Starting block

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dorsetfattie 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Last week was my first week. Went well on fast days. I kept food simple and kept out of kitchen. The first day was followed
    by v restless night and v frequent need to pee. Is this normal?

    Hi Dorset

    I have been following 5/2 since early September and now 13lbs down. I am no expert but the frequent peeing is a good weight loss sign. I had quite a bit of trouble sleeping after the first few fast days, but this settled down quite quickly and after a month I was sleeping with no difference. Maybe try eating as late as possible or saving a few cals for last thing. Best of luck x

    I have to disagree with Sarah,
    frequent nocturnal peeing after a FD means you drank too much fluid late in the day.
    We get 80% of the fluid we need from our food so we need to drink extra on FDs, but drinking copious amounts does not aid weight loss. I drink extra but drink much less from around 6pm to avoid spending the night wearing a trail to the bathroom. It may take a while to get the balance right but I’m sure you’ll be able to to so.
    Being restless will probably settle down as it takes both mind and body a while to get used to fasting.

    Well done for starting 5:2 and good luck 🙂

    Hi Dorset and welcome:

    Both are normal.

    You are losing the infamous ‘water weight’. When the body experiences a calorie deficit, the first thing it burns is glycogen. For every gram of glycogen in the body, it takes up to 4 grams of water to store it. So when you start a diet, as the glycogen is used up, the water needed to store it is expelled from the body. Thus the often large, quick water weight losses at the start of the diet. As your glycogen levels stabilize to your new calorie intake levels, the excess peeing will stop. I discuss water weight losses a little more on page 4 in my 17 Jan 15 post on this thread:

    Some, but not all, also experience restless sleep patterns. I discuss those issues in my 13 Dec 14 post, also on page 4 of the above thread.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks so much for these helpful responses. It’s really encouraging to have all you ‘successes’ out there. I’m quite looking forward to my fast days this week.

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