Still Working

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Time4change 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I started the Fast Diet in February and was faithful to it until I went on vacation in June. I had lost 13 pounds in about 14 weeks. After being off the diet for 5 weeks, I gained back 5 pounds. Started back on the diet right after the 4th of July and I am back down 5 pounds. I am down 13 pounds and would like to go an additional 15. I like the fact that the weight is coming off slow, but steady. I also like the fact that if I decide not to do the diet, I can start it again at will. I often have work lunches to attend and I am able to plan my fasting days around lunch meetings. I always speak positive about the diet, even when I hear folks try to put it down saying that fasting will not help you loose weight.

    Sounds like you are doing well and settled into a good pattern.
    My husband and I are 5 months in 22 lbs and 24 lbs down and settled in a good pattern on Tuesday and Thursdays.

    Hello Fellow Travellers,
    Have been 5:2ing for 5 weeks now. Am really pleased with results and actively enjoying taking responsibility for my wellbeing and weightloss. Have lost 12 lbs and various inches. the whole process seems to have an ongoing success thingy. Better mood and energy levels, clearer skin, more likely to exercise/increase activity. I’ve tried other plans over the years and found I couldn’t sustain levels of “angelic abstinence”/extreme calorie counting which were needed for success on Weightwatchers etc (no disrespect intended). This feels altogether different. The journey is my focus, not a destination of expected weightloss – and then what? The words yo-yo have been my experience in the past. I have enjoyed reading other posts and all our individual journeys. I take support, thanks. Here’s to us all and finding our own freedom to write our chosen futures. We can. X

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