Starting a Five Day Fast

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  birdiegal 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hey everybody. Tomorrow I’m doing a five day fast.

    I’ve tried several times before but kept giving up after various rationalizations to myself. All of them seem to make sense when you’re hungry. Some of the thoughts I get after a while:

    “What’s the point of this anyway? There are easier ways to lose weight man, this is stupid.”
    “This is just going to eat up your muscle tissue, it’s going to make you look skinny fat.”
    “This is probably going to lower my sex drive. What if my testosterone gets low? What if my dick starts deflating?”
    “I need the energy for work. Just break the fast and do it when there’s less work to finish.”
    “I woke up feeling bad for some reason, and food will help me mentally get through the day. It’s OK to fail and stop fasting today, just start again tomorrow when I’m in a better mindset.”
    And so on…

    I know those must sound silly, but they’re very convincing in the moment.

    However, I noticed a powerful defeater for those things — if I tell people that I’m going to fast, I will go through with it because I can’t break my word.

    I told a friend I was going to fast for two days, and I did both days EASILY, because no matter what rationalizations I came up with, in the end I could not go against what I told him.

    I know a lot of people say to fast privately and not tell others, but telling others works for me.

    So I’m announcing to all of you that I’m fasting for five days, starting in the morning. It’s now on record.

    I’ll update this at least once or twice per day.

    I’ll drink juiced veggies, creatine, fish oil, water, and black coffee (tapering down). Nothing else.

    Here we go.

    Take care! 5 days is getting into starvation diet territory and you could knacker your metabolism for good. However you seem set to go so good luck!

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