Still losing

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lynnecall 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Weighed again today and still losing. Averageing about a pound a day and am so made up……
    hubby is doing it as well, but has less to lose. feeling good and walking better and no longer out of breath

    Congratulations Lynnecall. I would be great to have the support of your partner with you. I wish you both all the best and looking forward to seeing your progress. Keep up the good work.

    Hi Lynne and welcome:

    Of course, a pound a day is pretty much impossible (your TDEE is over 3500 and you are not eating any food?), but I hope you continue losing as you think you should:

    Good Luck!

    l am actually eating….
    l have porridge in the morning with some sugar and milk and a cup of apple cider vinegar and honey
    Fruit for lunch with a cup of black coffee
    Jacket potato with cottage cheese/beans and salad for tea, or a bowl of homemade veg soup with a slice of bread.
    plenty of water during the day as well
    So please do not tell me l am not eating.
    And my TDEE is actually 1943

    Hi Lynn:

    Sorry, I did not ask how long you have been losing a pound a day. Has it been a month – or two months?

    Many people can lose a pound a day for a short period of time as they lose water weight discharged as their glycogen is decreased.

    l have been on this diet since the 5th January and l did have a bit of water retention, so l know the large amount l was losing at the beginning was water, but l am eating.
    l do not feel hungry half the time and force myself to have something at lunch, even if it is fruit or cottage cheese and crackers. l feel well in myself and have hubby to do the diet with…..
    l weigh first thing in the morning after my shower…..Only lost 0.80 of alb today, but hey it is still a loss!
    the box on here to show loss doesn’t let you put oz in….

    Well since 5th January l have lost 19lbs. Water and fat..still losing but only small amounts now like .80 of a lb on digital scales, but hey onward and upward, l am still losing as is hubby

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