Sunny Day

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Jassey 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I love the feeling on a fast day that there is suddenly a lifting of fog. My senses also feel sharpened. It’s interesting, and I look foward to the brightened mood, as well.

    Hi canny. I get exactly the same feeling. I feel super confident, positive and energetic. I almost dread going back to eating. My mind is definitely sharpened. I work with computers and towards the end of fast days I can remember long alphanumeric strings that I usually need to copy over digit by digit. I’m finding it all quite fascinating.

    I do a lot of odd shift patterns based on my own creative adventures. At times I’ll lose a couple of days of sleep and eat barely a thing since I’m so involved in what I’m doing.

    I find I get a good nights kip and those 2 lost nights that would normally wrecked me have very little effect on me. I’m more on the ball, awake and aware. I get more work done and also I consider it higher quality than it used to be.

    I sometimes get little tingles in my brain like it’s just had a massage. It feels like a positive thing but then again it could be the beginnings of losing my marbles.

    I also think that on fast days my mind is “clearer”; I manage difficult SQL codings quicker, I have more energy, etc.

    It occurred to me that my deeper discussions should be on a fast day.

    The opposite is true in real life. Most sessions, meetings, or conventions have lots of food and alcohol.

    How would the world shift if we had our most important meetings on our fast days?

    Rockyromero, I have thought the same thing!

    At least the staff canteen should not serve high-calorie, high-carb meals for office workers (with low energy consumption), you only feel tired in the afternoon, but there is no real need for such feast on normal working day.

    There are true stories about companies like Google that give their employees free food. All you can eat. Some may be healthy but not most. It’s usually the quantities of free food that people gorge on.

    I’m guilty of that.

    As a board member of a non profit, I participated in events where the food was over the top in private settings. That’s when I started to think that the money allocation may be misdirected. We were required to raise more funds rather than to have meaningful discussions.

    Something was wrong with that picture. I left for other reasons but it left me with the impression that the non profit sector is a for profit opportunity for some within the organization.

    I remember a client who would spout in front of his sales teams, on a weekly basis: FOOD IS A WEAPON!!

    They would nod. I would half smile.

    This overweight client was serious about his food & intent on using food as a bribe to get more clients.

    I think this is common in our cultures. ✔

    My mind if definitely clearer on fast days.I have taken up learning another language and do ‘homework’ on fast days as I find I grasp things more quickly and completely. Quite interesting really, there is a noticeable change for me.

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