Struggling to eat more than 1200 calories on feed days

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Struggling to eat more than 1200 calories on feed days

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Jennifer4 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Halfway into my second week and having looked at what I have been eating on ‘normal’ days I noticed I am struggling to eat my calorie count for my BMR. I am just not hungry. Is this something that will hinder my weight loss or is it nothing to worry about and further along I will even out and regain an appetite for calorie rich food?
    Anybody else find on non fasting days you just aren’t very hungry? x

    Sadly not, I could still eat for England on my non-fast days! I don’t, though! At least this plan is teaching me a little bit of self-discipline as I am very aware that it won’t work if I eat freely 5 days a week.

    StephB – I could eat for England too now!

    drilakila, I found it is usually not the day after the Fast I feel really hungry, for example:- fast Thursday then Friday would be below BMR, but Saturday slightly more or Sunday could eat everything in sight! I have learnt from this, so now keep a rough idea of what I have eaten, so that I don’t go off track completely.

    I’m sure things will sort themselves out. 🙂

    thank you Serenity. I’ll know what to look out for lol x

    I added another fasting day this week so I did Monday and Wednesday with another fast day coming up tomorrow. Wednesday was hard and I had 20 calories over the 500! I was so hungry by 2pm I had to eat something so had a punnet of raspberries which was all of 56 cals.
    Today I was actually hungry and have eaten some lovely veg curry and enjoyed everything I ate today. I have noticed food tastes better and even when I went shopping for food today I bought healthy stuff and snacked on a banana on the way home.
    I am looking forward to how next week feels because so far each week has been very different.
    Some of the clothes I wore two weeks ago are now uncomfortably too big i.e. jeans falling down and my friends have noticed a change in me already. I feel so much better too. More energy, less bloating and no IBS. Hooray!

    I am also struggling to eat more than 1200 too. But I’m only on day 5 so I’m hopingb it will change.

    my fast day today was a lot easier. Wasn’t hungry until at least 7 pm after an egg for breakfast.
    I remembered I had a set of scales hiding in a cupboard and dragged them out this morning. The last time I was weighed was at my Dr’s surgery about 4 months ago and I was 14 1/2 stones. I realise these are different scales and probably not accurate but…I hopped on and I am 14 stone exactly!!! I can’t have lost 7 lbs already, can??!

    Guilt free eating! Fish and chips and a beer on a non fasting day..woohoo! Water intake slows on a non fast day. IBS symptoms back for a while yesterday and I wonder now if bread is the trigger??
    To my surprise people are noticing I am a bit thinner. I have noticed my double chin is vain lol.
    Trying to be mindful to eat enough on non fast days but I am looking forward to a fast day tomorrow. Fasting is hard work, I wonder when it will become easier and second nature. It’s really helping me to look at my relationship with food and how weird that’s been for my whole life.
    Extra bonus of fasting…I am saving money on the food I don’t buy, didn’t expect that! x

    Well done drilakila, it feels amazing doesn’t it?

    I’m a newbie here and a habitual overeater so I am currently using myfitnesspal app to count calories to keep everything in check. It is my second fast day today and it will be interesting to see if it differs from two days ago…

    I am a 73 yr old woman, 5 ft high, 51 kg weight.

    I would like to know the calorie limit for fasting for my height.

    Obviously 500 cals is too much. Could someone kindly advise me.

    Hi I am 5 Ft, not particularly active and I stick to around 500 on a fast day, and around 1200 on other days. Jennifer

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