
This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Judithn 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Been on the 5:2 for eight weeks now and have come down from 14 stones to 13st 3lb. Took the advice about measuring my waist at the belly button and was shocked when I discovered I was 44″ yet fit into a size 36″ trouser waist size. Now down to just under 42″. This eating plan has been nothing short of a revelation. The only (wee, small) gripe I have is as regards the Fast Diet Book. I was just a teensy bit disappointed when I found that all or most of the recipes are for four people. Any plans to produce a similar book but for ‘cooking for one’, I wonder? I guess I’m lazy or can’t find the time, so I’ve been eating salmon, runner beans, cherry tomatoes and strawberries on all of my fasting days. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE salmon. (But just as well!). My original plan was to get down to my ‘fighting weight’ of 11st 4lb, for no other reason than I was that weight throughout most of my late teens to mid-twenties. Then working in the City with all its snack bars put paid to that! I use my girlfriend’s Wii Fit to measure my weight and BMI progress once a week. I’m just so glad it’s working. And she’s really proud of me. If I can lose just 1.00 lb a week I’ll be really happy and should have reached the goal by around November 2014. This is the first eating plan that has worked effectively and noticeably for me. I LOVE my food. Now I really enjoy it and no guilt! For anyone not sure, just give it a go. Highly recommended.

    Hi Cluedo, brilliant progress – well done you! You sound SO like me, I too am using my Wii as scales (once a month), I lost a stone in my first 8 weeks too (it slowed considerably after that for me but I’m a girlie and was heavier than you to start with, so it probably wont for you) and I’m PROPERLY lazy about cooking on fastdays. I tend towards a bowl of bran flakes and a cup of tea (THAT is lazy), or a massive salad with a bit of protein (tuna, chicken, cheese) thrown in.

    I haven’t really bothered much with the Fast Diet books and I tend to make up my mum’s old Weight Watchers recipes (usually 4-6 portions) at weekends and freeze individual portions to use as readymeals on my non-fastdays. They also tend to be only 300-500 calories per portion (depending what they are), so they’re handy readymeals for fastdays too if I want something hot. I’d recommend doing that with a few of your favourite recipes if you want quick guilt free fastday meals. They don’t need to be specifically Fast Diet recipes, just look for well balanced (or tending towards protein) recipes that you like and work out the calorie content for each portion (if the recipe hasn’t already done it for you).

    Best of luck reaching your goal.

    Hi Cluedo. I too have a problem with cookbooks only having recipes for 4 or more people. I just bought Bob Harper’s (Biggest Loser trainer) cookbook,”Skinny Meals” and all the recipes are under 350 cal and SINGLE portions. The things I have made were actually quite good too. I am not sure if it is available in the UK (or wherever you are) but if so, have a look.
    I am in Canada and Mimi’s Fast Beach Diet doesn’t come out until end of June. I guess it’s for us North Americans to get in “beach” shape NEXT year. 🙂

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