got a facetime call from my GD this a.m., because she lives in another state, but enjoy her nonetheless! I’ve been sending little notes in the mail and she loves it! Oh, to be six again! She just learned to snap her fingers! By the way, a new habit I’ve picked up that is successful for me is making goals to do stuff, but only in little increments; otherwise, I keep procrastinating.

    Day 30 UK NFD

    DS and his girlfriend coming for Sunday Lunch so def not a CD but I really need to buckle down for November

    Day 31 country west Australia FD 86.2 kgs
    After a long absence back to where I started 6 years ago!!! But many kilos heavier. πŸ™„
    Was on this forum earlier this year however 1 sad but expected death and 2 tragic unexpected family deaths of young people completely derailed us all. 😒😒😒
    Still trying to make sense of it all but need to get 1 aspect of my life back in order so decided it needs to be health.
    Not sure if anyone is doing November but I would like to join if so.

    Day 31 – South Africa – NFD 🚫🍷

    πŸ•ΈοΈHappy Halloween, fellow fasters πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»

    Easy peasy FD yesterday, & suddenly down a kilo for the month!

    @lilymartin- welcome back πŸ€—. You’ll zap those unwanted kilos in no time. I’m hosting November, so would be lovely if you’re back on the fasting wagon with us again.

    I had a surreal day yesterday. Long story short, I hit a jackpot at the casino! I’d played on Saturday & lost a little, but I was awarded R1000 ‘free play’. You can’t use that on the roulette machine though, & there was some kind of tournament going on. A guy droning on over the PA system, & it was getting on my nerves, so I left. I went back yesterday to use the free play in the Sunstriker machine, hoping to turn the free play into a few hundred Rand. Within 5 minutes all the bells & whistles suddenly went off, & I won R150,000! I’m still pinching myself. They tried to ply me with champagne & were a bit non-plussed when I requested coffee πŸ˜…

    @at – Thanks for hosting Super October πŸ’ Please would you set up the spreadsheet for November after I post the intro? πŸ™

    Hoping to see everyone in Nimble November πŸ˜ƒ

    Pocket List – Day 31 πŸŽƒ

    Day 30 USA/HI NFD 16:8

    Day 31– Monday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ

    Well here it is, the last FUN DAY for October! I’m very happy to report that I’ve maintained my weight throughout the month by sticking to my WOL maintenance plan of FD 800 in 5:2 mode ie Monday & Thursday. Also kept to AF.. So…hurray! All is good!

    Next month I intend to up the stakes with walking more and less time in the office.

    So thank you one and all for your company on the trail during the Super October 2022 Challenge and a big thank you to @at our lovely hostess!πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Hopefully I will see you all in NIMBLE NOVEMBER….. on we go!🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Darwin πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

    Day 31 – 2nd Post

    Here’s the link for next month’s Challenge:-

    Day 31 – Ireland – NFD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈβœ…
    October closing weight – 163.3lbs

    Hello all! It’s great to see people back before the end of the month. As someone who had to take some time out and returned this month I have to thank you all and @at for keeping the challenge alive and being here. It has helped me hugely to get back to normality and I feel like I’ve put a lot of work in to building good habits and that that will start paying off soon. Thank you @at for hosting October and looking after us all and @funshipfreddie I very much look forward to November with you. Don’t worry about the chats…. There are more than enough of us to keep the conversation going … 🀩

    @lilymartin I am so very sorry to hear you have had so much sadness in your life recently – I hope you find comfort being back amongst this very supportive group. Thinking of you πŸ’•

    @songbirdme I’m thrilled to hear that you are both well now. It’s hard looking after your loved ones when they are not well. Thinking of @daffodil2010 and her DH too.

    No FD for me today. Meeting friends and first FD will be tomorrow.

    For that reason I’ve taken my final October weight this morning even though I usually wait to count the desperate efforts of the last day of the month πŸ˜‚.
    A lb higher than last week which I’m confused about but c’est la vie for me (LOCA πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚).

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Second post

    Hadn’t read most recent posts… hurrah @funshipfreddie πŸŽ‰πŸ’°πŸŽ‰ that’s fantastic although I have no idea how much 150k is in our money (I’m running out otherwise would look it up) but 🍾 just mean it’s a decent win… hooray!!!
    I got an email to say I’d won something on our lottery but haven’t followed the link…. I’d imagine it’s 3 euro or something like that so I’ll check later but for the moment and am living the dream that I’ve won big πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Day 31 – UK – FD

    Apologies for being an absent host this month but thank goodness as @funshipfreddie said in his introduction for the Nimble November Challenge “I get the party started & then the Challenge pretty much takes care of itself”

    October has been a bit of a crazy month for us – lots of unexpected visits and outings – all very enjoyable but too many indulgences so bring on a more sane and stable November 🀞

    Not been sticking to planned FDs but managed to do some, although a lot of NFDs were OTT – so fasting on this last day of the Super October 2022 Challenge and will weigh in tomorrow to see the damage πŸ™ˆ

    Some yummy home meal deliveries from Simon Rogan at Home, Rick Stein and Dishpatch over the past 4 weeks – all very delicious πŸ˜‹but unfortunately not so good for the waist line especially when accompanied by some πŸ₯‚πŸ·

    One of my nieces from Australia has been in the UK with her OH visiting his family and I was lucky enough to be able to arrange a get together with them ❀️ a wonderful day full of chat and good food/wine followed by a FT call to her mother in Australia later that week.

    I met up with DD a couple of times to help out with her dog walking business, but we also had a lovely day, just the two us without any dogs for a change!! blustery coastal walk then a visit to some heavy horses and lunch out in the sunshine πŸ€—

    Went to see the Woman King with Viola Davis including a lovely meal beforehand – the 6 of us really enjoyed it – Film is based on a true story – In the 1800s, a group of all-female warriors protects the African kingdom of Dahomey with skills and fierceness unlike anything the world has ever seen πŸ“½

    Also had a fab evening out with friends (8 of us) meal followed by a great evening of live jazz – Joe Locke (vibes) Jaka Kopac (sax) Ameen Salem (bass) and Vladimir Kostadinovic (drums) 🎷

    A fantastic yoga and mala making workshop with like minded women πŸ™ A mala is a string of 108 beads with one bead as the Head or Guru bead called a β€˜sumeru.’ Malas are used as a tool to help the mind focus on meditation, or count mantras in sets of 108 repetitions πŸ“Ώ

    Life has been a bit full on as well as all my normal volunteering and exercise classes and some fantastic walks πŸ₯Ύ in between the rainy 🌧 days

    Tomorrow is our 42nd wedding anniversary πŸ’ž we are having an evening at home celebrating – not sure what I’m cooking yet and we are planning on a night out later in the month.

    Hopefully everyone is staying fit and healthy and enjoying life

    @lilymartin – welcome back and I was so very sorry to read that you have had so much sadness in your life recently – sending some virtual hugs πŸ€—πŸ€—
    @songbirdme – so glad to read that your OH is making a good recovery now
    @daffodil2010 – Hope your DH’s tooth abscess is improving….
    @i-hate-lettuce – can’t wait to hear more of your cruise….I’m sure you and Mrs I-H-L are having a wonderful time!
    @funshipfreddie – what a fantastic win πŸ’°bet that will come in handy

    I’m happy to set up the spreadsheet for our “Nimble November Challenge” and I’m definitely joining you next month @funshipfreddie as I have gained a few kgs and inches that need to be dispatched sooner than later……

    Pocket List 🎯 Day 31

    β€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 31 UK FD

    So October hasn’t been a great month for me , but I’m turning it around now! So see you in Nimble November grrr I’m humming that catchy tune already @funshipfreddie
    – great winπŸ’°πŸ’°
    Pocket List 🎯 Day 31

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. May try to make today an OMAD, and if it doesn’t work out that way, at least do a very light, mostly carb-free supper. Trying this new approach…

    See you in November!

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday was absolutely lovely, weather-wise and dinner-party-wise, although our 12 people ended up being only 8 for various reasons, and we certainly missed the 4 who weren’t with us. Today I indulge again, and then I resume good behavior tomorrow. I weighed 153.8 this morning, so the huge contrast to last Friday morning continues. Have I lost any weight this month? Well, with such wild fluctuations, you can see why I have a hard time knowing, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie I had a hard time trusting what was said in the article about drinking milk; there were lots edicts issued with no supporting facts to justify such opinions. Rather like people who simply can’t function without breakfast telling the rest of us how wrong we are to skip it, you know? But, I’m thinking I’m on to something to think that milk with meals will be helpful to me, since I hit 148-something last Friday for the first time in several months. I love reading all the articles you post, so thanks for all of them, whether I believe them or not. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜œ

    @songbirdme Yeah, your ILLINI showed us Cornhuskers all sorts of things, and it was even worse than I expected. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Someday, perhaps we’ll be really good again…

    @northgeorgia I think it’s quite impressive you had only 3 pieces of Halloween candy on Saturday!

    @lilymartin My condolences on the three passings that turned your life upside down; we’re so glad to have you back with us. ❀️

    @funshipfreddie CONGRATULATIONS on your lovely win on Sunday, and too, too, too funny that, since it was a FD, you requested coffee instead! Well done!! The Powerball lottery here in the states is up to a billion dollars…just imagine. And LOVE the name for next month!

    @at What a lovely month you described; it sounds absolutely perfect! And thanks for hosting September.

    Okay, it’s almost noon here. I was up around 6:30 (woke up, couldn’t get back to sleep), but did piano bookkeeping and some other computer work, and am feeling quite virtuous with all I accomplished. Time to go bake cookies; I’m getting such a late start that it’ll feel a bit stressful to have them done by supper AND to help DH rake up the thick carpet of leaves in our front yard, but I’ll just keep telling myself how blessed I am to have things to do and a body healthy and nimble (!!) enough to do them, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 31, NFD

    I’m sorry for not participating much this month. It was just too busy. I haven’t read any posts since the 15th so I hope everyone is fine and did well.

    This month didn’t go as planned. We needed to see family and friends again and went to the Netherlands for 2 weeks. We want to spend more time there from now on. It was lovely and the scales showed 1 kg/2.2 lbs less this morning. I don’t think I lost any weight, it’s more the normal fluctuation.

    @at thanks for hosting September πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’!

    Day 31 – UK Cam – FD
    Quick post before I hit the pillow – had a good day foodwise, turned down free cake and really worked out when volunteering with barrowing wood chips for the guys and then bends and stretches weeding huge, overgrown bed. Tuna salad for lunch and steamed veggies with little piece of lamb from casserole (left over from weekend). Absolutely knackered tonight so off to bed.
    @lilymartin – condolences on your sad losses, it sounds as though you have had a really rough time so hope November is a better month for you.

    See you all in Nimble November!

    Day 31 USA/HI NFD 18:6
    Weight 176
    Only down 1 lb but still glad I joined the October Challenge. I did not gain weight so that’s a good thing. Also got back to my acupuncture treatments and using the Chinese meds, got in quite a few morning walks and mostly stuck to 18:6 most days even though I didn’t get in the fast days.
    So many here have done well and been a great inspiration. I appreciate this opportunity and plan to continue with the group in November. Hopefully fine tuning a bit more and start getting into the fast days!

    Day 3 USA/HI NFD 18:6
    I’ve been busy having new kitchen countertops and tile installed last week. Hoping this will make my time in the kitchen more enjoyable as I usually cook all meals at home. And be more mindful of what I am eating.

    Since traveling seems no longer an option with DH’s condition, I am trying freshen up our home decor etc. Plus decluttering for DH to stay safe and avoid falls. I’m hoping this organizing will flow over into renewed energy to the 5:2 way of life. It does take effort.

    Day 4 USA/HI 18:6
    Cut eating window back to 6 hours today. Hoping to do this more often. Acupuncture and then lunch with a friend while DH was at daycare. Enjoyable day for both of us. They have a sweet dog at daycare and that makes it very special.

Viewing 44 posts - 301 through 344 (of 344 total)

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