Hi All! I started this diet 4 months ago and decided to give myself a good amount of time before I weighed myself, because whatever diet I try I never seem to see results as quickly as other people do if at all! But I am pleased to say that I have lost 6kg in 4 months! That may not sound brilliant to those who would like to lose weight fast, but for those who like me never see quick results with any diet they try, I say that this one is at least sustainable! Also for anyone out there who has done this for 8 weeks and hasn’t seen a difference, the same was true for me until around week 12 where I saw significant results all at once, so it’s definitely worth sticking at. I don’t count calories on the non-fast days although I try not to go crazy until the weekend, and I am very strict on the fast days sticking to the same few foods and enduring the hunger because I won’t have to be hungry tomorrow! I have to say that the fast days really aren’t as hard as they used to be, and after overindulging on the weekends, it’s nice to have a break from eating on a Monday and I do think lowering your food intake twice a week balances everything out. Furthermore the diet really makes you think about what you eat as it’s made me much keener on fruit and green veg because that’s mostly what I opt for on fast days, it really proves that your body doesn’t require large amounts of food everyday and it does decrease your overall appetite eventually, and for me it has greatly improved my overall health as well as making me feel happier with the way I look. I do also go to the gym 3 times a week, doing 1 hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training per session. I don’t believe this diet would be very effective without exercise, and although I initially found it hard to do this diet as well as exercise, I now sometimes go to the gym on my fast days and can fast when I have a really busy work schedule. And I was going to the gym before doing this diet but I wasn’t losing any weight. The best things about this diet are that it does actually work, you can still eat all the things you like, you don’t need to change the way you eat every day, you can sustain it forever, and somehow it just makes your body work better overall! My tips for fast days are: nice thick vegetable soups, cereal bars, sipping water throughout the day, zero calorie carbonated drinks if you get really tired and desperate, keeping busy and distracted, and if you get hungry in the evening have an early night because you can eat properly tomorrow! But funny enough you probably won’t wake up hungry 🙂
9:00 pm
30 Nov 17