Steve's Journal

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jenni tee 11 years ago.

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  • Hello Anyone who has landed here!

    I’ll be blunt – I’m not writing this journal for you, I’m writing it for me and this is a convenient place to do it!

    Having said that, I’m genuinely not trying to discourage interaction but what I will say is that my thoughts may wander a bit in these posts, however, should I truly want some advice, I will ask for it in other parts of the forum 🙂

    So I’ve just done my first day’s fast.

    An interesting observation – I’ve often gone from 7pm Friday to 7pm Saturday without eating (because of the nature of what I do on Saturday) but because I was deliberately fasting, I felt more hungry today!

    The human mind at it’s greatest – what we resist, persists!

    So anyway, I had 295 calories in the form of a diet protein shake (USN Ultra Lean Diet Fuel in case you are wondering) with 30g of raw oats in it.

    I waited until hunger was upon me to have this rather than trying to pre-empt it. I’d been mildly hungry prior to this but decided to wait until I felt it necessary.

    Um… fess up Steve – it wasn’t 24 hours now, was it?

    No it wasn’t, it was 22 hours without food, but I generally have a couple of cans of cider on a Saturday evening on my way home from seeing my son, so whilst I only had the shake through the day, I still ingested alcohol calories before the 24hrs were up.

    How are you going to deal with that next week Steve?

    I’m going to start the 24hrs earlier on Friday.

    OK – good – I’m glad we’ve got that sorted!

    Saturdays are kind of easy because I’m running around after the littlun most od the day and also beneficial because it’s probably the day that I expend most calories (by running around after the littlun) so I kinda feel like I’ve cheated a bit – I slept a lot of the fast and I was busy for another large part of it.

    Tuesday/Wednesday, when I do my 2nd day will be interesting because I’m going to have to invoke a lil more willpower.

    Let’s see how that goes and I make the pledge to be honest about it now – Steve – when you read this back on Wednesday night remember you said you won’t tell porkies!

    Hmm… if I must…

    OK – enough for now – let’s see how it goes!

    If there is a day in your life that makes it easier to fast, I think it’s smart to take advantage of the opportunity. It builds in some success for you, and it means that your Saturdays put you halfway done for your week.

    Best to you,


    First fast was last Saturday, next one was going to be Tuesday… which happened to be the day that I got a call out of the blue telling me that my mother has inoperable cancer.

    So did I complete the fast? No I didn’t, I scoffed pizza in a bout of unashamed comfort eating.

    Once I deal with how I’m feeling about my mum I’ll be back to this, but having a bit of trouble trying to do both at once!

    So sorry to hear about your Mum Steve. Who cares about the pizza, you have enough to think about.

    Give yourself a break and come back to 5:2 when you feel ready. Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up about not fasting – there are more important things just now.

    Take care – we’ll all be here for you when you are ready


    I am sorry to hear about your Mum and I wish you strength for the difficult time ahead!

    Prayers. So sorry for the news.


    ((((hugs))) Sorry about your Mum. The pizza was just what you needed. That is the beauty of this “diet” you can deal with life and come back when you are ready.

    Thank you all for the kind messages 🙂

    I’m back on track with this now.

    I’ve been having a low GI diet protein shake with 30g of raw oats mixed in during the day – I just wait until I’m hungry and have it at that point. It works out to about 200cals and gives me about 28g carbs, 18g protein and 3g fat.

    For dinner on fast days I’ve been getting ready meals from Marks & Spencer’s Fuller For Longer range.

    Tonight I had Beef & Red Wine Casserole with potatoes, carrrots and mushrooms. It weighs in at 355cals with 30g protein, 29g carbs (only 6g sugar) and 12g fat (3.5g sat fat).

    I managed to resist the urge to have a chunk of crusty bread & butter with it!

    Oh… something else I realised… my love of coffee… turns out I’ve been abusing it as a sugar delivery method! I like coffee without sugar but I am really noticing the sugar cravings on fast days.

    I’m thinking that I have enough spare calories to add an apple to my fast days so I might quarter one and have a bit when the sugar cravings arise.

    Onwards and upwards!

    Hi Steve
    Try using Xylitol instead of sugar a naturally ocurring sugar with only 11 cals per teasp!!
    or try some lemon juice in hot water first thing and it seems to take away desire for sweetness.

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