So HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  MountainMyst 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • This is my second week weigh-in…never thought I would see the day I would be excited to step on the scales!

    Taking Jeanius advice I did the tape measure too…but only my abdomen. I now wish I had measured overall…and recommend to those starting this diet to do so. Measure everything.

    This morning I have lost an additional 3 pounds. Last week I lost 2.5. A combined total of 5.5 pounds in 14 days! But that isn’t the best part…have lost 2 inches off my waist…which has always been my problem area.

    And all while enjoying the occasional cupcake or bag of greasy onion rings.

    Today is a FAST DAY and it has never been so welcome! This “DIET” really works!

    Only 24.5 pounds to go!

    Hi Carla,
    Fantastic news. Well done!
    I am thinking about throwing another day in as it is so hot and I just want to eat salad anyway.
    My waist was the first thing that I noticed that had changed, almost as if the fat was being sucked out from the inside. weird.The muffin top has disappeared too!
    I wish that I’d measured the tops of my arms. I measured the usual bits and have lost 11 inches of fat along with 18 lb.And I got to wear my first ever pair of size 12 white trousers today(I am 52).
    Only 10 lb to go to reach my goal of 2 stone(28 lb)and a BMI of 25. Haven’t been that weight for 30 years.
    But for the first time ever, I really believe that it is possible to both achieve that and also to maintain it.


    Thank you…and you too!!! The alternating days are so easy for me. I am going to keep doing it this way until I am at my IBW…then probably switch to the 6:1…and yes..happily my muffin top seems to be the first to go…which is fine by me. I don’t mind a bit of a bottom and the ladies (because at 53 they are much too old to be referred to as girls) are just fine and would prefer to keep them as they are. But would love to have a nice waistline again. And keep it. And liike you…I am beginning to believe that maybe THIS is the year!

    I have kept the curves, but noticed that the fat bulges on my back have gone, which is rather fabulous.
    Inspired by you I am going to give ADF a go this week.
    I love having a waist and intend to keep it.The simple joy of picking up size 12 trousers and knowing that they will either fit perfectly, or even be a bit big at the waist!
    I have no desire to be skinny, I just want to be the right weight for my height.
    Psoriasis has completely gone too!

    Well done, Carla!! Keep up the good work!! 😉

    I’m restarting the diet next Monday. Wish me luck!! 🙂

    Well done everyone!! my first weigh in day is tomorrow. fingers crossed. ; )

    Sylphadora, good luck!! be sure and let us know how things are going.

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