Short Fasts for Weight Loss vs. Traditional Diets

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Short Fasts for Weight Loss vs. Traditional Diets

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  toms mantis 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    How Drastic Reduction of Calories for Limited Periods of Time Compares to Other Plans


    “Mark Mattson, chief of the laboratory of neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, told the Wall Street Journal that he feels fasting actually strengthens the brain”

    USA! Glad to see your name again! Hope you’re feeling better now. Missed your posts.


    not 100% yet

    Aaah. Hope you fully recover for Christmas. Thought this diet would improve our immunity, sadly have had a bug which lasted over a week and a cold, which always seem to linger on! Read the item you mentioned. Don’t know if my brain is any stronger, but certainly I think it’s easier to to stick with a lifestyle like this, rather than feel hungry the whole time. As with most people on here, have tried WW and Slimming World, and indeed have lost weight, but couldn’t sustain it. Have struggled to get back to my fasting pattern after being off it for a week while we had a house guest, but this week has gone well. Hope your fasting is going well for you, even though you’re not up scratch.

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