Six months on the FAST diet

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Myggan40 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Today is exactly six months to the day since I did my first FAST day.
    It was two weeks after new year and my daughters 5th birthday and I had just been given the FAST diet book.
    I’d read he book on the Monday and thought ‘let’s try it and see how hard it is…’ So got to it on the Tuesday.
    At 160cm and 85kg I was the heaviest I have ever been (not counting pregnancies) and my knees and back hurt whenever I tried to exercise.
    The first day wasn’t too bad… So I did another one on the Thursday… And look; I’d lost 1.5kg when I weighed myself that second day. Yay!
    Finally something that worked!
    I realised quickly that I needed to precisely track what I ate on Fast days (and sometimes on the other days) so I started using MyFitnessPal.
    I progressed well until week 8 when I hit a plateau. This lasted for 2 weeks and then it started moving again. My friends was commenting on my smaller size and I started wearing clothes I’d not worn for ages. I bought a pair of Jeans one size smaller and wore them with pride.
    FAST days became second nature and I would sometimes look forward to them because I actually felt less tired and more energetic. I started exercising on FAST days and felt great!
    I am now the size I was when I got married 10 years ago and tomorrow I am going to try my wedding dress on to see how it fits.
    I am weighing in tomorrow after my first fast day this week and I am so hoping I will come in at 67.5kg.
    My goal is 63kg which will take me out of the overweight BMI range. Then I will finally have a healthy BMI. I will keep going until I get there!
    So to those who are just starting this diet for whatever reason… All the best of luck!!
    It has changed my life for the better and I am so grateful!

    Congratulations Lotta. Well done!
    It does feel amazing doesn’t it? Buy a couple of tight fitting outfits to celebrate.
    Keep it up and join the maintainers on Auriga’s “Thanks Dr M” thread.
    Cheers Purple 🙂

    Thanks Purple Vegie Eater. Weighed in at 67.7kg this morning. Yay!!
    Will join you on the other thread. 🙂

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