Super October 2022 Challenge

This topic contains 337 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 344 total)

  • Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Around 3:30 yesterday, I was startled to realize that, other than the small amount of lunch I had–like, 2 or 3 oz of pork I brought home from a restaurant on Tuesday–I’d not only eaten nothing else, but hadn’t even thought of eating something else. I’d pulled some freezer-burned shrimp (oops) from the freezer for supper, and we had steamed green beans and leftover roasted carrots to go with them, so yesterday was a true control day.

    @northgeorgia Wow, so much commotion at your dad’s appointment, to have a procedure not in the shorter notes! But it sounds like some positive progress toward better daily health for your dad.

    @at @daffodil2010 and others We’ve been seeing all sorts of reports of how awful the gas prices are for all of Europe and my heart aches for you all–a warm cozy house on a cold day is one of life’s simple pleasures, and to have the cost of that warmth so hideous is not a choice anyone should have to make. Gas for cars is certainly not good here in the States, but gas/electricity for heating and lighting our houses hasn’t skyrocketed.

    @at What a miserable and odd reaction to the vaccination; so glad it’s all resolved now.

    @mariaelena It didn’t even sink in until @matpi mentioned it: What an impressive accomplishment that you’re still within maintenance even after all your traveling!

    @i-hate-lettuce Have a grand time!!

    @songbirdme Glad your hubby is improving, and nice to have the silver lining of dropping a couple pounds, but what an ordeal for both of you!

    Woke up with another doozy of a headache, but the medicine has begun to kick it so I’m feeling much better. I’m thinking it must be the change of seasons because I’ve sure had lots of them recently. Now it’s time to get dressed and functional so I can be out the door in fifteen minutes; have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 13 – 16:8

    FD 800 went well yesterday. I made some more homemade chicken soup. Easy to freeze for quick lunches ๐Ÿ˜€. While I enjoy cooking, I only enjoy it on my own whims, so larger batch cooking of nutritious quick freeze meals is a winner in my book.

    On the home front, remember the three neighborhood kittens from last year (who wintered in our garage?). Had not seen a whisker all summer but the other morning I heard a very vocal kitty who jumped out of the tree and came over looking for a nose โ€˜boopโ€™ greeting and a nice meal. He is still so sweet and loving (this one I named Cameo) and Iโ€™m sure he remembers me. I also saw one of his brothers (less friendly) down the street. I do wonder what they have been up to, but am so glad to love and be loved on by Cameo the past few days. He looks quite healthy.

    @funshipfreddie and other Fitbit users: I have an early generation Apple Watch, not a Fitbit, sadly it is no longer supported with updates by Apple, sigh. But it works and Iโ€™m nursing it along. What I appreciate most is looking back on my exercise and activities- that can be quite motivating to keep me working out and moving. It is not much of a sleep tracker, but some apps help interpret the data it stores re sleep. Unsurprisingly (thanks to hot flashes) I wake up a whole lot during the night.

    I kept busy on my visit to papa by digging into a box of old photographs. Even some my papa didnโ€™t remember of his father who died young. A special treasure was uncovered- two formal portraits of my papaโ€™s cousin (the families shared a home) as a baby dated September 1922. Yup 100 year old portraits in pristine condition!. The photographer in me was entranced. We set up a scanner and are making an archive now.

    @songbirdne – I hope your husband is well soon and I jumped when I saw your post about Interlochen – some of the photos I uncovered were of my sister and me – when I visited her there – she took oboe lessons there in the summers – I havenโ€™t thought about that in so long!

    @stitchincarol I never was much of a milk drinker except in school when a pint carton of milk or water were our only drink choices in the lunchroom. But like you, never been hungry in the a.m. and if I do eat, it usually makes me hungrier for the rest of the day. I guess a lot of these things come down to what an individualโ€™s habits and needs are.

    @at I remember decades ago enjoying an old TV version of Mrs Harris Goes to Paris that starred Angela Landsbury (RIP) Good on you for having the COVID booster behind you, mine is scheduled for later this month when I have yearly Dr. Visit.

    Oops, breakfast didnโ€™t agree with one of my cats, got to go clean up a mess!

    Wishing all well!

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m joining October challenge. I regularly fast and have managed to lose 10Ibs, but still have about 20 Ibs to go, but I like the ‘slow and steady’ approach as don’t want it to be too demanding on body. I also need some accountability. I’m hypothyroid which does impact metabolism but cannot use it too much as an excuse. Have just hit 60, and am mindful of keeping healthy. I do a fair bit of exercise, but can eat unmindfully and end up scoffing more than I need.
    Lifting weights has been a revelation, building muscle and important regulating hormones are 2 of the benefits, as well as losing weight from my waist.

    Wishing everyone well!

    Day 13 UK FD

    Another successful FD yesterday and this morning I’m down a little on last week’s weigh day. I’m finding it takes me one FD to lose most of the weekend’s gain, one to get back to where I was the last weigh day and one more to make progress! But it’s sort of working for me, until I can get more sleep to rebalance my grellin and get weekends under better control

    Woke up coughing in the wee small hours which made me realise my dreams of waking up coughing the last two nights weren’t dreams! Really sore throat, pharyngitis, tight chest, headache, hot & cold and woozy – but covid test was negative. Two days to go to the conference and plodding on. Just three more pieces of admin to get through today then can relax, tomorrow will largely be ‘off’ – no more meetings now, just writing, rest and personal prep.

    DD feeling less rough today tho very wheezy – thank you @stichincarol @songbirdme @matpi for your prayers. My good friend in Devon has also just gone down w covid for the first time – there’s clearly another wave in the UK.

    @matpi i hope things go well as you spend more time with your papa and brother. Lovely to have DH supporting and encouraging you

    @stitchincarol I’m mostly only cooking for me so it’s easier than family! Glad you had a good conference. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it’s always interesting / illuminating

    @matpi sorry you had another food reaction – do you have lots of allergies? I also find blank walls restful! Spaces between things where my eyes can rest are just as necessary as pictures

    @i-hate-lettuce happy holidays!

    @northgeorgia well done on healthy choices yesterday, that sounds like progress!

    @songbirdme There seems to be a nasty flu going round this year. i hope DH feels better very soon

    @at @stitchincarol hope you are feeling better too

    @mariaelena The photo archive sounds like a wonderful project! And how lovely that Cameo came back to you. Today I’ve noticed lots of activity in the garden – great tits and blue tits, robins, wood pigeons, sparrows and squirrels – eating insects, seeds and nuts, bathing and dirt bath, digging things up and burying nuts – plus the return of the south london parakeets! it’s as tho someone rang a bell or they’re following a schedule, all back and livley today ๐Ÿ™‚

    @amiya welcome to the super october challenge

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 13 USA/ HI NFD. 16:8
    Getting hubby ready to go to adult day care as I am working full day today. With all going thatโ€™s going on, I will just be sure to post daily and be mindful of what Iโ€™m eating and staying within the 16:8 but thatโ€™s probably about it. Trying not to fall into โ€œ itโ€™s got to be all or nothingโ€ mindsetโ€ฆ giving up if I donโ€™t do it all. Better to do something than not try at all.

    Day 13 – USA – FD
    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 13 Ohio, US — MFD

    The fasting has gone well. This morning I was able to do my yoga practice and this afternoon I got my walk in, so it looks as though I’ll make 10K steps — the first time in a long while.

    @maui I agree with you — even doing a little each day can add up over a long time. The trick is to maintain for the long haul!

    @michelinme Ever since I was really ill, food allergies have been present. When I was really ill, there were only 9 foods I could eat without a reaction. Over time things have improved, but I still run experiments to expand my nutritional range.

    @amiya Welcome to the October challenge! It sounds like you’ve been doing a good job of things, and this forum can help you make it a sustainable and pleasant journey.

    @mariaelena It is a truly wondeful experience seeing photos of relatives from a couple of generations ago. It gives me a sense of continuity that makes me feel as though I have real ground under my feet (and not just floating by on a raft of text messages).

    @songbirdme There have been some scientific studies showing that milk can help with weight loss. Here’s a link to a report of one such study. It’s an old study, but I believe that it is representative:

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŽˆ (anyone with me, jump on board!)
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 13 – UK Cam – NFD
    Day 14 – FD
    Ooops, missed a day posting yesterday somehow – it was a busy day! I think I ate sensibly coz when I jumped on the scales this morning back down to 142 lb – loss of the first (easy?) bit of my holiday gain. Target for this month is to get back to 140lb and it is do-able. Back to a FD today – no breakfast but salad for lunch and then fish tonight so should keep within the 500 range. Off for our Covid jabs later today and booked flu jabs for next week so should have maximum cover for the winter months. I had a sore arm last time around and felt whoozy for a day.

    @mariaelena – your photo archive sounds wonderful, they really are a window into the past. I have a reasonably good selection from my husband’s family but very little from my own as they were a ‘fractured’ family group, my mother’s family appear to have shunned her because she had a physical disability – back in the 1920/30s it was a totally different world. My father lost his father when he was 7 and was brought up by his mother (who remarried) and his grandfather on whom he doted. All the family photos went with other family members and somehow I just have a few, unnamed portraits and nothing before 1940.
    @stitchincarol – we had some Jersey cows when I was small and I used to help hand-milk them. I don’t like milk much but agree it does help keep hunger pangs away. Excellent for indigestion too.

    Keep busy, think positive – jump on my Pocket List if you are on a FD!

    Day 14 Pocket List

    Day 14 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Keeping you all in my thoughts as we head into weekend zone. Yesterday’s FD wasn’t, so it will be next week.

    Hope all who are unwell, or whose family members are unwell, a good recovery. Can’t believe that Covid still rampant. Take care.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Day 14, Germany, NFD

    Day 14 – South Africa – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    @amiya – welcome to the October Challenge!

    @songbirdme – I found this link explaining how to transfer a Fitbit from one person to another; hope it helps:,at%20the%20upper%20left%20to%20go%20to%20%E2%80%9CDevices.%E2%80%9D

    @michelinme – I hope you soon get rid of that cold. I’ve had 3 since July! None of them lingered for long, but I had a very irritating cough with the last one.

    Happy Fri-yay! ๐Ÿน

    Day 14 โ€“ Fridayโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ (NFD) ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    Not fair! One minute it was Monday with 5 glorious days stretched out ahead and then… blink๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ it’s Friday! How does it happen so fast…..โ‰โ‰

    It’s now late Friday afternoon here (6.20pm) and I’ve still loads of work to finish off so looks like I’ll be working this evening… bah humbug!

    Brought back memories with the talk about the movie, Mrs Harris Goes To Paris. It is showing here too. However, the memory is Grade 7 and it was on our book list for required reading. I remember it well and was then called FLOWERS FOR MRS HARRIS, author Paul Gallico and, as a pre-teen, it opened my eyes to another world. Life was so simple back then โค๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’–

    @amiya.. welcome to our little troupe! Congratulations on the 10lbs loss you’ve already achieved ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ”” You’ll find all the support you need here for the remainder!

    Another bah humbug moment!!! …. today the mandatory COVID isolation period is scrapped. So there is now nothing stopping people with COVID from being in public or at work….. many doctors and scientists are against it and warning COVID certainly not gone, just morphing into new variants and by lifting isolation rules will increase the waves of it. We are only allowed to have max 4 vax and not permitted any more, so bad luck if your immunity has waned! Dear oh dear! I still wear a mask at the supermarket and places ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท but not many do and it’s not even mandatory on public transport anymore! Rant over! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    Must end this on a happier note! I hope everyone is happy with their efforts this week and you all enjoy a wonderful weekend, wherever you are!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: โ€œpoco a pocoโ€ โ€“ little by little, bit by bit, slowly, gradually๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. I am so glad it is Friday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 14 UK NFD

    Hi all, Iโ€™m back ( in body but not mind yet ) Iโ€™m goi g to take the weekend to ease back to normality, read posts and fast Monday ๐Ÿ‘‹

    Day 14 UK CD

    It’s been a different sort of week as no LFDs or WFDs but 1xFD500, 1xFD600 and1xFD800 instead. Different sort of progress – just a fraction down on last week but my fat suit feels smaller, my carbtastic tum has shrunk and I’ve lost 0.5″ from my bust. Yesterday was better for drinking more water too and better evening routine all week – it’s all progress!

    Compariing myself with Past Me, I’m now down to where I was in January 2021 which feels epic. I’m itching to get below 170lbs and indeed below 12 stone but those are just around the corner. My goal weight is a fair way off but there are all sorts of mini goals on the way there -7lbs, 3lbs, 2lbs, 1″: good stepping stones laid by Past Me to track my progress now.

    I’m still feeling rough today but not terrible, working from bed as I prep for tomorrow’s conference. Three things to do – perhaps 4 hours work – then I’m done, and can focus on getting myself ready for tomorrow. My lovely friend who helps in the garden is coming round this afternoon to dig over beds, plant bulbs and add mulch. I love this time of hopeful preparation for the spring that is to come.

    I’m going to break my fast with a late lunch of spinach omelette and salad, then supper of baked potato, quorn chicken with sweet chilli sauce, corn and endamame bean salad and berries. Planning for a super early night – hopefully 8-9pm.

    @matpi that sounds realy tough with food allergies

    @maui ‘better to do something than not try at all’ – exactly that! I find it far too easy to throw in the towel, but not giving up makes progress possible

    @northgeorgia congrats on 212 lb!

    @linda.b i’m with you on the bah humbug around public health precautions and covid. it’s become such a libertarian issue for some reason. I got super-stressed last year when it was first relaxed in the UK but realised I can only take responsbility for my own actions and manage my own risk by staying away from high-risk events/people. I’ve carried on masking on public transport and indoors around groups especially if it’s not well ventilated. My PA and my gardening friend both mask indoors at my house bc my long covid, elderly mother and DD. Following various public health professionals on twitter and it’s obvious a fast growing wave has started in the UK, it’ll hit the press in a few days…

    @funshipfreddie – three colds? Wowsers!I don’t feel very coldy yet, more headache, woozy and sore throat/chest. Hoping the snuffles stay away

    Sending strength to all fasters today!

    Day 14 – 16:8

    The chicken soup from Wednesday turned out to be my yummiest batch ever. Near the end of the 6 hour simmer I added a cube of frozen ginger and I think that made the difference!

    @linda.b and @michelleinme Iโ€™m with you – probably the only person I see in my neck of the woods who faithfully masks, only eats at outdoor areas of restaurants (thus it is rare) and makes only brief stops into indoor spaces when necessary. The only small upside is the stares have become less hostile and are now more ridiculing. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ I have a niece getting married in January and this is a worry – Iโ€™m pretty sure masks wonโ€™t be welcome.

    Yesterday I completed a photo calendar of most of the photos of the dog my papa had, she had such a cute name: Scrappy. At 92 my papaโ€™s eyesight is not up to the task of being able to see much detail in the original 1.5 inch by 2.5 inch black and white photo prints – but the scans enable me to blow these up big and beautiful for the calendar. I most of these were probably taken in the late 1940โ€™s when papa was a teenager. It is hard to think of gifts for papa, and I canโ€™t wait to watch him open it in December ๐Ÿ˜€

    @gardenlily I was practically jumping up and down when we found the photos of my grandpa, I had never seen any before. We have none on my motherโ€™s side except a couple of snapshots when her brother went off overseas to WWII – I donโ€™t think they had money for such luxuries and her father passed away when she was a toddler so there are no photos of him. Iโ€™m thrilled with what we do have but somewhat sad for what we donโ€™t. Truly I think these photos I did find were boxed away in the 1960โ€™s and the box unopened until I went digging.

    @matpi Yes, a strong sense of connection when I see these photos and my papa identifies the individuals- then launches into a wonderful story I have never heard before! He just lights up and it is wonderful to witness.
    Iโ€™m very glad you got in your exercise again and your food allergies sound so difficult to manage – I canโ€™t even imagine.

    @michelleinme Your meal, as always, makes my mouth water. Yum! And you are doing losing weight so impressively and sensibly, wow kudos!

    @linda.b Paul Gallico! I must look up what else he wrote because Iโ€™m sure that is an author I read when I was young!

    @stitchincarol Seasonal allergies and headaches and such seem to increase as I age, sigh. Hope yours dissipate for good very soon!

    Cameo and his kitty brother Hydrox are now making daily morning meal appearances – we havenโ€™t seen the third kitty, Oreo, yet. We have a full weekend planned including yard work so maybe Iโ€™ll get a chance to play with them again. Happy weekend wishes to all

    Second post

    @linda.b. I remember Paul Gallico! He wrote a classic : The Silent Miaow – a guide written by a cat, “translated from the feline”, on how to obtain, captivate, and dominate a human family. It is a treasure! Now I want to read the Mrs Harris books!

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) CD

    Quick post – DH is in the hospital, not sure what exactly is wrong, still testing. I could not get him up the stairs from his “man cave TV” in the basement last night, so had to call for the ambulance drivers to take him to the ER. Completely weak, shaking, still some fever. Hopefully he can get better soon and I can bring him home!

    Hugs to you all —
    Onward and downward.

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s WF was tough; that headache hung on until late in the day, the lack of calories and the cold weather made my body cold, and I was hungry–went to bed hungry, woke up hungry in the middle of the night, and was almost hungry when I woke up this morning. But I stuck to my guns, and haven’t eaten anything yet and am enjoying my PFDS! ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡ For today, I’m trying to eat out of the freezer, and the veggies I already have, so we’re having swai (it’s a mild white fish) that I’ll spread with a mayo/parm mixture (something I never get to do on a FD) and bake, roasted Brussels sprouts, and roasted butternut squash. Don’t know what for lunch…something simple and low in calories so the evening meal doesn’t send the total calories too high.

    @amiya Welcome to our corner of the internet; we’re glad to have you join us. Where do you live?

    @michelinme Are you feeling any better today? I had a dear friend go through breast cancer treatment, and it was grueling for her, but she’s been cancer free for well over five years now, so the disease absolutely can have a lovely ending!

    @matpi I was the one who originally asked about the effect of milk on losing weight (remembering that back when I was thin, I drank a gallon a week of it), so thanks for the article. It doesn’t give a definitive answer, but it makes it sound very reasonable to try, so I’ll pick up a half gallon and see how it tastes with meals these days; if nothing else, it will help by replacing beer and wine!

    @northgeorgia Nice weigh in!

    @brightonbelle You’ll be strong and ready to go on Monday!

    @mariaelena When my mom was in her 80s, she would come live with us (from California to Nebraska) for 4-5 weeks at a time, and I was a committed scrapbooker, so my sisters and I spent several years finding all of Mom’s photos and getting them to my house–no small undertaking!–and then I started the job of sorting them. It was a HUGE job, and Mom wasn’t always able to remember the details I needed, but eventually I got two 12″ books filled with photos and names and stories. It’s a treasure to us all at this point, and we often look up details in the books when we can’t remember things. The funniest thing is that I wasn’t even alive for most of the books’ history, but because I spent so much time researching it all, my knowledge of that time rivals my sisters’ knowledge, who lived it. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œโค๏ธ

    Oh, my word, @songbirdme!!! Prayers for your honey, and for you as well, as you navigate the questions and decisions for treatment!

    Okay, I have a long list of things I ought to do today…suppose I’ll do any of it??? ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 14 – USA – NFD

    Blew my FD yesterday big time, decided to go visit a gf and had a few beers….still down in AF days though since I re-started, so I am hoping it gets easier as time goes on. @songbirdme, I’m hoping you get to bring hubby home soon!

    Update on DH: Still in hospital but seems to be getting stronger. No flu, no COVID, but we have decided the dental work of Monday must have resulted in his infection. Even tho the dentist gave him amoxicillin (a penecillin) it must not have been strong enough to combat the bacteria from his mouth. No telling how long he will have to stay in hospital, but at least getting a bit better.

    Day 14 Ohio, US — NFD

    This morning’s weigh-in showed another small loss bringing the weight down to 179.8 lb (81.5 kg). So the 180 lb barrier has been broken again. I’m going to work to keep it below that barrier this time! I did do my yoga practice this morning and did get a half-hour walk in this afternoon, but will probably only get about 8K steps in.

    @songbirdme Hope your DH recovers from that infection in short order. I’ll be keeping him and you in prayer!

    @stitchincarol Well, there are alcoholic milk-based beverages also, if one desires! Eggnog, anyone? Your baked meal with the swai, the sprouts and the squash sounds like a perfect winter’s day meal. And it’s only October!

    @mariaelena The trickiest part about my food allergies is that they are not fixed. If the body is in really good shape, I can eat small amounts of most things. But if the body is stressed out in any way, the tolerance goes way down. Unfortunately, most of the time the only way I find out if the body is stressed is after eating a potential trouble-maker. At least that information is helpful for me to start countering whatever is distressing the body. In many ways it is similar to the use of canaries in coal mines. The information can be helpful, but it’s not so good for the canaries.

    @michelinme Just having the body measurements go down says that metabolically good things are happening. The scale readings will eventually follow suit!

    @brightonbelle Have a nice ease-in back to the regular routine!

    @northgeorgia I empathize with you! When I went to high school, on the book covers of all my textbooks I had a count down to Friday dial. When I went to college, the profs seemed to take a dim view of such dials. Besides, my Freshman year I had Calculus at 8 am on Saturday mornings!

    Day14 USA/HI NFD. 16:8
    Late signing in! But not quitting!

    Day 15, Germany, FD

    @songbirdme I hope your DH will be well again and back home soon.

    Pocket list day 15

    Have a nice weekend!

    Day 15 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Hi all! ๐Ÿ‘‹

    Iโ€™m checking in early as have been up with mum and canโ€™t get back to sleep just yet so have been reading your postsโ€ฆ

    So much going on and Iโ€™ve left it too long again ๐Ÿ™ƒ . Note to self : get back to daily posts ๐Ÿ˜

    Iโ€™ve had two good FDs this week and have been quite focused on getting out for a good 1 hr walk each day- not quite back to the bike yetโ€ฆ Iโ€™m still very tired and sleeping lotsโ€ฆ busy days with work which is bananas right now and with mum but all good.

    @at my colleague had the exact same reaction to the booster as you. She felt so sick for 24 hours. I had mine in March and am due my 5th in a few weeks but was very glad I was up to date with vaccination when I caught Covidโ€ฆ dread to think how much worse it could have been. And yes like the UK there are definitely a lot more cases at the moment here. Iโ€™m three months post Covid now and beginning to feel like I need to take more care with masks etc. @linda.b I was shocked to read they isolation rules are being scrapped thereโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜ฑ @daffodil2010 it sounds like we may have mandatory masks back in public transport etc soon.. I think itโ€™s a good idea but I canโ€™t see people going back there nowโ€ฆ very divided opinion / weโ€™ll see ๐Ÿค”

    @songbirdme Iโ€™m so sorry to hear about your DH and am hoping that he is improving and will be home with you soon. ๐Ÿ™

    @matpi I find your allergies so interesting to read aboutโ€ฆ think my body acts up in the same way when i am stressed but Iโ€™m rubbish at forensically looking at the different scenariosโ€ฆ there are certain foodstuffs which trigger either itching or spots or cramps but actually not every time I eat them.. Iโ€™ve often wondered if itโ€™s hormonal and intolerance, or histamine intolerance etc but stress could be a factor alsoโ€ฆ
    Thanks for posting as it is food for thought – definitely ๐Ÿ‘

    @michelinme I hope your daughter is able to rest up while ill with Covid and is not trying to work through itโ€ฆ you poor things.
    You have inspired me to plant some bulbs when I get back home next week and look forward to spring colour in the garden. I love my garden so much ๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŒธ .

    @funshipfreddie – your BP readings looked great to me! Iโ€™d be very happy with those readingsโ€ฆIโ€™m on tablets since 2014 – no real reason for the high bp but most likely down to auto immune conditions. I donโ€™t like taking tabs but they do keep it in checkโ€ฆ still higher than your readings thoughโ€ฆ
    and well done on AF. I know youโ€™ve done it before but Iโ€™m another of the group who is mainly AF ๐Ÿšซ except for special celebrations and hols (way too much on the cruise ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) ๐Ÿน.

    @stitchincarol very interesting musings on milk. ๐Ÿค” well done on the WF – ๐Ÿ’ช

    Ok getting tired now so off to snoozeโ€ฆ have a lovely Saturday all and be well ๐Ÿ™

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 15 – South Africa – FD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    @matpi – “The information can be helpful, but itโ€™s not so good for the canaries.” – not sure if that was meant to be funny, but it did make me chuckle ๐Ÿ˜…

    @jaifaim – I think doctors are way too hasty to prescribe meds. I’ve researched quite a lot since my consultation. The nurse didn’t even follow basic guidelines when she took my BP; e.g. I was lying down when she took both readings (she’d been sticking little pads all over me for the ecg) & your feet are supposed to be flat on the floor. She was talking to me the whole time – patient & person taking the reading are supposed to be silent, in a quiet environment. But I was separated from another patient by only a curtain, & could hear a doctor telling her they were going to take her to hospital. Meds also shouldn’t be prescribed on the basis of only one consultation either. Anyway….๐Ÿ˜ฌ Re AF – thanks! I’m thinking if I keep going after October, I could maybe aim for 100 days ๐Ÿ˜ฑ which means my next drink will be on January 9th. I should make it a large one ๐Ÿ˜

    @songbirdme – hoping your hubby is back home safe & sound soon ๐Ÿค—

    Cool, wet & windy here, a good day for curling up with the cat & a book, I think.

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐ŸŒค ๐ŸŒˆ

    Pocket List – Day 15 ๐Ÿ’

    Day 15 โ€“ Saturday nightโ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ (NFD) ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    Especially for @songbirdme ….sending hugs your way from this far side of the world …hope your DH is improving….. here’s some flowers for you both ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

    Oh dear @mariaelena, this is all triggering long forgotten memories. One of the other Paul Gallico books we read was THE SNOW GOOSE. I recall it wasn’t a long book but a sad, very sentimental book for a far too impressionable and naive young self way back then….. probably all too sad for me as my Dad had passed around that time and I was very impressionable… as most young girls are. Nevertheless I might seek it out and take a trip down memory lane with a box of tissues to hand!

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: If the plan doesnโ€™t work, change the plan, but never change the goal…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅ’๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅฆ

    Hi there!

    Thanks for the really nice welcome! Sorry if quite generic!
    Speaking of intolerances I’m intolerant to alcohol;-0 I get cracking headaches and migraines which are even worse with booze on top, doesn’t really have an impact on weight loss though tbh. Hoping headaches will calm down with HRT

    Am fasting on Monday

    Have a great w/e everyone!

    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s eating wasn’t stellar, but was decent; I’m aiming for better behavior today but my morning RESOLVE never seems to make it to and last through the supper hour. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    @michelinme I made your carrot-ginger soup for lunch yesterday and it was delightful!

    @songbirdme Wow, such a huge reaction to the dental work, eh? So glad he’s improving, even if it’s tiny little bit by tiny little bit.

    @matpi Yay for breaking the 180lb barrier!

    @amiya Don’t forget the heading on your posts; it’s our only “rule” here. ๐Ÿ˜œโค๏ธ

    Yesterday was DS’s b-day, making him DS31 now. Both sons work (they’re servers at a country club) on Fridays and Saturdays, so the birthday celebration is tomorrow, with both boys here for church, biscuits and gravy afterward for brunch, then off the hour to see Grandma, then home by four o’clock to cook and enjoy Herb-marinated Grilled Shrimp, Pasta Carbonara, Caesar Salad, and a peach-blueberry cake/pie. All that food tomorrow is even more motivation to eat very little today, LOL!

    DH and I did some tidying yesterday in our truly disastrous basement, and have a plan for how to tame it into something tidy and pleasant; first step is to scrape the mold and puckered paint off the cement block walls of the closet tucked under the stairs and then paint them. I started yesterday–wearing a mask, of course–and will try to get the scraping done today so I can paint it with the mold-killing paint (Kilz). Once I get the finish coat on (Monday?), putting the stuff back in the closet will certainly help the messiness of the basement, but it was all the stuff in there that kept us from realizing how awful the walls were, so we’ll be more diligent in checking it in the future.

    Well, I should stop chattering and get to my day. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. I admit I was a little piggy last night. Must do better there.

    But I did take a look at my 10-day trend for October, and it does have a clear downwards trend, and the daily weigh-ins are not bouncing all over the place as in September. Could be a good sign. Just got to keep it up.

    @songbirdme Hope he recovers quickly — that’s the last thing you expect from a dental procedure in my mind ๐Ÿ™

    @matpi Congrats on breaking the barrier again! I’m working breaking on the 210 “again…”

    Day 15 – UK Cam – NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went well until late evening – the covid booster jab left DH and me both feeling headachy and sore – probably all in the mind (you’re told you might feel symptoms, so you naturally do!). Hot chocolate drink and 2 chocolate biscuits before bed were def. not on the plan! Today should have been mindful eating and was going well until I visited DD and family where we were baking brownies, banana and choc chip muffins and rocky road tray bake. Need I say more! Still, tomorrow is a whole new day …

    @songbirdme – hope DH is soon feeling better and able to come home.
    @matpi – well done with breaking the 180 barrier, onward and downward now.
    @amiya – I get a reaction to some lager beers and red wine – white wine and spirits are fine. Dreadful headache, puffy face and streaming eyes/nose – not a pleasant sight (or feeling!). I have become a fan of lime and soda as a long drink when out with friends – no alcohol, low sugar and quite safe for driving!

    Right, off to bed with good book, spiced apple tea and 2 paracetemol for the aches.

    Day 15 USA/HI NFD
    Still here.

    Day 14 UK FD
    Day 15 UK NFD

    Still here. Unplanned FD yesterday – super stressful 16hr day – but the silver lining was weighing in down 2lb this morning. That set me up nicely for an overeat day today.
    V tired so zzz but checking in for accountability. Another full day tomorrow then REST

    Strength to all fasters x

    Day 15 second post

    I finally got to the grocery store today and bought some skim/nonfat milk, which has always been my milk of choice. I struggled a bit at supper to make myself drink it–it was both a reluctance to skip the wine I was eyeballing, and a reluctance/lack of willingness to actually drink milk–but poured a small glass, drank it–and was delighted by the familiar taste! What’s more, I drank what used to be the minimum I would drink, about 12-15 oz, and was too full even to finish supper. And supper was perfect for a CD: an 8oz pork chop split by DH and me, a large tossed green salad, and the leftover butternut squash from last night.

    So here I am, fifteen minutes later, and I’m still stuffed, and not at all interested in having that glass of wine I was allowing myself. Wouldn’t it be delightful if this simple choice works to help me control my eating (quantity) and drinking (empty-calorie alcohol) so that I to start losing weight again? I’ll keep you all posted!

    Day 16- Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Hi all! ๐Ÿ‘‹ And Well Done to the Saturday fasters ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    Early check in again and like you all I am trying to get back to good habitsโ€ฆ I had a decent day food wise, a good walk with one of my besties and had a lovely meal out last night as my birthday was earlier this week so a good excuse for good food with friends.

    @funshipfreddie – some say it takes 100 days to form a new habit so that would be a great target ๐Ÿ‘ fair play to you in any case ๐Ÿ’ช.

    @amiya Iโ€™m mostly AF ๐Ÿšซ too as it and Sugar (which it is) are not my friendsโ€ฆ headaches, brain fog and other other little signs all follow any excess and unfortunately with alcohol that is 2 or more drinks for me. I heard recently that if you drink 3 or more pints in one sitting that it is technically classed as a bingeโ€ฆ that stuck with me alsoโ€ฆ Iโ€™m trying to cut binging generally out of my life.

    @gardenlily hope the ๐Ÿ’Š did the trick ๐Ÿ™

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 16, Germany, NFD

    Day 16 – South Africa – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    Well done to us Saturday fasters! ๐Ÿ… It was a bit of a struggle until mid-afternoon. I braved the blustery weather to clock up half of my 10,000 steps & greet the sea. I always feel a bit cheated if I don’t get to glimpse the sea at least once a day. 0.6 kgs down for the month; which is a result considering I’ve definitely been eating a bit more on NFDs. No doubt subconsciously ‘rewarding’ myself for not drinking.

    @jaifaim – Belated birthday wishes! ๐Ÿฅณ ๐ŸŽˆ
    I heard that too recently, re binge-drinking. As opposed to deliberately drinking excessively to become kaylied ๐Ÿ˜…

    Half of October done & dusted! Still time to reach for reach for/revise our monthly goals ๐ŸŽฏ

    Happy S๐ŸŒžnday!

    โ€œIf everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.โ€ ~ Henry Ford

    Day 16 – Off the coast of Spain about to turn to port into the Mediterranean!

    Good morning all

    A quick call in, just to let you know we’re managing OK. 3rd day at sea and quickly getting into our usual routine.
    Up reasonably early, into the spa, an hour in the Hydrotherapy suite, split between the vitality pool, steam room, sauna and warm recliners. Great way to start a day.
    Light breakfast, a few laps of promenade deck, plenty of exersise dancing late into the night.
    My FD’s are very different here, mainly fish or seafood.

    @funshipfreddie – you would be right at home here! Aboard Spirit of Adventure

    Take care all.

    Day 16 โ€“ Sunday โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ (NFD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    Sunday night and just checking in….. sorting out my food for tomorrow’s FUN DAY (FD).

    Hope everyone’s weekend went well without too many ‘blowouts’!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜Š

    cheerie dearies

    Thought: Everything is permitted but not everything is beneficial ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ …. hold that thought!

    Day 16 – UK Cam NFD
    Good day so far today – papers in bed with tea, late fruit & yoghurt breakfast, dog walk and 2hrs on allotment working hard, salad lunch in sunshine and baking for next week all afternoon. Gotta shift some of those apples, the shed is overflowing! FD tomorrow all planned out – what could possibly go wrong …

    @jaifaim – thanks for thinking of me – yep, the pills worked a treat, slept all night thru which is unusual in itself. Feeling quite OK now.
    @i-hate-lettuce – hope you are having a wonderful time. My late mum used to love going on a cruise, it was the highlight of her year and she would dance the night away even in her 70s!
    @linda.b – definitely identify with your ‘Thought’ – just because you can, doesn’t mean you should!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday – a whole new week about to start, let’s make it a positive one.

    Day 16 USA (Illinois) FD

    Since DH is still in the hospital, I won’t cook today, so I will make it a FD. Still not exactly certain what is wrong with him, but due to it being a weekend, he will not be discharged until at least tomorrow. His fever seems gone, but weakness is still there.

    @amiya – welcome to our terrific “fellowship” band of fasters! You will find wonderful support here.

    @i-hate-lettuce – have a terrific vacation! You sound like you have a great routine for the cruise without overeating. More power to you.

    @stitchincarol – hope the milk works for you! I always drank skim myself, but DH like at least 1% or even 2% so I often put an ice cube in it.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – USA – NFD

    Day 16 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. EEEK! Anyway, forgot to post this morning. Will post again in a few hours with a better number. Today’s WFD went well.

    Day 17, Germany, NFD

    Day 17 – Ireland – FD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธโœ…

    Wild weather here overnight – I got out for a walk this morning but there are branches of trees etc everywhereโ€ฆ so just a very short one.

    Power to the Monday fasters ๐Ÿ’ช

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Pocket list – Day 17

    Day 17, UK, NFD

    Was going for a FD today but didn’t sleep well at all, so not going to torture myself.

    Thanks @jaifaim @gardenlily for the AF comments and welcome @songbirdme
    I’ve been AF for a long time, it def has its perks but still have the persistent headaches, which HRT has alleviated a bit, no magic bullet though. In UK you can get Botox (helps headaches) on NHS if you have 15 headaches a month, luckily I didn’t qualify :0), but still get about 8 too many a month as they ‘hang around’ and can start in the early morning say 3am and continue for 24 hours. WFH is now permanent for me, with pluses and minuses, lovely not to have the schlep to work in the morning, for that I’m grateful. On the days like today when chucking down with rain, I try to fit in more steps, 30 mins Salsa moves does about 3500 steps..

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Day 17 – South Africa – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท

    @i-hate-lettuce – Spirit of Adventure, what a stunning ship?! Just done a virtual tour. I’m SO envious. And it’s brand new! Just one small problem – no casino?! But one big plus – no kids! ๐Ÿ˜… How’s Malaga? I’ll be tracking your movement daily on ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿšข

    Aiming for Tues/Thurs/Sat FDs this week; maybe? ๐Ÿค”

    The sun’s finally got his hat on today, so I’m off out. Have a good week everyone ๐ŸŒž

    Day17 U.K. CD

    Oh dear things arenโ€™t going to plan , had last minute house guests at the weekend which was great but not so good for my resolve and we head off again โ€œup northโ€ on Wednesday for a whistle stop tour of our parents , who are all in their 80s and as many other relatives and friend we can fit in – to us itโ€™s a major journey but Iโ€™m guessing 250 miles is a trip to the shops for some of you

    Iโ€™ll be monitoring your milk and experiment @stitchincarol not sure Iโ€™ll be able to join you,I do have milk in my morning coffee but it must be 40+ years since I drank a glass- but hey if it works ๐Ÿฅ›๐Ÿ’ช

    Iโ€™m aiming to be controlled , I may fast but it will be the 800 variety and when we get back Iโ€™m definitely getting back to my usual routine for the last week of October and I still believe a small loss will be achievable

    Really hoping your DH has a speedy recovery @songbirdme

    Day 17 โ€“ Monday โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“FUN DAY (FD)๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐Ÿฅ•๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฆ

    Just checking in…. my FUN DAY went well… weird weather here… usually by this time in October it is sizzling hot with afternoon heat storms but nary a one so far! It’s still very cool and more rain…. apparently for the next week or so..

    I’t’s 8.33pm and I’m still working so won’t chat tonight…

    Thought: Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in, day out ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’ก

    Pocket list โ€“ Day 17 ๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฅฆ

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Disappointing, because this is my highest post-Sunday FD weigh-in since January 3. But again, until I choose to behave differently on NFDs, this kind of status quo situation will continue. I am being very stubborn, but at least I am persistent with the 5:2. Gotta change the mindset.

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