Set weight point theory does anyone dispute this?

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Set weight point theory does anyone dispute this?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  CalifDreamer 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I find I lose a few pounds then have a huge appetite increase and often regain. I wonder if anyone on here has defied the set weight point theory (I.e your body wants to hold on to fat as there is a set point it wants you to be)?

    I am not massively overweight but each year gain a few pounds that don’t come off. If I were to plot on a graph post 30-40 ++ I should imagine it’s linear. So I’m trying to halt the body fat lay down – I’m at war with my own metabolism.

    I am fascinated (and a little bit scared) by this. I lost 30 kg and am still doing 5:2 to maintain my weight at the lower end of my healthy weight range. Just coming up to two years maintenance.

    At the moment I know that if I stopped 5:2 the weight would come on again. But I am slowly integrating good new habits and deleting old bad ones, and I believe it is these habits, not some biological imperative, that are the problem, and the solution.

    The messages and connections between our brain and our stomach, our hormones and our gut microbes is complex and fascinating and very frustrating for those of us who struggle with excess weight. Feeling intolerable hunger, not feeling satiated, childhood messages about food, comfort, anger, frustation, social pressures all add in and complicate everything. Not to mention advertising and convenience foods. It isn’t easy to untangle it all.

    I needed to cut out sugar (it sets off the munchies) but apart from that it is sticking to 5:2 that keeps me at a healthy weight and gives me the chance to untangle all those complex issues.

    Hooray for 5:2.

    Good luck for working it out in your life.


    such a wise and thoughtful response from you as usual.

    I am of the opinion that it is all about changing our eating habits and cutting out the old ones and by that I mean making healthier choices.

    I’ve read a fair amount regarding the set weight theory and it all points towards our insulin response. Cutting out sugar and processed foods and intermittent fasting is apparently the way to go.

    Have you considered trying Michael Mosleys 8 week blood sugar diet? It seems to work very well for people who have t2 diabetes or are at risk of becoming diabetic.
    Following it for 8 weeks and then going back to 5:2 might help.

    Th other thing that many are not aware of is that for every year older we get, our bodies require less calories and if we do not address that, we gain weight.
    I guess that’s one of the reasons why it referred to as middle aged spread.

    Good luck, I hope you can find a way that works for you.

    I don’t think it is a matter of defying “set-point” theory – do the research – look at wikipedia for a start and follow up by looking at the abstracts of the articles that are referenced.

    The issue is that there is very weak scientific evidence that this “idea” is in any way helpful. It’s really not a theory, i.e. a testable, evidence derived hypothesis that can be used to make predictions and from which tests to be designed – all with widespread acceptance. Theories can be tested and one of the criticisms listed is that “Major predictions of the set-point theories of hunger and eating have not been confirmed” – which is evidence that the”idea” is wrong or at the very least incomplete.

    Just reading through – it seems that there is far too much contradictory evidence to make it even worthwhile considering this a helpful way to explain why some people struggle to lose weight and maintain it. A link to my 5:2 weight loss graph is in my profile FWIW – I’ve never been on a diet in my life. I did it to lose weight because injuries forced me to stop exercising as much as I had previously been able to but I was slow to react by controlling my eating – hence the weight gain.

    One of the reasons for requiring fewer calories as we age is that we tend to be less active as we age. Cause or effect? I’m not sure there is a ‘set-point.’ Many factors affect weight. Stay active.

    I’m grateful for such throughtful responses and I didn’t mean to scare or demotivate anyone.
    I know personally when I have watched my intake for a little while I get a sudden desire to eat a lot more and I wonder if I’m trying to fight my own genetics.

    I also analysed it may be due to ingrained habits, a addictive response to emotional eating…

    Today was a classic example brought some bread (after weeks of eating sensibly and losing a 1 lb or two) and thought I would treat myself to one slice. Well after that one I wanted another, then another – very hard to resist that compulsion.

    I agree with what has already been said here. But I do think that cutting calories to an extremely low level for a long time could slow down your metabolism. 5:2 is only 2 days per week and I think the back and forth actually helps. I’ve been maintaining using 5:2, just eating a little more on NFDs than I did while losing, and that seems to be working. If I go too far overboard it shows up on the scales. The best thing about 5:2 is that it’s sustainable. After doing the regular FDs for so many months, they become routine and it’s easy to stick with the routine.

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