Stomach Irritation, Slight Pain, No craving for any food or hunger.

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Stomach Irritation, Slight Pain, No craving for any food or hunger.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuietOne 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I find that I have zero real hunger any longer. I am doing a 17/7 daily IF routine for about 1 month. I have had some great weight loss. Again, I don’t have any hunger pangs per say, but I have had been having this constant pit feeling in my stomach that I am concerned about.

    So, the past week I have been having a pit feeling in my stomach, not necessarily hunger, and not overly painful. It is more like a full stomach lining irritation? Today I felt tired and I had a carb filled meal tonight hoping it would help the feeling in my stomach. But it’s 1:08am EST, and the feeling is keeping me awake,

    For two weeks I have had no cravings though and no big hunger, even during eating windows, which is fantastic. But is this feeling something you have experienced or heard of? I have rea but that is also scary. I have been following a 17/7 IF plan and eating about 1800 calories which is all I seem to be hungry for, if that.

    This pit feeling in my stomach is constant now even after I have eaten.

    Has anyone else experienced strong feelings in the stomach? Any help or reassurance you can give is appreciated. Thanks.

    How are your bowels moving? That’s the first thing I’d consider. The next is are you taking any fiber supplements of any type. These can have odd side effects and impacts on the digestive tract.

    I found pretty much the same thing when I went to one evening meal per day and was doing 2 fast days a week as well. The feeling was not nice… It was more than uncomfortable and why I stopped. It was NOT hunger pains. Nor was it a mental thing.

    I discussed it with my Dr. and his answer was “Pain is your body sending you a message.” When I returned to 5:2 the pain went away. I’m doing 4:3 this week and my second fast day is tomorrow, so we’ll see if it returns the more I fast.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write back. My bowels are fine and have taken some fiber everyday thinking I was not getting enough. I am going to stop and see what happens. I believe that when I started the 16/8 daily IF my body naturally just started to feel less hungry so my eating window started to decrease alot. Also, I am evaluating what I am eating. I was still drinking coffee twice per day and now, with mostly empty stomach, I am sure that wasn’t helping.

    Did you Dr. say exactly what was happening? It was very interesting to me. It wasn’t overly painful, but felt almost like an inflammation and muscle tightness?

    I am also going to make sure I drink some soothing type teas during my fasting window and maybe some broth. Last night I had a nice full last meal at 6pm and this morning I am feeling a little better. Still though my cravings are gone and my old ravenous type hunger is gone. Those are great benefits. I just have to keep modifying this 16/8 daily plan so it works for me.

    Thanks again and let me know how things go for you and I will do the same.

    I was taking a bulk fiber made from chicory, inulin fiber . Never gets gummy and you can put it on or in anything they said. 1 tspn twice a day.

    The Dr. thinks that I was over doing fiber supplements as I was taking Psyllium fiber as I was constipated, and I was trying lean greens which is again a fibre. The Dr. figured I was just irritating my bowels beyond normal. However when I stopped taking fiber supplements and psyllium the pain did not go away. Dr. then suggested that my system was going through stages of nothing being processed then I’d have 1500 calories and bombard my system “maybe” gall bladder irritation or kidney issues. (I have had kidney stones removed twice both times they said my kidneys were a gravel pit)

    By evening my intake out it seems to have helped me attain an equilibrium I was lacking. Also I don’t jump in after a fast but have some berries and other fruits first wait an hour have something a bit more substantial and then have a full meal. Breaking fasts in this manner seems to be doing the trick for me. Your mileage may vary as we’re all different. The upside is that the Dr couldn’t find anything “wrong” but did say pain is a message and we don’t find everything all the time.

    I find that eating higher proteins and fats helps. I’m into a 3 days water only fast I am having blood panels done tomorrow morning 15.5 hours to go and it will be 86 hours since I had food,) then will have a small meal and wait an hour and have them done again. Really want to see what the change is in them. If any, insulin level should spike but then drop pretty fast but we’ll see what we get.

    Then will be back to 5:2 and next month I’m aiming at a 5 day water only fast. This is supervised by my Dr. of course. He’s intrigued due to the fact that 5:2 has improved my general health to such an extensive degree he’s more than willing to check me over daily. I have to state I’m doing this for health reasons not for weight loss, if/when that occurs it’s a bonus.

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