Six Weeks – 10 Fast Days

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Six Weeks – 10 Fast Days

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • During the past six weeks I fasted two days a week for four weeks, and one day a week for two weeks. I started out at the high end of my normal BMI range.

    I have tracked my exercise regime/weight since September 1999. Back then I was 145 lbs (American pounds, on July 1st I weighed in at 170. The weight gain was slow and steady and correlated with an increase in my exercise intensity/days.

    As I am a certified personal trainer, have always been interested in a healthy lifestyle, I knew what to do to lose weight effectively. However, being formally on a diet does not fit into my lifestyle. It takes energy to think about food all the time and to make a plan, but the 5:2 lifestyle makes it easy!

    I am a 45 year old active female. I am 5 ft 10 (170 cm). The day before my first fast day I weighed 168.5 lbs. Two days ago, the day before my 10th fast day, I weighed in at 161.5 lbs. I am so excited!!!!!! The weight came of without any real effort and I can see myself doing this lifestyle forever.

    My goal is to lose another 12 pounds to put me in the 21 BMI range.

    Hi InShape

    Another fantastic story and it’s just the beginning for you.

    From AllOutaShape (my other username)

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