Sleep at last

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jude63 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Since forever I have had a mug of hot (skimmed) milk with half spoon ovaltine before bed to help me sleep. Have had broken sleep for years sometimes getting up during the night to read or watch a movie. I stopped this drink after starting the FD to reduce calories. Replaced instead with Chamomile tea (don’t really like it but sticking with it) and lo and behold, am sleeping better than I have for years! How come it took me so long to cotton on?? Today and Thurs are my FD days and am actually looking forward to it. kind of pigged out last night but most of it vegetables. start of fourth week today so here goes. Good luck everyone!

    Yes, chamomile tea is good and the essential oil is great on your pillow. I’ve struggled for years with sleep but with certain tricks am managing to get 6-7 hours a night (not all at once!) I listen to relaxing nature sounds before bed and wear an eye mask. The worse thing is if you wake up hungry in the night! Good luck with diet and sleep!

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