So positive

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I successfully lost weight a year ago with this fabulous way of life, but unfortunately, life took over in a big way, a major home move and then stressful family problems, not an excuse I know, but I really did not want to take care of myself, but then the lightbulb moment happened over xmas, and I was so excited to take charge of my life and begin 5.2 this morning. I am very positive and feeling so much better, even just a few hours of my new way of life. Could not face the scales this morning, naughty I know, will start to record very soon, just need to start without the awful news the scales will give, I know what I need to do, and I am on my way

    Hi, Funtimebobby. How have the last few days been for you? Good to hear that you are feeling so positive! What days have you fasted? How have you felt?

    I am also avoiding scales!

    Scales sabotage us to keep changing diets .That is why this is a new start for me no more weighing for me.

    Not bad week, could have done better I think!!! Back on track today, decided not to call it off but to restart, I made a pledge to myself to fit in my smaller size clothes and I am determined to stick with it, so have given myself a stern talking to, and have that positive motivation back again, thanks for your interest Maria211081.
    Would be grateful to hear from other non weighers to see how they are doing.

    I’m on about week 3 of this, my clothes are DEFINITELY looser, but the scale doesn’t seem to move much. Like others, I have a history of letting the scale dictate whether I “stay or go,” give up the diet or keep going, so I’m seriously considering just not weighing at all, or maybe once a month at the most. At work today I keep having to pull up my pants, but that Dastardly Digital Devil says I’ve not made much progress at all! So I’m thinking exorcising that particular demon is the way to go – be gone with you devil scale! 😀

    I measured my waist before I started and whenever the scales appear to be stuck I get the tape measure out. I always find that the measurement is smaller than the previous one.

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