slimfast / cambridge products

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ammette 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • can these be used on fast days?

    I don’t see why not. I prefer eating all natural though.
    I guess that you finally found a good use for crashdiet products. 😉

    Its up to you. I prefer something I can munch on as I feel liquid slim products are wasted cals, also they may make you feel deprived so you may give up the plan, hope you do well whatever you decide.

    I would suggest you get hold of the book. It offers a number of reasons why a diet of natural foods is better for your body. Not being a cook, I usually opt for a large bowl of vegetable soup, sometimes with added spinach or kale on my Fast Days.

    I too would probably swerve the drink – 230 cals uses 250 ml skimmed milk so even with ice added, not much calorie bang for my buck 🙁 But I did try their noodle meals before doing 5 2. Thai noodles 7o cals, not bad, spag bol 76 cals – very tasty with a twist of black pepper or chikcken tikka 80 cals with a sprig of fresh coriander on top 🙂 not promoting things, just sharing 🙂

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