Sugar cravings

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Tigger1277 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve been on the programme for 10 weeks now. I was very disappointed that my sugar cravings didn’t disappear immediately, and have to admit that I ate quite a few chocolate bars in the first few weeks.

    Well, I have just noticed that in the last couple of weeks my sugar cravings have pretty well gone down to a normal level. Even better, if I do indulge, I don’t spend the rest of the day stuffing any old rubbish into my gob! Its just like I imagine normal people behave!

    I have also lost 6 kilos, and dropped a dress size!

    Well done Ruth. After 24 weeks and 24lbs lost I find I’m also satisfied sooner so don’t need to eat a full serving when I go out.
    I still feel and have my chocolate hit on days if I feel like it but I definitely have less.

    I’m really struggling with binging on biscuits at the moment and most of the time I’m not even hungry just need that fix and once a start I can’t stop. I start my fast days with good intentions and then I find myself eating a biscuit followed by several more. When I focused I have been doing more or less 24 hours no food and then come my evening meal eating what ever I like. The next day will be a feast day. I’ll try and do 2-3 fast days a week but since Christmas I haven’t managed a full fast day. Help!?!?! X

    Hi Tigger

    I have a sugar “addiction” too. The only way I can deal with it, is to not have any sweet stuff in the house. Give it away or throw the biscuits out.

    I have lost 17 kg on 5:2 and I had hoped to lose my sweet tooth by now. I have been maintaining successfully since August 2014. So this is not about weight for me, but about health.

    Try to read David Gillespie’s book White Poison. Or look at the documentary “That Sugar Film”. They have given me motivation to try to go sugar free.

    For me it is hard to resist sugar and carb mixes, such as homemade cakes, biscuits etc. Good luck. Remember, there are lots of us out here, all trying to break the addictive response to sugar.

    Cheers, Bay

    Bay I think the book you mean is Sweet Poison.

    Another good film / documentary is Fed Up

    Thanks, Applepie, you’re right. I do mean Sweet Poison by David Gillespie. Bay 😉

    Ha thanks guys. I wake up and go to bed thinking about biscuits at the moment and my tummy fat has returned and I’m sure that’s why. I presume that if the only thing Ive eaten during my fasting period is biscuits then my body will hang onto it as fat. But even that thought isn’t giving me the motivation to stop. My husband struggles to keep wait on hence the naughty stuff exists in the house. If I know it’s there I’ll eat it. My husband is the main cook in the house too as I’m useless and he tries feeding me exactly what he has and I can’t leave food lol. I’ve maintained the weight I’ve lost well but the tummy fat is a problem. It’s all psychological I know. Xx

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