Succeed in September

This topic contains 167 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  NorthGeorgia 19 minutes ago.

Viewing 18 posts - 151 through 168 (of 168 total)

  • Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Going for another FD500 today. A couple of tense things at work to take care of this week, but taking Thursday off, as it is my late father’s birthday, and will spend the day with my mother.

    Pocket list day 17 πŸͺ‘

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday got turned upside down as we had to drive yet again to where my MIL lived and meet two sisters to write thank you notes. I continue to be astonished at how much is involved in a death. Then supper included a fair amount of crusty bread to go with shrimp and a big pile of steamed broccoli, so was partly fine, but that bread is going to make today tougher than it needed to be. Oh well.

    Wow, even with a fair number of us checking in, there’s sure not much chatter. So, @northgeorgia, I hope you’re able to easily resolve the tense things at work, @jaifaim, good to hear from you, and have a grand time with your friends in NYC, @excelsior12309, deep breaths: you’ll again find your RESOLVE to make progress down, @michelinme So glad your laptop could be quickly fixed, @flourbaby Oh, golly, I too hope Bo Bo finally finds your back yard tolerable and even interesting!, @davinac I too love FDs!

    Okay, off to start my day. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list day 17 πŸͺ‘
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 17 UK FD800

    Yesterday morphed into a FD800 so I thought I’d throw in another one, to make up for it. Today has turned into OMAD but I’m making it a 3-course one: panfried halloumi with mushrooms & spinach, butternut squash/pea/sweetpotato dahl, fresh peach and blueberries.

    Today has been LOOONG – two zoom meetings and a pile of pre-conference work that needed completing ahead of tomorrow’s planning meeting. Plus picking up some more emails – do they never end?! I’ve also just realised that I’m full on tomorrow from 12pm and straight out from a meeting at 4pm so need to get set tonight. I’m v tired but Future Me will be glad I did.

    It’s fruit & veg box again first thing tomorrow; I’m delighted to have eaten everything up from the first one xc some baby pears, courgettes and carrots. The carrots will combine with ginger to make a nice soup later this week, and the courgettes can go into the next thing I cook that works with greens – or be peeled and dressed into a salad; pears are going to become a compote with some leftover plums – yummy pudding for the end of the week too.

    This week I topped up with an extra cauliflower, spinach, blueberries, plums and peaches with a little leftover. Now looking forward to seeing what the next box will bring. I find it so much easier to cook from a box, enjoying the adventure of how to use what comes, than going into a supermarket and deciding what I’m going to eat!

    Today I noticed that I’ve been impatient to lose weight – but realised I’ve only been back here for 15 days! I’ll try to get better at seeing this as a WOL (albeit at the weight loss stage) and holding onto monthly milestones. I’ve come so far already cf 1 September, especially finding it so easy to resist foods that don’t match my goals.

    @flourbaby LC pre-FD is such a good idea! i’m trying to do better this week πŸ™‚

    @stitchincarol I’m so glad everything went well with the visiting and your MIL’s service. There is SO MUCH to be done after someone dies – over here we often call it deathmin. I’m still sorting out my mother’s bank account and utilities, we’re only just applying for probate now. I hope you and DH can have a few ‘normal’ days now.

    @northgeorgia thinking of you as you come to you Dad’s birthday. I found my mother’s birthday surprisingly tough in July after her death this year.

    Holding all the Pocketeers close today – you are what keeps me on this waggon!

    Pocket list day 17 πŸͺ‘
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 18, OMAD, Aus

    Also just checking in. Yesterday’s OMAD went well – probably ~800 cal, so I’ll plan the same today.

    Day 18 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 18
    @penz OMAD

    FD day today. Loving it just chosen a lovely menu from the FD book, plus the scales made me happy as I wanted to be in the 67kg range for the wedding which I am ( that is 6kg gone 19cm from around the belly). But my friend reminded me last night if I had tried on my clothes as they might be too big. Oops no I haven’t too late

    michelinme that recipe sounds delish, must try it.
    Northgeorgia don’t fall off, keep going.
    Have a fun day all

    Day 18, London, UK, FD

    I don’t think I’m quite settled in yet (much the same as Bo-Bo!😻) so my sleep is disturbed and the tasks before me seem a bit overwhelming. This all makes for difficult fasting, but I won’t be to hard on myself just yet …………….. “Better to try and fail than not to try at all” – Nicole Krauss

    @northgeorgia & @michelinme, this March was my mums 6 month anniversary AND her birthday fell on Mothers day ……………. it was sooo hard, but we got through it by sticking together and reminiscing about cheeky & funny she was!πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ’” Spending the day with your mum will give you both the support you need.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    @stitchincarol, I hope things settle down for you soon, it’s certainly a busy time, but you’ll feel happy afterwards that you made the effort to get things done as she would have wanted.πŸ™πŸΌ

    Thanks for adding me to the list @funshipfreddie, I’ve no excuse now!!

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 18
    @penz OMAD

    “Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound and turn into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.” – James Clear

    Day 18 UK f800

    Quite a few going through some challenging emotional times, hope you all find the strength to push through πŸ’•

    Your determination and results are inspiring @davinac and @michelinme , 2 weeks today til my trip to Palermo and I’m aiming to focus and get a result πŸ’ͺ

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 18
    @penz OMAD

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. @flourbaby and @michelinme Thanks for your words of support; it is still really hard, especially since he was taken so suddenly when a simple procedure went wrong in the hospital — mentally I have blocked the violent painfulness of his passing since my mom and I were both in the room with medical staff rushing around when he died. Up until that point, most of our extended and close family members that passed either did so more gradually through hospice or hospital care, or happened in an instant (overdose or heart attack). It’s difficult when your last memory is your loved one screaming in torment, convulsing, and hearing the blood pressure constantly drop among shouts of “no pulse,” while the medical staff slowly give up. I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone. We were asked at least once if we wanted to leave the room, but my mom shook her head no. Later she said with so many staffers in the room it would have been hard to get to the door anyway. We’ve replayed those final two days repeatedly in our minds wondering, “what if,” but we realized if any action taken were different, we would have questioned ourselves even more.

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD, but controlled – 159.6

    I’m gobsmacked by that lovely number. The eating plan for today is to have a salad for lunch and a sandwich for supper, but I’m allowing myself the option of having a sandwich to go with that salad, and then a second sandwich at supper. Yes, a lot of bread, but it’s excellent bread with whole grains, seeds and fiber, so oh well.

    Around 8pm last night I realized I had a headache–and that I almost always have a headache on WFDs. So I went into the kitchen and pulled out the leftover salmon and had several bites of it. By the time I had put it back in the fridge and come back to the living room, my headache was gone. Perhaps I ought to plan on some protein on WFDs? I was startled by how fast it was effective. That’ll be something to really ponder over the next several weeks.

    @michelinme The reason I’m finding the details related to a death so astounding is that I knew basically none of it for when my own mom died in 2015; my sister who lived near her in California clearly took care of many, many details without ever mentioning them. ❀️ BTW, I am so in awe of how successful you are at dealing with all those fruits and veggies!

    @penz Wow, look at you go!

    @funshipfreddie Hmmm, another nearly silent day for you. It’s laundry day and mosaic class, if I remember correctly; have fun!

    @davinac Congratulations on meeting you goal weight for the wedding! And, don’t forget to put your header on your posts, showing the day and where you are, plus what kind of day it is. Check out the way the rest of us do it, or read the very first instruction on the first page.

    @flourbaby Is any room in your new house completely settled? That’s a good way to find some peace–or, at least, that has worked for me when we’ve moved. I have my own move to contemplate next June, and I’m already overwhelmed, LOL!

    @brightonbelle The carrot of a trip to Palermo ought to be effective in keeping you to your daily goals; I’m sure it will be a lovely, lovely trip!

    @northgeorgia What sad and awful memories you have of your dad’s last hour. They are understandably difficult to bear.

    Today is my own. I have to walk over to church for 15 minutes this afternoon to play the keyboard for the opening of the classes DH teaches, but I’m otherwise free to arrange and fill my time as I choose. Glorious!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18
    @penz OMAD

    USA. Day 18. FD

    Good day, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18
    @penz OMAD

    Day 19 UK FD800
    Day 18 CD

    Weird to be the first post of the day, but here goes!

    I didn’t post yesterday as it was non-stop, but I fasted all day, drinking lots of liquids, then had healthy evening meal albeit late as I was out until mid-evening. Pepper, tomato & lentil soup, courgette & cheese omelette with 1/2 baked sweet potato, peach/pear/apple compote with vanilla vegan yogurt. Today I’m aiming for FD but will fallback to FD800 if needed.

    My fridge and kitchen are stacked with fruit and veg again after the fortnightly box. It’s a little overwhelming tbh but I think I’ll get through, and I prefer the larger portions of a fortnightly medium box. Kale, corn on the cob, spinach, sweet potato, tomatoes, courgettes, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, baby cucumbers, nectarines, peaches, apples, pears, blueberries – and more! It feels colourful and fresh and helps keep my mind engaged and motivation high. Also gets me cooking from scratch and thinking about food in a different way, making eating healthily more of a priority. All of which will hopefully keep me firmly on the waggon while I rebuild these habits.

    I’m still getting evening snack urges but these are definitely habits rather than hunger! when there’s only healthy stuff in the house it becomes less tempting – or I’m adding another apple, kale crisps etc which don’t derail my longer goals.

    Loved reading posts yesterday, and looking forward to hear how your FDs went. Here’s strength to today’s pocketeers.

    Pocket List Day 19

    Day 19, NFD, Aus

    I’m not in a good mood today! Not sure why… A friend of mine started chemo today. Another friend, whom I had lunch with, is mentally not in a good space. And my usual dog sitter is unavailable and we’re away next weekend! Compared to some of you on this forum, these are trivial travails, but I’m feeling pretty blah!

    @davinac – you’ve done so well! Hope your clothes look fabulous on you and you enjoy a wonderful wedding.

    @flourbaby – you’ll get there. Does your new place feel like “home” yet?

    Take care, @northgeorgia, I can really feel your pain through your post. Such an awful way to lose your father and I’m not surprised you and your family are trying not to go down the ‘what if’ path.

    Day 19 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – FD

    There are no longer any salted peanuts in my kitchen; because I scoffed them all. Every last one of them πŸ™„ I doubt very much I’ll see another 70.2 tomorrow πŸ€”

    @stitchincarol – nice number! πŸ’ͺ Yesterday was line-dancing. It was great fun, & everyone was there for a change, after a couple had been missing for a while due to holidays or illness. Tuesdays is laundry/mosaic class. But Tuesday is a public holiday next week. Mosaicking is moved to Wednesday, so I’m going to have to choose what I want to do. Yes, I’ve been quiet for the last few days. Just not got much chatter in me this week.

    Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 19
    @at FD800
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 19 UK f800

    Oh my what a moving post @northgeorgia Hope you and your family are coping πŸ’•

    Wow your kitchen must be overflowing @michelinme but love reading about your culinary creations πŸ‘©β€πŸ³

    Tough times @penz Hope things turn around quickly

    Salted peanuts- I can’t have them in the house – I CANNOT resist @funshipfreddie – No problem being a bit quiet πŸ•ŠοΈ

    Right , time to get my yoga mat out – see ya tomorrow πŸ‘‹

    Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 19
    @at FD800
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 19-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Joining the fasters for today. Our weather here is rather rainy and dreary, but the rain is much needed.
    Our vet is coming to the house today to give rabies vaccines to the two cats. We will see how that goes. The old corgi is very stiff and seems uncomfortable moving around; I hope the vet will give advice about using dog aspirin for arthritis.
    Sorry to see people in a down mood. @northgeorgia, your dad’s death sounds so traumatic, I am sorry you and your mother witnessed the end in such a fashion. @stichincarol, my older sister was living in the same town as my mother when my mother died suddenly of an aortic aneurysm. My sister was at the hospital with her. My sister was also her executor. IT was very hard on her emotionally; I wish I had realized more at the time how much it got to her. @penz, it sounds like you have good reason to feel a bit down, with the experiences of your friends.
    Wishing good vibes to all today.

    2nd Post – Day 19

    Pocket List – Day 19
    @at FD800
    @michelinme FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    I did my two FDs on Mon/Tue this week; taking mom out for lunch today. Next one will be Sunday or Monday, maybe both πŸ™‚

Viewing 18 posts - 151 through 168 (of 168 total)

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