Skin problems

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  • Hi have now being on the fd for over 6 weeks, have lost as of yesterday 5 kg, in the last week and a half have started to get a lot of spots on my face and at 52 not happy! Could this be the diet or hormones ?

    Hi bluesea, great about your weight loss but a concern about spots. I would suggest you go and see your doctor. I think it to simplistic to link this to the 5:2 diet. Posters on this site I would suggest are not qualified to give advice on health matters and would not do so any way unless they had similar effects.
    Good luck.

    Hi Bluesea I have been doing this for 3 weeks now and I have also started getting spots on my face – I am 43 and not happy about this at all!! They are BIG ones too. I wonder if there is a link with the 5:2. did you see your Doctor? Let me know if you find anything out..

    Could be toxins trying to escape?!? No other ideas I’m afraid – I had exactly the opposite thing happen to me on 5:2 – went from spotty teenager skin (at 34) to nice clear skin. I’d take couscous’ advice and pop to the doctors if I were you. 5:2 does seem to sometimes have an effect on hormones for some (me included) but it doesn’t seem to always be the case. Maybe your doc can help you narrow down the cause.

    Hi all, I had the same experience as TracyJ. I’m also 34 and have been getting spots regularly since I was a teenager but since starting 5:2 7 weeks ago my skin has really approved. I did have one massive but it was at the same time as my period so I put it down to that.
    Has your skin settled down, or did you see your doctor? Claire

    Senior male with Skin cancer probs. Squamous cell. I have had approx. 800 lesions removed in the last 12 years. Every 2 months I have visited the doctor who burns lesions off with frozen nitrogen. Some were cancerous and were cut away with the knife. At the end of 7 months, on the diet, all the current lesions suddenly disappeared. I have not been without lesions for 12 years. Even a few days after a treatment I have always had new or reoccuring lessions showing up. How can this possibly be? We visited the tropics this fall twice which usually increases my probs.I don’t believe in things that are ‘too good to be true’ I hear that people have improvements in psoriasis and achne. ( Has’nt improved my spelling yet) Any comments??

    I don’t know but that is a fantastic things Frankannabelle. 🙂

    That is fantastic news.

    I had a huge sore, oozy patch of psoriasis on my ankle when I started this. It is always much worse in the winter, I think due to central heating and wearing tights.I noticed an immediate and continual improvement to my legs and my scalp which flares up regularly.I have had a break from the 5:2 for a month, just because socializing was too complicated……my scalp has flared up and I have a couple of tiny patches on my legs again. I have no doubt that there is a link between my skin and the 5:2….I can’t prove it, but I am certain.

    Always had acne too (at 52 it is a bit rubbish), when I started the 5:2 I got spots on my face for a few weeks and then it cleared up to the best it has ever been-spotless!

    Back to it next week.Will my skin improve as I suspect it will? I’ll let you know.

    This is my 11th week on the 5+2 eating program. I’ve always had skin problems and mouth ulcers too. Initially they all got a lot worse with a mouth full of big ulcers and itchy spots all over my legs. But over the last week they have started to improve. I’m hopeful that it’s some type of readjustment.

    Hi It seems that the diet has positive affects for skin. I’ve heard
    about achne and psorasis improvements. Seems the skin gets worse for a while before it gets better . Amazing if true for long term. I
    sure hope so. We are in our 10th month now and have not faltered. Except
    on some vacations we relaxed.
    We have dieted recentely on vacation in Barbados. Frank

    I have been on the fast diet since March/2013 and for the first time ever this winter, I seem to be devoid of cracked finger tips that often became excruciatingly sore. I was also bedeviled by dry sore elbows in the winter. Amazing! Maybe I better knock on wood but this is the first winter I have been symptom free. Not sure why a fasting diet would help this condition?? I suspect the cause was the dry winter months’ low humidity made the skin vulnerable to an infection, perhaps fungal. How could a fast diet help this? In fact, I probably hydrate less on this diet then I did before, so it is not as if I am drinking more fluid. The only reasoning I can figure out is that the body has time to repair skin cells when it didn’t before.

    Hydrate your skin every day by drinking plenty of water and some healthy fluids like natural fruit juices and fruit smoothies. Eat vegetable and fruits that is rich in Vitamin and nutrients. You can also use products that has Vitamin C. Vitamin C can lighten your spots. You can use natural facial mask that has Vitamin C from Essenzza Health.

    Hello. I am just starting on the fast tomorrow. I’ve got a skin condition called granuloma annulare. It’s quite fast spreading. Am having a uvb treatment at the hospital just now, but waiting to see if the diet helps to push things along. Let me know if anyone else has heard of this!!
    Many thanks.

    My theory is that as long as you’re eating three squares a day, your body keeps all of the malfunctioning cells around just for protein storage; kind of like protein fat. But when you stop eating, the malfunctioning cells are destroyed to get protein and the result is improved functioning and efficiency.

    dlroseberry this is basically it.
    When our cells have enough to ‘eat’ they are in constant go-go mode. This means they focus on building rather than repair and as such we get a lot of build up of damaged cells, which research suggests leads to the signs of ageing (including cancer!)
    Fasting has been seen (in mice at least) to lead to autophagy, which is kinda like recycling of the cells and therefore a reduction in damaged cells, which is potentially why so many of you have seen an improvement in skin (something I’m hoping for!).
    Can I just state as well as a disclaimed that I’m not a medical professional, merely a student who has done a ton of research on this for my dissertation. Human studies are still novel and fasting must be balanced with proper nutrition otherwise!

    Hi Friolero, Isn’t it odd really because fasting is an age old tradition in many cultures. Maybe it has just rarely been studied in Western medicine?

    I wonder is there any difference in results when people either leave all their 500 calories till the evening -so having a longer, just water fast, or having two or three tiny meals a day so breaking the fast albeit with small numbers of calories. And is it possibly better to keep those tiny meals very low carb so you don’t wake up insulin production too much?

    Improvement in skin conditions is most likely a combination of “repair mode” and the fact that the majority of us eat a healthier diet when following this way of eating.
    Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can be exacerbated by eating certain foods such as dairy products (lactose intolerance) soy, gluten, red meat, so cutting down even inadvertently could make a huge difference.

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