Side effects on feast days

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hedda 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hello all! This is my second week with 5:2 and so far I have noticed that I feel pretty good on fast days but the feast days are giving me trouble-was not expecting that!
    I tend to feel nauseous, have a headache and experience some bowel issues on the days that I feast. I am careful to ease back into food and will usually skip breakfast and wait to have lunch or just have a small, simple breakfast like oatmeal.
    Is this common? Anything I can do to help with it??

    Two weeks in is not long enough to have settled on anything like a routine.
    For the first time in two years I’ve managed to actually maintain ADF as a way of life – in my 5th week, I think things started to settle around 3rd to 4th week – I’ve had a lot of headaches.
    Drinking even more water than you think you need might help. I’ve started drinking a pint of water before bed and before I leave for work and that seems to be helping – even though I thought I was getting enough liquid.

    Hi, yep I totally agree. I suffer from heavy bowel movements all night if I attempt to eat what once was a normal meal. I’ve also noticed I react to fatty meats.
    The 5:2 seems to have changed my gut forever, vegetables in reasonable quantities and reduced protein servings is favoured by my guts 7 days a week.
    This is making it a challenge as my eyes are used to preparing delicious western meat meals.
    I think my generous serve of lamb shank stock on my steamed vegetables was too fatty and kept me up last night. This is despite serving a sensible small serve of lamb shank on the plate. Gosh maybe this how yoga retreat participants feel when they come back home?
    I have been on the 5:2 since 16 Jan 2017. Reduced sugar since 20 Jan 2016. Lost 28 kilos…slowly over the 16 months.

    Hi, yep I totally agree. I suffer from heavy bowel movements all night if I attempt to eat what once was a normal meal. I’ve also noticed I react to fatty meats.
    The 5:2 seems to have changed my gut forever, vegetables in reasonable quantities and reduced protein servings is favoured by my guts 7 days a week.
    This is making it a challenge as my eyes are used to preparing delicious western meat meals.
    I think my generous serve of lamb shank stock on my steamed vegetables was too fatty and kept me up last night. This is despite serving a sensible small serve of lamb shank on the plate. Gosh maybe this how yoga retreat participants feel when they come back home?
    I have been on the 5:2 since 16 Jan 2017. Reduced sugar since 20 Jan 2016. Lost 28 kilos…slowly over the 16 months.

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